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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. 'Care in the community' translates as 'Couldn't care less about the community' in my book. Thoughts are with the dead and injured. Nice pics Polly, I could almost smell the sea with those pics of the breaking waves. For some reason big dogs seem to like me, they must know a soft touch when they see one. Enough of my ramblings for now, be back later.
  2. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Arranged for fencing to be installed in my front garden, mainly to keep out the brambles in the planted area alongside. Not the cheapest quote but the fence panels are made to order and the slope from the house to the street is quite steep, 1 in 6 or 17%. Now getting late so goodnight all.
  3. Only the boss who knows sweet FA about the job and what you do and cares even less.
  4. Someone built a fireless loco model based on the Airfix/Dapol Pug kit. He simply reversed the frames and pistons so that they were under the cab and replaced the boiler with a modified tank wagon body. The tank wagon body was one with the 'dome' filler caps so he left it as it was. It was only a static model but it looked the part.
  5. She's on the school run (all 200 yards of it) in her Chelsea Tractor and you dare to get in her way.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Dom, hope your back in the swing of things soonest, that sort of thing does shake you up. Congratulations on your promotion Duncan, onwards and upwards. Again not a lot to report this morning, a bit dull but dry weather wise, have a good day all, be back later.
  7. My fictional road fleet goes by the name of 'Red Line', I was fortunate to discover that the registration series 1-9999 RL were never issued. The only problem is that the fleet consists of only three vehicles at the moment and all are work in progress.
  8. I don't even have to go to Liverpool, I live in Basildon.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Tony, glad to hear that Robbie is recovering well from his op. Jaywick used to be another 'tidal car trap', not helped by the soft sand but the vehicle access to the beach has now been closed. I can't remember now exactly where now but a few months ago a pic appeared on Facebook of one such car that had been abandoned many years ago and had recently been uncovered by the tide, about the only thing that was recognisable was the tyres yet someone was able to identify the make and model. Off to do some shopping now, be back later.
  10. That particular beach is notorious for vehicles being caught by the tide. IIRC this was the same beach where two very expensive German cars were stranded a few weeks ago.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. It looks like the Motor caravan that I had my eye on has been sold, not surprising as it was a bargain at the price asked and only needed a little bit of work to get it into tip top condition. Now to get a few things done before the rain arrives, be back later.
  12. Afternoon from Estuary-Land. Popped into the toy fair at Rayleigh this morning, bought a few EFE trucks very cheaply including two for £1. The reason they were so cheap was that they were both suffering from metal fatigue. This is similar to the problem affecting the Hornby class 31 where the mazac expands, resulting in the case of the EFE models a banana shaped chassis/floor. The models affected are the articulated van trailers in particular those in the Pickfords and Tate & Lyle liveries. An easy way to spot any afflicted model is to check that the wheels rotate easily, the swelling metal binds the wheels. The tractor units however seem to be unaffected so I have two of them for code 3's for £1.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A quick look in before I'm off out for the morning, be back later.
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Been checking out motorhome insurance today, still waiting for some more quotes but they vary from less than £200 to over £400 but I can't do anything until Monday when the offices open again. Now time for bed, goodnight all.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Still waiting for the parcel that should have been delivered yesterday at the latest, that means I have to wait in for the postman and if it doesn't arrive today I'll be putting a complaint into e-bay. Nice to hear from Debs again and have a nice weekend all.
  16. Are you going to add sound? I'm trying to find a Youtube clip of a preserved one in action, an eclectic mix of gear whine and clicking of the contactors.
  17. I had to take a test when the legislation was changed as I sometimes drove one of my employers vehicles. This was despite my doing so only once a year or less.
  18. There is a frame available that bolts onto the chassis that can hold a bike rack/spare wheel/towbar, alternatively I have seen the spare mounted on the front but I'm a bit wary about that because it interups the airflow of the radiator. There is also a side locker that could hold a spare if the ZIG unit and caravan battery could be moved elsewhere. Its one of the last Bedford CF2's with the 2 litre Opel 'high cam' engine, but suprisingly it only has the four speed gearbox with a high rear axle ratio, a reasonable speed until it meets any incline, one of the reasons I do not want to place the spare in front. I am looking into fitting a more powerful engine, there are a couple of vauxhall engines that are almost 'bolt in' but this of course would affect the insurance. I want to retain dual capability, but thats given me an idea, fit the LPG tank in place of the spare, the existing calor gas bottle compartment which is adjacent to the locker with the battery becomes free leaving space for the spare tire. The weight I will have to check as I will be 70 in a couple of years but I'm pretty sure its within the 3500 KG limit. Anyone who passed their test more than about 20 years ago should be able to drive vehicles up to 7500kg and 17 seats unless they are restricted for medical reasons. I have up until recently driven a 17 seater minibus and the only reason I no longer do so is that the people who loan the minibus impose an upper age limit of 65. Incidently the caravan is about 5 metres (16 feet) long and will just fit on my drive which is 5.5 metres long.
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