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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. When the Black Dyke Mills Band toured the US they had problems with protesters until the name was explained.
  2. All I got was Mamod engines.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Looks as if its going to be a scorcher today (and tomorrow) and then the inevitable thunder storms predicted for Thursday. The ground is still rock hard despite the bit of rain we've had recently so the hard landscaping is still off for the time being. Off for now, be back later.
  4. Two more models have been announced, #19 simply described as 'Coach C5' and #20 Hyderman W156, a dump truck.
  5. Did you calculate the area of the hole using pi? or are you eating pie as well as the doughnut or instead of the doughnut?
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Commiserations to Dom on the loss of Jo. Hasn't anyone told the BBC that the Olympics are over? Apart from the weather forecast and the local news that was the only subject on the breakfast show this morning. Had a fair bit of rain overnight so it might have softened up the good old Essex clay enough to make it workable, checking it out later.
  7. I would have taken his hackney carriage number and reported it to the local council or whoever administers taxi licences. I once reported a local taxi driver resulting in his taxi licence being suspended for a few weeks. He was none to pleased as the suspension came up in the Christmas period when taxi's make the most money.
  8. Sorry to hear the news about Jo Dom, thoughts are with you.
  9. Been waiting so long for this model that I can't remember which dealer I placed a pre-order with.
  10. So was the drivers underpants.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit annoyed at the BBC this morning, switched the box on at 9 am to watch the news and particularily the weather only to find they have switched the Olympic highlights from BBC2 to BBC1 and all there was was a few headlines and no weather report. On BBC2 in the meantime was 'Selected highlights from Saturday Kitchen'. The original listings are still showing so I've got no idea about when the next news is on. I'm going out shortly, I'll have to take a chance on the weather. Bye for now, be back later.
  12. Bedtime already? goodnight all.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Off out shortly for the toy fair at Brentwood, I was considering not going as the changable weather set off the arthritis but everythings ok at the moment so no rain for at least six hours. Bye for now, be back later.
  14. A bit of rain today but the Essex clay is still rock hard, goodnight all.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I started out with an endowment mortgage but 28 years ago decided to switch to repayment. The big surprise perhaps was that my mortgage lender allowed the switch without demur though I did have to go back to the full 25 years repayment period. It actually worked out less payments each month than the interest + endowment combined and the lender accepted my life insurance cover as protection. I only received £750 when I cashed in my endowment, less than £150 a year for the time I had held it so it was certainly a wise move. I was able to clear my mortgage when I retired 8 years ago.
  16. It arrived within 24 hours. A slight problem in that a part had come loose, but a bit of work with a screwdriver and a dab of glue sorted it.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The weather forecast has changed again and now they're predicting heavy rain for tomorrow and the weekend. Still waiting for a bit more wind in Rio so they can complete the sailing (and another gold for GB). An interesting piece of machinery Dom, but those things still make a lot of noise and I wouldn't want one around working in the early hours near my bedroom. As I mentioned some time ago I've laid some old carpet down as a weed suppressant prior to covering it with shingle or crushed stone. A few weeks ago a small hole about 4 inches diameter appeared in it which I put it down to a fox foraging for insects. Last night when I put the bins out I noticed it had been opened up again and appeared to be moving! a close examination with a torch proved it to be an ants nest and it appears that they are responsible for the hole and the carpet appears to have been shredded. I have some 'ant-gel' which will be applied shortly. EDIT Happy birthday Brian.
  18. Well done Rick. You mentioning Newquay reminded me of when I had a long weekend down there a few years ago. I booked the holiday through Travelzoo, who sell the 'left over'* holidays at knock down prices, more than worth it if your on a tight budget. *The holiday bookings that have not been taken up. http://www.travelzoo.com/uk/top20/ you can sign up for weekly updates on what is available.
  19. The Bristol Mercury engine that powered the Gloster Gladiator had four valves per cylinder. As an aside AEC were making trucks with turbocharged diesels about the same time. These were for export to South America principally for use at high altitudes where normally aspirated diesel engines would lose power, as would petrol engines.
  20. Three valves per cylinder, usually one inlet and two exhaust.
  21. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sun is beginning to burn off the cloud and no sign of rain, even the forecast is now saying only the odd shower instead of the wall to wall rain that was predicted for the weekend only yesterday. Talking of train guards, I knew of someone who applied to be a guard on the Underground back in the 70's and he was turned down because he wore spectacles, but he was offered training as a driver instead. Have a good day all, be back later.
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