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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. And you didn't realise it was fitted with a radio until it was sound-proofed.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Baz, I can't see how adblue can get into the engine via the exhaust as its injected into the hot exhaust gases as they leave the engine and are instantly vapourised. Whatever your son put in the adblue tank wasn't adblue, apparently there is a lot of fake adblue out there that could contain all sorts of nasties.
  3. I might add that the German trade unions had been virtually wiped out by Hitler. They were re-created after 1945 largely with the help of the British TUC. The big difference was instead of over a hundred different unions in the UK there was only IIRC six unions. The situation has of course changed since then and there are far fewer UK unions, not just due to entire industries disappearing but unions with a common interest merging. Union membership has of course fallen but not as much as people think. For a long time unions over estimated their membership, quite often due to retired and deceased members being retained on membership lists, not as a means of exaggerating their membership but more often due to their being no established mechanism to remove such members. It was surprisingly a piece of anti-union legislation that alerted the unions to this situation, the Trade Union Reform Act which required the unions to keep a proper register of their members. The administration of some unions was shambolic, I recall a trade union asking me about an employee who was paying his subscriptions but they said they had no record of his membership. So I contacted the said employee who informed me that he had been the local branch secretary for years!
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The weather forecast looks fair so a trot hobble bus ride into town is in prospect. I 'remembered' something else I had forgotten last time, tea and it looks as if what I have in stock will barely take me past the holidays. The events in Berlin are shocking, how anyone can imagine causing such pain and grief can further their cause is beyond me. Thats it for now, be back later.
  5. Dear Santa, what I really, really need for Christmas is a GROAN BUTTON.
  6. I didn't know whether to agree or give a funny to that one.
  7. Problem is it might overpower the light on their mobile or i-pad.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Realised this morning something that I had forgotten on my shopping trip yesterday, fortunately the need for the said items is not urgent and I have sufficient to see me through the holidays. One thing I spotted in Wilkinson's was some 'under bed' storage boxes, I measured them up and a pair of them would fit in my trailer perfectly so I will be acquiring a couple first thing after Christmas. I didn't realise that they made tandori ovens as described by Tony, if I see a resturant advertising itself as 'tandori' I will check to see if they have the proper ovens. I haven't tried a proper tandori for years and it shouldn't be too heavily spiced, you should be able to taste the meat. Ta ta for now, be back later.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Selected my Christmas dinner today, a nice looking piece of caught wild salmon that is now residing in the freezer until Friday evening. That only leaves the vegetables which will be cooked during the week and then will spend about 5 minutes in the microwave Christmas morning. John, a proper tandori isn't grilled, it is made in a special oven. The meat is first marinated in a special marinade that includes things such as honey, lemon juice and cinnamon which gives it its distinctive red colour. Then it is placed in a metal dish on the ground and the tandori oven is built around it out of wet clay in a bottle shape with a vent at the top. Then kindling is placed around it and lit, this is allowed to burn for several hours andthen removed and the oven broken up and the meal is served. Of course in the UK open cooking fires are at the very least frowned upon certainly in resturants but it has been found that a pizza oven makes a fair substitute. Its also a lot quicker as the prcess described above can take 24 hours.
  10. Morning all from a misty Estuary-Land. I will have to brave the town centre this afternoon to shop for a few items that look as if they will run out by Christmas. The main shop for Christmas food will take place mid week, I have yet to decide on what will constitute Christmas dinner as I'm not a great lover of turkey so I will have to see what alternatives there are.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Its been foggy all day despite a valiant attempt by the sun to burn it off this morning. Its still foggy now so I expect it to remain so until the morning. Shortliner, I did check out the gilets and saw one or two that I liked but they did not have any inside pockets which I prefer, except for the very expensive leather ones which I might consider as they look very smart.
  12. Saw a robin today, I'd left the wheelbarrow out and it had some rainwater in it and the robin was making the most of it.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Chris, I shouldn't worry about Tandori causing 'volcanic eruptions' but it is very spicy. Tandori means oven and traditionally used to mean cooked in a clay oven (rather similar to a pizza oven). Pete, the reason for the leg/waist ratio changing must be the legs getting shorter, better be careful though or you will find that your legs might not reach the floor.
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Thanks for that Shortliner, I've ordered a couple of pairs though the offer seems to have changed to £20 each or two for £30 so I ordered two pairs. I notice that they also stock gilets, something that seems to be hard to find in the local shops so I'm going to have a look later on.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Up a bit late last night after finding a former colleague on Facebook and having a chat with said colleague so a bit bleary eyed this morning. Considering taking a walk into town today but might wait until Sunday when it doesn't cost an arm and a leg to park. Chris, I find it very difficult to find jeans with zip flies as well. Why the manufacturers have taken such a retrograde I don't know unless its the latest fashion to piss yourself whilst struggling to undo the buttons. Thats it for now, be back later.
  16. Mine arrived today, first impressions are good but there are a few things that appeare to demand attention such as the bright silver grills on the engine compartment. As for motorising it looks as if that might not be easy as the chassis above the (very small) wheels appears to be solid metal. On my example the cab roof had become detached so it will be easy to install crew figures but I found that the roof would not go back on as it was oversized so I am considering asking Atlas for a replacement.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I woke up at 7 this morning, rolled over and didn't wake again until 8:15 so still a bit bleary-eyed. Made an interesting discovery last night. Measuring up items to see if they fit in to my trailer it turns out that the floor area and dimensions are exactly the same as two A1 sized paper (A0?), just over 105 cm. long and approx. 84 cm. wide. Discussions were taking place earlier last night re. a new club layout and transport arrangements especially when the one member who has a van is not available. It requires a bit of jiggling about to get even the smallest layouts into some cars so I will offer them the use of my trailer as transport. Even if I am not available some other members have cars fitted with tow hooks so that shouldn't be a problem. Bye for now, be back later.
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