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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I drive a Hyundia i10 which is a Kia Picanta with all the flutes and whistles that are extras on the Kia. It is always reliable despite being now 8 years old. The dealer I purchased it from and where I have always had it serviced no longer has the franchise, they now sell Dacias. So if I ever want to replace my car I know where to go. Did go into town today and bumped into my former next door neighbour. I was aware that about 10 years ago he had his prostate removed primarily because both his father and grandfather had died of prostate cancer. He informed me that his prostate had grown back! Apparently like the liver the prostate can regenerate. Sadly he will have to have his new one removed as it is cancerous. In the developing world its usually Japanese pick ups. And a lot of ex UK/Europe heavy trucks, there is a Youtube video of a truck (from a neighbouring country) stopped by South African vehicle inspectors that was in such a decrepit state that as it was carrying scrap metal they didn't bother to unload it at the scrapyard, they just sent it in load and all. Reminds me of the fate of some BR steel mineral wagons that ventured into some steelworks.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The sun keeps peeking through the clouds this morning so I'll chance a stroll hobble into town. I need to collect some modelling tokens from the bank if I'm going to Peterborough tomorrow. Thats it for now, I wish a POETS day to all those wage slaves out there, be back later.
  3. The post arrived this morning, including an envelope marked 'Important documents enclosed' postmarked Waterlooville. I opened it expecting a sales blurb for life insurance which I neither need nor want or something similar, it turned out to be my renewed Essex C.C. senior citizens bus pass. Apparently Essex C.C. have farmed out their bus passes and the issue of the same to an agency in Hampshire.
  4. Might be possible to import one from Japan.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just had a short hailstorm now the sun is shining, still a bit chilly though. Considering going to Peterborough on Saturday, depends on how my knees are.
  6. IMHO the best car I ever owned was an F reg Nissan Prairie 1.8 GL extreamly comfortable, reliable and very capacious. Regretably it was written off after being rear ended by a truck. It would be difficult to find another today as according to the DVLA there is only seven left and only three on the road.
  7. Berberis is my favourite, rose prunings are useless though. I read somewhere that birds cannot taste or smell peppery substances.
  8. My local model railway club were considering commissioning a wagon from Dapol several years ago. It was of course an 'of the peg' model in an authentic livery. The price and minimum quantity (48) was very reasonable, and even cheaper if more than the minimum order was made. We calculated that even if we had the minimum quantity we could offer them at a reasonable price and break even when a little over half had been sold. The problem was calculating what the demand would be, if we made the minimum order would we sell out part way through our show or if we increased that order would we be left with unsold models that might result in a financial loss? Of course the club is not required to register for VAT and the intention was to sell the models at our annual show so no p&p costs were involved.
  9. Afternoon from Estuary-Land. Just had to wait for 15 minutes for Windows 10 to do some uploads and then I had to find and reload a couple of downloads, what a PITA. Only got a few minutes now as its club night, be back later.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sun shining at the moment but I was woken at 7:30 this morning by the rain rattling on the window. Still trying to find space for all the rubbish might be useful some day stuff removed from the shed before the builder starts at the end of the month. One of the things I found was a bulkhead light still in its box which I had forgotten about. Thats going back but fixed to the wall as there is no lighting in there at the moment. Thats it for now, be back later.
  11. Both engines shared the same cylinder dimensions 63mm X 105mm.
  12. If the van doubles as an ambulance, yes.
  13. I'm not intending to go to Warley this year anyway.
  14. There is a photograph of a mechanical horse and trailer carrying a standard container in one of the early editions of 'Bylines', the container overhung the trailer by two or three feet, apparently this was usual practice. The Dublo Dinky Bedford flat lorry was made to carry the Hornby Dublo container and was excessively long as a result.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny at the moment but there was a short shower when I went to fetch the milk in this morning. But can a Hippo fart overcome the BO of the backpackers?
  16. So did Hillman, half of their straight eight went on to power the Hillman Minx. IIRC one still survives largely because many engine components are interchangable with the 10 h.p. Minx.
  17. Back in the 70's my mum earned a bit of pin money by taking in short term exchange students. One year we had a pair of students from New York, one of them was facinated by the Reliant Robin's which were quite common at the time. His father was a car dealer, in fact a Ford concessionare and he was seriously considering trying to sell them in the USA. I was able to put him in touch with Reliants but I don't think anything came of it.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Like Tony I like to grab take custody of all sorts of timber offcuts, my best 'prize' was a piece of 8" X 4" about 4 foot long found in a skip, it would make a good doorstep. Also some chipboard flooring offcuts just the right size to floor the shed that I've mentioned previously. I actually have a model railway baseboard whose entire framework is of timber obtained for free. Thats it for now, be back later.
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