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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Went to the Southend show this morning, pleased to see quite a few layouts that I've never seen before. Problem is there was nowhere to sit and rest, I didn't need a forecast to tell me that the rain was arriving late this afternoon my arthritis does a better job than the met office. As I was leaving there was a bit of an altercation in the car park, two drivers arguing over one parking space. Both cars half in and obstructing the other and neither would give way. They were still arguing when I drove away, leaving an empty parking space either one of them could have used.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A quick hello as I'm off to the Sarfend show shortly. Be back later.
  3. I can't help thinking of what John F Kennedy said about Richard Nixon before he beat him to the presidency. "Would you buy a second hand car from this man?" And we all know how Nixon turned out.
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sad news from Debs, and congratulations to Pete on his (none?) birthday. Not a lot else to report this morning, be back later.
  5. Sounds as if Manx drivers combine driving in snow and parking in one go.
  6. Some seem to be taking precautions just in case.>> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-38007706
  7. I know of an early Morgan 3-wheeler buried in a back garden in Oxlow Lane Dagenham. Problem is I don't know which back garden and it was buried in the 1930's. The car in question was a single cylinder model c. 1919.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Blowing a bit outside, I hope the bin bags are still where I left them at the front path. Washing machines, my machine is now 33 years old and still going strong despite being used twice a week. I noticed that Debs was reporting on Facebook yesterday so behave yourselves and don't mention railways. Thats it for now, be back later.
  9. Hello again from Estuary-Land. After dropping the car off I done a little bit of shopping, not long been in when I received a call to say that the car was done, only the front pads needed replacement, not bad after 20,000 miles. Off to collect the car now, back later.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A quick hello and goodbye as I have to take the car in to have the brake linings renewed, be back later.
  11. After consuming all that treacle would he have any teeth left? Unless you mean his false gnashers.
  12. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Some of you may have noticed my absence this morning. This was due to there being no Virgin internet this morning, and no TV either. Obviously some sort of cable problem and I'm expecting some sort of refund for the time out. Happy birthday Geoff and many more of them.
  13. I try to avoid the Daily Wail as much as I can.
  14. It wasn't just the dust and mud that the ladies had to worry about, there were a lot of horses about as well. In many photographs of the era the horse droppings are clearly visible. A crossing sweeper would be considered a very steady job.
  15. Lightning is a common feature with earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. IIRC its all to do with the rapid changes in air pressure and temperature.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit gloomy out but the forecast is for it to get a bit brighter later on. There was an article in the BBC London news this morning about Madam Tussauds making a waxworks of Donald Trump complete with comb-over, using yak hair. Not much else to report, be back later.
  17. The second pic I would suggest that the train has broken down and the passengers detrained. Obviously not any sort of special going by the filthy state of the engine which is why I sumise it has broken down.
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