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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Had four e-mails this morning imploring me to spend money as its 'Black Friday', one told me to act accordingly so I did and deleted the e-mail as I did the other three. The car won't be ready until after lunch, just as well as I have to wait in for a parcel anyway.
  2. Withdrawn due to 'An error in the listing.' you don't say.
  3. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Went out this morning to do some shopping and the clutch was slipping badly so I popped into the workshop and they took the car in immediately. The clutch is well worn despite my keeping my left foot on the floor except when changing gear and as it turns out there was a fault in the clutch cable that contributed to the clutch wear. As I will be needing the car to take my exhibits to the Bexley show in a couple of weeks I have to get it done. From what Andrew and Ian have said is there a secret breeding program for Fusterclucks? Or do they keep in touch with each other through the dark web?
  4. Its almost certainly 'safety glass' rather than laminated and likely to disintegrate if an attempt was made to remove it. Having said that the chrome window surrounds looked in good nick and its a pity that they were not recovered. For that matter perhaps items such as the windscreen could be recovered, with the aid of an angle grinder, simply cut through the metal above and below. Other components such as rear light clusters have some value as spares too.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Was bright and sunny ealier on this morning but now clouding over. On the morning news it was said that that the Marlow Bridge is re-opening today. The problem with sat-navs is that they are only intended for car drivers not heavy vehicles. The answer is to make sat-navs where details of the vehicle type and size can be entered in, not foolproof I know and some are likely to abuse it but at least it will prevent some bridge damage. Bye for now, be back later.
  6. But his sat nav said it was OK to use the bridge.
  7. Your not related to GrandadBob are you?
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I'm not going to the Warley show, its simply to far away. I did visit the Peterborough show this year which for me was at the outer limit of distance travel wise. Talking of the Peterborough show the catering was quite reasonably priced IMHO, so if they can do that at a venue where there is no real alternative (its in the middle of a vast empty field) why is Warley so expensive? The one time I went to Warley was with a group in a minibus about 15 years ago. Problem was on the return journey certain persons insisted on stopping at a couple of pubs on the way home, I had already 'spent out' at the show and had to be up early the following morning so I was none to pleased. Thats my rant for today, be back later.
  9. I can imagine all some of the backpack brigade falling over and being unable to get up, floundering like an upturned turtle. Then we can have a competition to see who can keep the most spinning like a top.
  10. Just received the next one in the series. A Volvo/Van Hool double-deck coach, not a bad model.
  11. But you can't change your mind and go back.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit late on parade this morning as I overslept, not that it matters being retired. One advantage is that I am feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning, I wonder how long it will last? Nice to hear from Debs this morning, I hope your feeling better Debs. Better get on now as I'm all behind, be back later.
  13. Depends a lot on the wind direction. The winds were SW but as Dawlish faces SE it would not have received the full force of the storm.
  14. When I've driven an automatic my left foot keeps looking for the clutch.
  15. As an extra bit of information. The headlamp position varied on a lot of these trolleys. Instead of being fitted as an 'add-on' to the front many had the headlamp mounted flush just below the roof above the windscreens. Many appear to have had the headlamp raised to roof level (perhaps for safety reasons?) in later years. Something to bear in mind if you want to fit working lights.
  16. I have an old copy (1988) of 'Track Machines' from Platform 5 publications. This lists the trolleys that were in service at that time including previous numbers. Southern region machines it appears had their own numbering system, DS followed by a 2, 3 or 4 digit number. Two examples of the allocated numbers are DS52 (Wimbledon) and DS3317 (Hastings). The first one is almost certainly a type 27 as modelled by Bachmann but the other may well be a later model. Its quite possible as well that they could have been painted a colour other than maroon (green?). It will either need more research or apply rule 1.
  17. Just as well that one of the other admins deleted the application. It was amongst a list of names submitted by one individual who is now barred.
  18. It means the allocation, yes, Western Region.
  19. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Andy, I would simply cut the water off and tell the sturgeon it won't be reconnected until he coughs up what he should have paid. But inform his tenants first as its quite possible that he has been charging them for the water supply. The other problem is that he sounds like the sort of person who would reach for a lawyer so reach for your own lawyer first. I don't know what the law is where you are but here in the UK I would bring a private prosecution for theft, again here in the UK that would result in his being struck off the medical register if successful. On a lighter note, I am an administrator on a local history group (where I was born/brought up) on Facebook, I noticed that a Tony S****** has joined one of the groups I administer, another admin has signed him in so I'm not sure that it is our Tony_S.
  20. I need to walk with the aid of a stick but my car is unmodified and has a manual gearbox. In an emergency it takes only fractions of a second to transfer my foot from accelerator to brake. When doing so almost all the movement is in the ankle, in fact my heel rests on the floor and its only a matter of swinging my foot from one pedal to the other. Modern cars have power assisted brakes that take the effort out of braking and its only quite elderly vehicles that require any effort.
  21. Morning (just) from Estuary-Land. Fortunately we seem to have missed the worst of the wind from Angus, still windy but not any gales. All I need to do today is a bit of shopping so I'll be back later.
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