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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Very hot today, 34 C. this afternoon and still 26.5. A bit cooler tomorrow by all accounts but we're in for a hot and sultry night by all accounts. Collected the new glasses today, much the same prescription but everything appears sharper due to the old specs having tiny scratches on the lens from cleaning.
  2. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I was thinking about some gardening today, well I've thought about it so is there anything else I can think about?
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Despite the weather predictions of a hot and sticky night I slept like a log but indoors here the temp is already 24 degrees. You can always find plenty of spiders around at this time of year, yesterday I had to rescue a big fellow (5 cm.) from the kitchen sink and he scuttled away under the units. A phone call yesterday from Tesco's informing me that the new glasses are ready for collection, excellent as its only 5 days since my eye test and I was told 15 days. On the subject of specs, a good many people wear specs nowadays but you very rarely see them on layouts, most figures appear to have 20-20 vision. A polish firm producing etched items for military modellers produced some etches in 1/72 scale that would be suitable for 00 scale figures. I have one of these frets but I haven't used it yet as its very fiddly and my own eyesight might not be up to it. Thats it for now, be back later.
  4. Didn't someone say they bumped into him?
  5. Can we have a GROAN button now please.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. My paternal grandfather was born in a telephone exchange. Actually the telephone exchange was in his aunts front room, his aunt was the telephone operator. At the time (mid-1890's) there were barely half a dozen subscribers and the conditions of employment must have been similar to a rural crossing keeper. The site of the cottage/telephone exchange at Rainham (Essex) is now a roundabout giving access to the Tesco's store the car park of which was a smallholding farmed by another member of the family. Need to get the hard landscaping done this week to take advantage of the dry spell.
  7. Thats called riding four abreast.
  8. I have some kits still in their boxes that are now regarded as collectors items.
  9. Good morning (again) from Estuary-Land. Pleased to report that the late Mr. Reynard is now on his way to the incinerator, fortunately someone moved the corpse to the side of the road so that the chap collecting it did not have to peel it off of the tarmac. The weather forecast is for hot sunny weather for the next three days hereabouts with temperatures predicted to hit 31 on Tuesday. I had a grapevine at a previous address that gave quite a bit of fruit once it was established but the grapes were no bigger than a blackcurrant. Not being experienced in vinicultre it was probably down to me, most likely not thinning the bunches when they first appeared. Have a good Sunday all, be back later.
  10. And I was going to suggest nets to keep the birds off.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Up earlier than usual, woke up half an hour ago and looked out of the window to see a dead fox laying in the street, almost certainly roadkill. I contacted the council but not confident that it will be treated with the urgency that is needed.
  12. There has been another crossing accident on the Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch Railway, fortunately this time without any deaths or serious injury. Unlike on two previous similar accidents where the train drivers were killed. Neither of the car drivers were prosecuted for causing death by dangerous driving.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just started raining here and according to the forecast will not clear until late this afternoon then its onwards and upwards until mid week when temperatures are expected to hit 30. Glad to hear about Mittens Rob, any pics? Off out to do a bit of shopping now. be back later.
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. About 25-30 years ago I was involved with the Youth Training Scheme. luckily for the young people involved my employer, a London Borough treated the scheme as a training scheme and not as a source of free labour. Many of the young people were placed with departments within the council such as the building services and many that showed an aptitude for the work were taken on as apprentices despite not having all of the academic qualifications, sometimes within a few weeks of starting. It was a win/win situation, the young person would eventually gain a vocation and the employer could 'cream off' the most suitable trainees. In fact between 80 and 90% of the youngsters found employment this way. Inevitably there were a few who could not be/didn't want to be helped but they tended not to be on the scheme for long. I wonder if such a scheme would be as useful today, if it was administered properly.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Starting to brighten up after a dull start this morning. According to the forecast next Tuesday will be a scorcher hereabouts, 27 degrees. Better get on with the hard landscaping then though the ground is still rock hard in places, fortunately in other places its workable so no need to call in the professionals, yet. Commiserations and congratulations where neccessary, have a good POETS day all, be back later.
  16. So do mine, almost to the minute.
  17. I like Rick have now reached 25000 likes, Happy Hippo done the honours.
  18. Many years ago someone tried to import some of the Australian built Mokes into the USA, IIRC they ended up in the crusher.
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