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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. If you are signed up for a series you can look on your account to see whats coming next (usually one months notice). You can open an account on the Atlas Editions web site using the account number on your statements. Lists of projected models sometimes appear on Facebook but these often change but there are some interesting models proposed including another piece of on track plant and a John Dear tractor equiped for dealing with lineside vegitation. There is also the new Oxford low loader and car transporter listed.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny hereabouts now that the mist has burnt off. Managed to empty the trailer yesterday and return everything to its rightful place. I will have to acquire some lidded boxes for some things as I found some of the lighter items are scattered around the trailer after going over the slightest bump, fortunately nothing was damaged except for a couple of paint pots that lost their labels. Have a good HUMP day and I hope it goes quick enough for you, be back later.
  3. Just a little thought about these models. My understanding is they were fitted with a variety of engines of different manufacture. Most were fitted with a Ford or Morris side valve engine but other engines were also used. Someone mentioned the JAP engine but as this was air cooled it is not the version represented by the model as the model has a radiator for a water cooled engine. Some of the later ones might even have been fitted with a diesel engine.
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit grey and overcast this morning but according to Carol it should remain dry. Happy birthday John and many more of 'em. Not a lot to do today apart from a bit of shopping, and emptying the trailer which I forgot to do yesterday until it was getting dark. Bye for now, be back later.
  5. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Condolences John on the loss of Bridie but as others have said at least she didn't suffer. This may sound a bit weird ut I think the class 58 is an attractive locomotive, one of my favourites in fact. I think it stems from the fact that it has no frills, it does what it says on the tin.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Following the exertions of the weekend I went to sleep last night as soon as my head touched the pillow. As I cant take anything containing aspirin I have to rely on paracetamol, one advantage of it is that relief is almost instant whereas other painkillers take time. At the moment I am still troubled by sciatica and something even stronger such as co-codomol is required. A photo of my display at Bexley yesterday is on my Facebook page thanks to Stephanie Dearden of the Wimbledon club. Bye for now, be back later.
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Not a bad day at Bexley, slight problem in that the 'six foot' table turned out to be a tad under four feet so my diorama had to double as a display for my plant and farming machinery models. One advantage was that the trailer was (just) small enough to wheel through the doors into the exhibition hall. One problem when packing up though, I'd parked the car near the entrance and unhitched the trailer and taken it into the hall. when I returned I found a van parked inches from the drivers side of my car, and not only that it was on a patch of grass that was part of some decorative planting. It belonged to one of the exhibitors but when I asked him to move so that I could access my car I was rudely told that I will have to wait until he'd finished loading, what an @r$ehole. Someone told me that he and his attitudes was well known and that several local exhibition managers would not accept him at their exhibitions. Nice to see GDB and Bob81C, I hope you weren't shocked by the sight of my ugly mug, and I've just realised that I was probably the one wearing the most bandages.
  8. I am indeed an ER this morning as I'm off to Bexley this morning, about 7:00 as I'm picking up a fellow club member. Bye for now, be back later. Almost forgot, congratulations to Kelly and Richard.
  9. I started work with Kearley and Tonge the owners of International stores in 1964. IIRC after various amalgamations, takeovers and name changes both stores now come under the Morrisons umbrella.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Went to the toy fair at Brentwood this morning and managed to spend a bit of money. Trailer is loaded and ready for the off tomorrow morning, 7:30 am start. So if anyones down Bexley way tomorrow please pop in and say hello.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A quick hello and goodby this morning as I'm off out. Be back later.
  12. Further to the above I've now also got the plum, winter berries and pear cider to try.
  13. Before I retired I was 'caught' by a speed camera. What had happened was that on a short stretch of road the limit was 40 mph whereas all the other surrounding roads were set at 30. It was decided therefore to reduce the speed limit to 30 mph on this bit of road. However whoever was charged with setting out the notices of the change of limit put them up on the wrong bit of road, where the 30 limit was already in force. When the date for the limit change occured the speed cameras were duly adjusted but nothing else was done. That morning I went past the camera at 39 mph and duly got a speeding ticket. When I checked the section of road there was a speed limit sign still alongside the camera saying 40 mph which a collegue photographed on my behalf so that I could appeal against the speeding ticket. As would be expected I wasn't the only one to be caught and it was all over the local paper. In the end I didn't have to appeal as all cases were dropped and I got a letter to say so. No hint of an apology though just 'We have decided not to proceed with a prosecution on this occasion.' Ironically there was a cycle path and bus lane installed along the same strech of road shortly afterwards that had the effect of slowing down the traffic so much that even 30mph was rarely attainable.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not much to say really weather is bland and after doing the neccessary shopping I will have to knuckle down and prepare things for Sunday. I see that Smiffy has posted on Facebook recently though he hasn't been here for a while. Plenty of things for me to do so be back later.
  15. There is a GWR 6-wheel 5 compartment third listed on the carriages trust website but it is obviously not the same vehicle as it has flat topped doors. There is an ex New York subway car grounded at Quainton Road. At one time it was used as a diner but now it is staff only.
  16. I know someone who is in that very hospital, for a prostate operation.
  17. Any idea of the original company? The round topped doors are unusual, AFAIK they were only found on Metropolitan or GWR stock.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I've got to get my stuff ready for Sunday but at least with the trailer I can load up the day before and leave it locked in the garage and then just hitch up and away in the morning. This at least aleaviates a problem that was highlighted at the club AGM last night. We have had to drop out of a couple of shows due to a lack of those fit (and young) enough to carry around and assemble layouts. With the trailer, which is small enough to pass through many doorways its simply a matter of rolling it up to the designated place or table. Commiserations and congratulations where neccessary, be back later.
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