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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. It appears then that were going to wait quite some time for a GER locomotive then . (An N7 would be nice.)
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit dull and overcast this morning but should brighten up later. Sufficiently recovered from the exertions of the weekend to think about doing something in the garden, well recovered enough to think about it anyway. Thats it for now, be back later.
  3. They are also used on road trailers for oversize loads to prevent grounding and damage to the roads.
  4. Apparently the kit contained some model cars. 1/144 is not that far out for N scale.
  5. Google is your friend http://www.screwdriver-flatpack.co.uk
  6. There used to be a Land Rover in deepest Essex with the registration UPU 2, with a gap between the P and the second U.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Spent a couple of hours yesterday at the Dartford show, still didn't spend a lot of money, a 'ready-to-plant' building from the club stall and a bottle of liquid poly. Drove past the venue twice before I found it, mainly because of the heavy traffic which drew most of my attention. At least I didn't have to abandon the trip unlike Debs especially as I'd paid the tolls for the crossing (I'm not really that tight but I don't like wasting modelling vouchers). Apart from collecting a prescription not a lot to do today, be back later.
  8. If you want to get away from it all >> http://www.atlasobscura.com/places/point-nemo
  9. A special surface or tiles where plain concrete would be unsuitable.
  10. If I had a millionaire living either side of me I'd make sure I got on with them as well.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not a lot to do today so I will probably nip across to the Dartford exhibition. Not having spent as much as I expected yesterday at Shenfield I'll give it another try today. Just need to consume the mug of tea then I'm off, be back later.
  12. ISBN 0-7603-1359-8, title 'Electric Locomotives', author Brian Solomon. The other title having been published as long ago as 1959 does not have an ISBN number but if you Google 'West River R.R. Vermont' you will find a wealth of information including a 2 hour + documentary
  13. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The Shenfield show was up to its usual standard and I found a couple of interesting railway railroad books on the RCTS stand. One was a book on American electric locomotives, quite fascinating. The other book, published in 1959 is entitled '36 miles of trouble' and is the story of the West River RR in Vermont. From what I've read so far it was the American equivalent of the Bishops Castle Railway, and both met their demise about the same time. But what if the Big Boy was N scale and the 0-4-0 1 scale?
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A quick look in off to the Shenfield show shortly. Nice to hear from Debs again, congratulations and commiserations where neccessary, be back later.
  15. Good news Mal, goodnight all.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I use leaf tea and having tried several brands M&S English Breakfast comes out on top. Still using the filter tea pot but the filter itself is slowly disintegrating, the fine wire mesh is splitting between the sides and the base, Ive managed some repairs and its still fit for purpose if a bit distorted. I do have a second 'spare' teapot/filter so if it does completely disintegrate I can just break out the new one. Off to the Shenfield exhibition tomorrow, always a good show.
  17. http://www.thepoke.co.uk/2016/09/15/best-viz-letters/
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Quite a downpour last night, certainly rattled my gutters. The reason for that is my house has 'Flintlock' concrete gutters, these originally had a mild steel lining that soon rusted away so I like most of my neighbours have had aluminium liners fitted. Sorted any leakage problems but you can hear birds walking along it just like a tin roof. On the news this morning a train was derailed near Watford junction by a landslip, few if any injuries fortunately but as it derailed it struck the side of a train going in the opposite direction, I can't help thinking that if either train was a few seconds later it could have been much worse. Those of you who have to slave away for a living have a good POETS day, be back later.
  19. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit fresher this morning but still high humidity but predicted to change by tonight. I was considering going to the Epping and Ongar diesel gala tomorrow (it's on 16-18th) but the weather does not look too great so it looks as if I'll leave it to Sunday. I've decided that I need a new trailer, the car is just too small to carry anything and I have a couple of large dioramas I will need to transport to shows. The trailer I'm looking at is small enough to go through a door and is fitted with a jockey wheel so in most cases it will just be a case of wheeling it into the venue. Thats all for now, be back later.
  20. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Sorry to hear the news about your FiL John, at least he's in the best place. I looked up the level crossing accident as reported by Rick. The police are now saying that the car didn't go round the barriers but stopped (stalled?) on the crossing and the barriers came down behind it, the occupants were two elderly ladies in their 70's. Still hot and sticky at the moment but the forecast is that the rain will be here in 24 hours. Thats it, goodnight all.
  21. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not predicted to be as hot today as yesterday but still phew! Yesterday was the hottest September day for 105 years and the 34.4 degrees recorded at Gravesend was the hottest day so far this year. When the wires were extended to Southminster about 1984 a lot of the existing wiring was renewed.
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