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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The front of the house is still awaiting its coat of paint, the reason, my armchair is exceedingly comfortable . So its re-scheduled for tomorrow. Going by the weather forcast the hot dry spell will be coming to an end by the weekend, hopefully enough to soften the Essex clay making it a bit more workable. Bye for now, be back later.
  2. I did mention earlier about a proposed tunnel connecting the island to the mainland. I do know that this is highly unlikely but this is my suggestion for a tunnel. Divert the Island line just south of Ryde into a tunnel running to the west of the town. The tunnel running beneath the Solent to Gosport which will be served by a station built underground. The tunnel then turning east beneath Southamton Water to either terminate or connect with the existing lines. The tunnel(s) will of course be built to main line dimensions. Such a scheme of course is highly unlikely on cost grounds alone let alone possible objections from other groups.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning, just as well the front of the house which I will be painting today faces north and won't be in the sun until a short while in the evening. Haven't they thought of re-training guards as drivers?
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Made a start on painting the rendering on the front of the house. First off was cleaning the surface to be painted which revealed a few minor cracks in the rendering, fortunately only superficial ones. Located the filler and proceded to fill the cracks but then found that the filler needs twelve hours to go off before it can be painted. So its out with the paint tomorrow to finish the job. Belated birthday wishes to Andy and now its goodnight all.
  5. Not really surprised as ballet dancing is very physical and demands considerable stength and stamina.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I suppose I will have to make a start on painting the rendered part of the front of the house. Not as onerous as it sounds as its only about ten square metres and ground floor only so no ladders involved. It will have to be done as I plan some planting in front of it as soon as we have some rain to soften the concrete soil. Thats it for now, be back later.
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Glad to hear that Karen's on the mend and best wishes to all those who's family (or pets) are under the weather. The triffids didn't put up much of a fight but their mortal remains more than filled the green bin. Kettles boiled so its now time for a mug or two of tea, bye for now.
  8. IIRC there was a proposed rail tunnel from Lymington to Yarmouth. If such a tunnel had been built it would have changed the entire dynamic of the islands railways. I doubt that such a tunnel would be contemplated now but who knows?
  9. And the hose reel on the offside front wing.
  10. It looks like a Crossley of about 1930. If I could read the registration I'd be able to tell you the year of registration.
  11. Sounds as if there was no personal injury this time thankfully. (Except perhaps to your pride?)
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Tried to get the new hedge strimmer working yesterday but couldn't get it to work, the reason, I hadn't tightened a screw properly. Now its working properly I will be going out shortly to fight the triffids. A bit dull and overcast first thing this morning but the sun is poking through now. Have a good Sundy all, be back later. (If the triffids don't get me.)
  13. Before anyone criticises anything on this thread lets see their models first.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Planning the hard landscaping for the front garden at the moment though can't do much digging at the moment as the ground is too hard, Essex clay sets like concrete when its dry. A bit of gardening is essential this weekend and a chance to test out the new hedge trimmer and boosting some of the weedkiller I applied a week ago. Have a good weekend all, be back later.
  15. I once lived in a cul-de-sac. The cul-de-sac formed the base of a triangle of about 100 yards each side with the road giving access forming one side of the triangle and a footpath the other with a pub at the apex of the triangle. A chap who lived at the end of the cul-de-sac instead of walking the 100 yards to the pub used to get in his car and drive the 200 yards to the same pub. After he'd had quite a few drinks he used to drive back and leave his car across the turning area at the end of the cul-de-sac preventing other vehicles from turning. Eventually though he was reported to the police who were waiting for him and a few others outside the pub.
  16. A lot of the vehicles will simply be some of the Oxford vans with the registrations changed and the name added to sides. I will also be using 'blocks' of numbers for certaian vehicles.
  17. A bit worrying as I've only just placed an order with them. Its only a small order, an Oxford Diecast ice cream van but I'll have to keep a close eye on things.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. According to the weather reports its going to get warmer, 27 C. or more by Tuesday. When the fence installer had finished I collected a handful of unused/dropped nails. They came in handy as I found yesterday that he had not nailed down the top rail of one of the fence panels. Not a lot to do today so thats what I'm going to do, not a lot. Have a good POETS day all, be back later.
  19. Did any USTC tanks make it to Australia?
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