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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Many years ago someone tried to import some of the Australian built Mokes into the USA, IIRC they ended up in the crusher.
  2. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The trip to the opticians went very well, very little change in three years, a slight deterioration in one eye and an improvement in the other. Even better, I was told that I had cataracts developing several years ago and he informed me that there was no discernable change in three years. I have ordered a new pair of glasses as I do not have a suitable spare pair, the current pair are suitable as a spare once the new ones are ready I was told, the reading glasses are quite OK so no change there. Shortliner, thats the one on Facebook that I mentioned, it gave me a good laugh.
  3. That is why its so expensive.
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I notice Debs has been on Facebook this morning so those who should know better had better behave themselves. I am having the peepers tested this afternoon, a bit overdue as I'd kept forgetting to make an appointment, my bi-annual test was due in July last year! there is no problems as far as I am aware and if I do need replacement glasses I'm hoping that the current frames are still available as they are one of the most comfortable and strongest ones I have ever had.
  5. I was told many years ago when my arthritis was first diagnosed to avoid red wine and red meat. I am now three inches shorter than I was in my twenties, those three inches are now around my waist and have invited their friends to join them. That reminds me of the pic I posted on Facebook about what you shouldn't do in a wet suit.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit dull but very warm and muggy this morning but should brighten up later. GDB I've found the same thing with car insurance, it keeps going up the older one gets, this is despite the considerable drop in mileage driven since retirement. Rick, I too am nearing the 25000 figure and expect to reach it in a day or two. Commiserations and congratulations where neccessary, be back later.
  7. That would explain why the idea was dropped, the nation just didn't have the $'s for American locomotives. An interesting prospect though, F7's on the ECML wearing LNER livery.
  8. Thats why motor vehicles are regulated as to speed and where the speed limits are higher there is often multiple lanes. Multiple lane cycleways would be a none starter on the grounds of cost and speed limits for bicycles would be unenforcable.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Richard (HH) got it right, its for cleaning the gaps in block paving. I have a particular problem with my front path as the house faces due north and except in the height of summer receives no sun. I have a friend, a sometime railway modeller who is a wheelchair user and spending even a few hours with him is an eye opener. The two bains of using a wheelchair are fine gravel and dogs mess, the first because it creates drag and the second because when propelling yourself along your hands are close to the wheel rim and if the wheel picks some up...
  10. Mornig all from Estuary-Land. I won't be watching the Para-Olympics as I didn't watch the Olympics. I certainly admire the courage of the Para-Olympians for taking part in what must be a gruelling event for most if not all of them. I will leave revealing what the mystery objects purpose is for another day, I'm quite sure some of you will come up with some imaginative descriptions. Commiserations and congratulations where needed, be back later.
  11. No, its an outdoor item. Time for bed, goodnight all. It has indeed.
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Found a new toy in Tesco's today, it consists of a small wire brush on a broomstick. What is its purpose I hear you ask? well I've tested it and it's turned out to be quite effective for its intended purpose. I'm not saying what its purpose is, I will leave you to speculate for a day or two.
  13. The last made were not sold until a couple of years after they were made (oil crisis?) and apparently they were stored in an open area that was subject to flooding. At times they were axle deep in water and with Vauxhalls propensity for rust so its no surprise that few are left.
  14. Yes, the cyclist tried to make a claim against the motorist but it was proved that the cyclist was culpable.
  15. If its a pedestrian crossing I look out for pedestrians, a cyclist can be travelling at five times the speed or more of a pedestrian and could be out of sight of a driver until its too late. This is exactly what happened in this case, the cyclist shot out of a pedestrian only path between two buildings across the footpath onto the crossing.
  16. Interesting route, in North Wales in particular, I wonder if the route can be followed today. I do suspect that in some of the sequences the film was speeded up, the hillclimbing for example. A fully laden 8hp Ford shooting up a 1 in 4 hill like that is unbelievable. Mind you the 'buggy' suspension inherited from the model T was ideal for some of those roads.
  17. Morning all from a rather damp Estuary-Land. I hope the seaweed twirlers have got it right about it drying up later so that I can proceed with the hard landscaping. It poured down last night about 4 a.m., it was loud enough to wake me up but I soon went off to sleep again so no harm done. The old carpet underlay I mentioned earlier has turned out to be waterproof so it is unsuitable for the use I intended for it. However I have found a use for it as I intend later to get a new garden shed so it will be going under the slabs on which the new shed will sit. Thats it for now, be back later.
  18. Ford advertising nearly 80 years ago. http://www.tvraaca.org/women1937i.htm
  19. The cyclist rode across the pedestrian crossing from the pedestrian footpath. He was deemed culpable as it was proved that he had failed to stop or even look. (And that was from the evidence of another cyclist coming the other way).
  20. I know a few who will pay good money for that.
  21. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny here this morning but the odd shower is predicted. I've still got to collect some of the materials for the hard landscaping such as cement, I have plenty of sand. Congratulations and commiserations where neccessary, be back later.
  22. Around here cyclists often ride on the pavements and footpaths. I was amused by one such cyclist, he'd been knocked off his bike by a car on a crossing and he was spouting and shouting about taking the driver of the car to the cleaners and making sure that they lost their licence. When it came up in court the defence only had to point out that it was a pedestrian crossing to get the claim thrown out.
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