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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I was an early riser this morning (7:30) but by the time I'd had a bath, breakfasted and had a quick perusal of ER's it was time to go out. Quite amused by the story of the criminal who crashed his car while speeding, having hit two other cars he crashed into a tree a branch of which entered his groin, he pulled the branch out to find his testicles hanging from it. You've got to be nuts to drive like that but I'll bet he'll not have the balls to do it again.
  2. I did ask Atlas a couple of months ago how many models they intended to produce, the answer was "Approximately 20 but this is subject to change.". There is/was about three models listed that haven't appeared yet, another excavator model and two airport vehicles but if they materialise is anybody's guess.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Thats one lorry driver in deep doo-dah, fortunately no serious injuries. Just as well I decided not to venture too far this bank holiday weekend, I was considering visiting those parts for a couple of events but although I was not considering using the M20 other routes will be chocker.
  4. The postman delivered # 20 this morning! only one week after receiving # 19. It is a model of a Hydrema 912D dump truck. It looks like a very good model with working articulation and dump body. To view a pic of the prototype just Google 'Stobart Rail W156'. I wonder now if that is the lot or if there are more models to come.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bit hot and sticky at the moment, a spot or two of rain would be welcome to clear the air. Not yet decided on what to do and where to go for the bank holiday, looks as if the main roads will be chocker as usual. Bye for now, be back later.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I did notice the rain last night but the same as yesterday the evidence disappeared with the sunrise. Ian, has Alison tried running the car sans pressure cap? or is that no longer effective with modern cars. I have done that on a few cars with cooling system problems, at the very least it should get you to where you want to be without any hassle. Have a good POETS day all, be back later.
  7. A Bailey Bridge was placed over the line at Burnham-on-Crouch in the 80's when the bridge was being raised prior to electrification. I'm not sure whether or not it was a Baily Bridge that was used to replace Melverly Bridge on the Shropshire and Montgomery about 1947.
  8. Australian Land Rovers (assembled in OZ) continued to be produced with the metal grill.
  9. Great to hear from you Dave, many of those pics look as if of the Mediteranean rather than the UK.
  10. But if its a Land Rover the wire mesh radiator grill is used as the bar-b-q.
  11. The coach is # 19 and # 20 is already showing on my account (a wheeled dump truck). I e-mailed Atlas a few months ago to ask how many models in the series and their reply was "About twenty but subject to change." At least three models are yet to appear from a list published early this year so its anybody's guess as to what is going to appear or not in this series.
  12. I got the card for the 66 with the horsebox.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Did it rain last night? I went out like a light last night and so I wouldn't have heard any thunder and everything was bone dry this morning. I too have the book on the Malta Railway, in fact I have two different editions as the book has run to more than two editions. I also have a book on the Cyprus Railway, one of the Middleton Press series. Incidently both railways were 2' 6" gauge but vastly different in most other ways and a small section of the western end of the Cyprus Railway is now preserved. Still undecided about the bank holiday weekend and what to do as there's several events that I'd like to visit, best to keep an eye on the traffic reports.
  14. With other series subscribers apparently have received the 'missing' models once the collection is complete but not always. I have a couple of Unimogs spare as I bid on 'job lots' on E-bay and if you don't receive one I am willing to sell you one at a reasonable price. Keep an eye on E-bay as now some of the earlier releases are a lot cheaper.
  15. The way some people behave on the road in place of the drivers seat.
  16. The Maltese Railway ran from Valetta to Mdina, the original capital of the island. Cyprus also had a railway serving Nicosia. The line itself followed what later became the 'Green line' that now separates the two parts of the island.
  17. Ah, would another one be The Hague? I'm not sure if it still has but the Vatican City, a state in its own right has/had its own station. Staying in Italy, I don't think St. Marino (also 'independent') has a station.
  18. The glazing vans and the carriage on a road low loader have often been done by road vehicle modelers.
  19. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Looks as if its going to be a scorcher today, 34C. predicted so I wont be doing very much. Be back later.
  20. Ian has already given us Vadez, the other two are Valletta and Nicosia. Vadez is the only one that has never been rail served. (And I didn't peek.)
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