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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. jonny777 have you considered some form of warden controlled living accomodation for your father? My grandfather after he was widowed went with this organisation http://www.hanover.org.uk you could have your father living near to hand with the confidence that there is someone there 24/7 for emergencies. Hanover have all ranges of accomodation to suit ones needs from virtually independant living to palative care. I am considering it for myself in future when I may no longer be able to care for myself. Now off to get a bit of shopping that I neglected yesterday, be back later.
  2. I wonder whats underneath that bodywork, one things for certain it aint standard. I've no objection to this particular 'hot rod' as obviously a lot of work has gone into the restoration of the bodywork and it has not been modified to any great extent.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had quite a good day today, spent a bit of money at the toy fair and the Chelmsford exhibition. The normal access road to the exhibition was closed by roadworks but the alternative route was well signed even if it must have added a mile or so to the journey. Had I known I would have used the country lanes from Brentwood to Chelmsford instead. Coming back from Chelmsford I called into the Chelmsford Tesco's where there is a charge for parking unless you've purchased something in the store. Having got back to the top floor of the car park I realised that I didn't have the neccessary slip to cover me so it was back down to the enquiries counter to get a slip. I returned to the machine only to find that as my visit was less than half an hour I didn't have to pay anything. So long for now, be back later.
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just a quick look in this morning, off very shortly to the toy fair at Brentwood followed by a quick dash up the A12 to the show at Chelmsford. I did intend to get up at 07:30, woke up at 07:15 rolled over and woke up an hour later so in a bit of a rush. Be back later.
  5. A couple of days ago you could have spent that voucher on some ballast.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Still in the process of emptying the shed, in one corner is a small shelf on which stood a plastic bottle of brake fluid. When it was first put on the shelf it was full with an unbroken seal, now half the contents have gone, mostly over the shelf. The plastic bottle it came in is unbroken and the liquid appears to have forced its way out through the cap. I've put the container with the remaining contents into a stout cardboard box and added it to the pile marked 'tip', the shelf will be joining it shortly as it is saturated with the stuff. One thing that I had forgotten that I 'found' in the shed was an old coffee table top. This consists of a solid chunk of elm four feet long, 15 to 18 inches wide and more than an inch thick. I have no use for it that I can think of has anyone any suggestions please?
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. One of my neighbours for halloween has been driving around with a lifesize skeleton in the passenger seat of his van, I just told him its about time he got the faulty lock on the vans passenger door fixed. Shopping today in Tescos I noticed that the C******** tat much needed gifts were very much in evidence. Thats it for now, be back later.
  8. There is at least one Land Rover fitted with a Commer TS3 engine, I'd love to hear that in full chat.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Quite bright this morning if a bit nippy. Sorting out the contents of the shed today into four piles, back in to shed, into garage, charity shop and tip, the last one of those is the smallest somehow. Problem is as well that a lot of stuff won't be able to go back in the shed until the dry lining has been done. The builder is coming today so I will talk to him about further work I would like to have done, and most importantly what it will cost. Thats it for now, be back later.
  10. And if there's a lot of heavy smokers in the club they'll probably put on quite a bit of weight before its built.
  11. The Lackenby breakdown van looks interesting.
  12. Emissions were the main reason for the Cologne built Capris being sold in the US, the Essex engine could not be made to comply with the American emission standards. This is also why the Pinto engine was used but not because the (German) V4 engines could be made to the required standards but the neccessary extra equipment would have robbed the power of the engines too much.
  13. What scandal? You mention a scandal but don't give any details. I think I can speak for my fellow ER's, we need to know all the sordid details.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Feeling a bit rough at the moment due to a cold that started last night but things seem to be improving this morning so fingers crossed. Still finding 'forgotten' things as I sort out the contents of the shed including a couple of small mats (car mats?) that will be useful to go down on the floor once the work has finished and some plastic conduit which will be very useful when putting power and light into the shed. When I was at the Peterborough show on Saturday I purchased a set of diamond drills, these are going to get a lot of use over the coming months as I prepare the shed. Thats it for now, be back later.
  15. I don't mind those sort of threads, a great opportunity for piss-taking, even funnier when they don't realise that you are taking the piss. If all else fails tell them you have a sack of rivets that need counting.
  16. All the 'official' Capris sold in the US were the German version with German engines.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The builder has been and gone already and apart from the cement drying the job is finished. I too have some wood that needs to be cut, its 12 mm ply which should be easier than solid oak. Problem is it measures 89 cm X 186 cm and is very heavy. I have decided to use it as shelves in the shed once the shed has been dry-lined, the 89 cm width is almost spot on for the shelving length I require (the width of the shed with the dry lining will be a few millimetres shy of 90 cm.), I need two shelves 50 cm deep and one 30 cm deep. Job for today is transfering a lot of the stuff removed from the shed to the garage and when the builder calls for his money discuss the next mods to be made.
  18. And there was I thinking that it was a baseboard for your next layout.
  19. I can't help noticing that they are hauling a larger wagon with something covered by a yellow tarpaulin. An idea perhaps for replacing the ballast load in the 'power wagon' or even replacing the entire wagon.
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