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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Hears the notice http://www.ukmodelshops.co.uk/events/13464-EppingRailwayCircleExhibition Remind us Thursday week and someone will be able to check the dates in the November Railway Modeller that is published then.
  2. Pity its not the following weekend when you'd have a choice of St. Albans or Southend. EDIT Just checked the RMweb exhibitions calender, there is a small exhibition at Epping (Theydon Bois) on the 12th Saturday. Easily reached by the Central Line to Theydon Bois..
  3. I have an old magazine with one of those National ads on the back cover featuring a young lady in a swimsuit. The magazine is dated 1963 so that young lady would be well into her 70's by now.
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Pete's warning to Ian about Hurricane Matthew reminded me that its very late in the season for such a hurricane, normally the hurricane season is over by mid October. Best time to visit the region if your having a break is November to April, Ian from what you said t appears that you will be there early next year so you will get the best of the weather. Bright and sunny here this morning but quite breezy, thats it for now, be back later.
  5. Evening all from Estuary-Land. This morning I managed to break my favourite tea mug, one that I have had for 33 years. All it took to send it flying on to the floor was to catch the rim with the corner of a tea towel. I don't expect to be able to find an exact replacement but I do have another three similar ones.
  6. The local bus company used to go by the name of 'King Alfred' so it may have been a direction to the bus station.
  7. I like his comments at the bottom, Germans do have a sense of humour.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny here this morning so I'll have to do more than think about the gardening I'll actually have to do some. Mostly spreading a bit of weedkiller around the patio and front path. I'd better get started then, be back later.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just a further thought about umbrella's. Once its inserted and opened do you pull it out slowly or with a quick pull?
  10. I have a shoulder bag which I take to exhibitions, its usually at my side but can be easily swung out of anyones way. It has a zip up pocket that is handy for programs and catalogues. I also carry in it a telescopic umbrella, some folding shopping bags and my spare glasses. Another item in the bag is a cotton/linen shopping bag, not just useful when making multiple purchases but also when the hand driers don't work.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I'm with Richard with how to deal with those idiots with the oversize umbrellas, but remember to open it properly you have push it well up into the orifice. Mind you its easy to deal with them when you have a walking stick as Kelly pointed out, its quite amusing to see them hopping about on one leg clutching their shin. Bye for now folks, be back later.
  12. Indeed, most trams and certainly those that operated in London were no more than 7 feet wide and trams being confined to rails could pass through entrances and other gaps only requiring a few inches either side.
  13. Yes, but only because they were late collecting the previous months. They are often late collecting payments and will often bill you for the item instead of deducting the direct debit.
  14. I meant how easy would it be to swap the Oxford body on to an Airfix or Ratio chassis.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Getting a bit grey here this morning after some bright sunshine first thing. I am considering what to do with the shed once the builder has finished. It is only 1 X 2.2 metres with a 34 X 34cm brick pillar dividing it at the centre point, this cannot be removed without the house collapsing. I am considering making it a man cave if I can get an electricity supply and lighting sorted out, not too difficult as its only a few feet away from the distribution board. Nice to hear from Debs again and I hope she makes it to Wigan without any problems. On the breakfast show this morning they reported that there is a hurricane brewing up in the western Atlantic, Hurricane Matthew. Its rated as a 5, the first hurricane with such a high rating for several years. Thats it for now, be back later.
  16. I wonder if its possible to swap the body onto another chassis?
  17. Good evening from Estuary-Land. GDB reminded me that I have to fix the felt on my garden shed, a chunk was removed by the wind about six months ago. Fortunately the rain hasn't penetrated the roof which is T&G not chipboard but another job that needs doing before the winter. Off now to see what goodies Oxford Diecast have got lined up for us on Facebook. Best wishes all, be back later.
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