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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. The Pennsylvania RR had maroon and gold and I'm sure I've seen an American steam passenger locomotive in green and yellow.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I detected a few spots of rain this morning when I went to fetch the milk in but that appears to be it. I was hoping for a bit of rain as the fencing contractor had set the posts in dry mix and its yet to set as the surrounding soil is itself bone dry. Sorry to hear of fellow ER's under the weather so a general 'Get well soon' to all. Not a lot to do today except for a bit of shopping and talking of supermarkets, the gardening stuff has now been displaced by the back to school stuff, and that from the start of the school holidays. Thats it for now, be back later.
  3. Good evening from Estuary land. Neil, With any leg or hip problems a people carrier is a must for ease of getting in or out. Roundhouse, your picture reminded me of when I used to travel to work by bus long ago, when the bus to work was an RT type with the open rear platform. There was a school near to where I worked and of a morning the bus was packed with kids going to school. One morning a lad of about 13 sat on the offside lengthways seat over the back wheel with his bag on the seat beside him. The conductor asked him to move his bag as some passengers were standing, the answer was "Why should I". The conductor then demonstrated why he should have moved his bag by grabbing said bag and throwing it off the platform of the moving bus. With that its goodnight all.
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Dom, I hope things get better. Bill and Mrs. B, I hope things get sorted, and you are back getting those Olympic golds again. Doing not a lot today except perhaps going to the garden centre for a few plants for the front garden, the damp shady corner will be getting a hydrangea methinks.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny here this morning so a quick trip (hobble?) down to town beckons. A bit of gardening is on the books for today some time this week. I will need to get the neccessary bits and pieces to finish off the front garden later this week, although most of it will be gravelled over a few (low maintainence) shrubs will be going in. PS Nice hat OD. PPS I didn't spot Tony's predictive text this morning, time to wake up methinks (having got out of bed more than two hours ago).
  6. The new fences have now been installed in front of the house and a very good job was done as well. In fact two of my neighbours have asked me for the phone number of the fencing contractor. Now the front of the house itself is looking rather tatty but nothing that a lick of paint won't deal with.
  7. Drivers of certain cars would get paid out instead.
  8. There is a clip earlier in this thread of a car being driven into the side of a train at a level crossing.
  9. If he's waiting for the locomotive he's at the wrong end of the train (note the tail lamp).
  10. In our local bus station (Basildon) the stops are arranged sawtooth fashion, this means that they all have to reverse out. What surprises me that at busy times they manage to do so without any accidents or incidents.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A tad noisy this morning as the fencing installer turned up at 8.40, hopefully the fence will stop the foxes using my front garden as a short cut and leaving evidence of their passing on the doorstep. I only ordered the fencing last Thursday and the company makes the fence panels to order so I'm quite impressed. Have a good day all, be back later.
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Popped down to the Castle Point transport museum on Canvey Island this afternoon. When I signed the visitors book I was surprised to see that my BiL had paid them a visit that morning. Spent a pleasant three quarters of an hour there and despite the lack of traffic it took me several minutes to leave the premises. The reason was I stopped to let two young ladies walk past the entrance as I was leaving. Both were wearing cut down jeans, cut down enough to be 'cheeky'. I had to watch them walking away as they obscured my view of any approaching traffic. Thats it for tonight, goodnight all.
  13. They were using a mini digger to find a water main on the corner of my street a few years ago. They found it, the ten foot fountain was quite spectacular.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Pete, the way the engine of that car exploded suggests that it was running something more volatile than petrol. Perhaps that is why they wanted to examine the car as many such fuels are banned. Another tip I was told about is when applying sealant to a bath was to sit or kneel in the bath when doing so. Have a good day all, be back later.
  15. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE can we have a groan button.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Over the years I've changed many a car wheel but nowadays I am to old to do so, also my car is equipped with one of those spacesaver spares so if I had a puncture I'd leave it to the RAC man. In fact the last time I had a puncture, about 15 years ago I had eventually had to call out the RAC man as I found the bolts to tight. Even he struggled to undo them, eventually resorting to using two poles one inserted into the end of the other to free the nut. The worst car for changing a wheel in my experience was a ten year old Mini, wherever you put the jack it was too rusty. The solution was to roll it onto its side, with a couple of old tyres and an old blanket to protect the paintwork, change the wheel then right the car. It wasn't my car but it did pass a couple more MoT's after that before the rust became terminal. When I go shopping I follow the 'man' diagram to begin with but there's always something I've forgotten until I get to the till or can't find or the supermarket has moved to another aisle.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. For all those who are concerned about the weather according to this mornings forecast apart from the extream northwest its going to be dry today, but thats the forecast so its not my fault if it turns out any different. I'm still looking for a motor caravan but the one I was considering was I realise now a bargain going by the prices being asked, it might be better to wait until after the summer before looking again. I noted Debs has posted on my Facebook page about a short film I posted, I would like to post it here if I knew how. Have a good POETS day all. be back later.
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