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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. That could be the problem, the lack of pick ups on the trailer. Mine has them so it looks as if you've got a dodgy one.
  2. Good morning again from Estuary-Land. Managed to slip in a couple of hours ZZZZZ's this morning and now raring to go, but not to worry it will soon wear off. Nice bright and sunny this morning and predicted to last at least until Wednesday. The one advantage of shopping on bank holidays is that you don't have to pay an arm and a leg to park the car in or near the town centre, useful if your shopping for bulky or awkward items. Bye for now, be back later.
  3. An early morning from Estuary-Land. Up early as I decided to have an early night last night, well an early night for me as its before midnight. Woke up before 6 and couldn't get back to sleep. Switched the news on only to hear that George Michael died last night, just 53 years old. Going back to bed now to try to get more sleep, be back later.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Christmas dinner consumed four hours ago now but still feeling full. I tried the Rekorderlig winter cider and it was delicious, I will have to see if I can grab some tomorrow or over the next few days when the supermarkets push out their unsold Christmas stock, the sell by date was 11/04/17 so it won't be going back into store. Christmas puds and crackers are the usual things that can be picked up at bargain prices and many people I know buy them for the next Christmas. Bye for now, be back later.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Woke up this morning with an earworm, 'Boughs of holly'. How can I be a grinch if I keep humming Christmas carols? Anyway have a great Christmas day all and enjoy yourselves.
  6. Goodnight all and best wishes.
  7. Good evening from Estuary-Land. Needless to say I've forgotten something, mince pies. I just had to take a slice of stollen cake with my cup of tea instead. I've ordered some tea from the company recomended by Mal but of course it won't arrive until after Christmas. I was surprised at first to see that tea was grown that far north but then as wine is produced commercially in Scotland I shouldn't be. After all Churchill proposed producing tea in Britain during WW2 but dropped the idea when he learnt that it needs 5 years before a tea bush is ready for its first harvest.
  8. Anyone going to start a new thread?
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I think I've got everything I need for Christmas, if I've missed anything its just too bad but at the very least I won't be going hungry or thirsty. So here's wishing all you ER's out there a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
  10. Its usually the person who feeds the dog the most often.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Thanks Mal for the link to the Wee Tea Company. I now use loose leaf tea in a filter teapot and I have had problems getting the right type of tea, not the blend but filter teapots work better with 'large leaf' tea. I have found that few if any supermarkets stock such tea but their 'Breakfast blend' looks as if it will fit the bill so an order will be going in shortly. I went into town today, by bus both ways and the buses seem to have abandoned the timetable, probably because of the extra cars on the road. Whilst in the town I purchased a stroller which will come in handy, at least there'll be little chance of me falling flat on my face again. I now just have to wait for it to be delivered in the new year.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sorry to hear of Dutch Masters problems, in the past I too have had similar problems but nowhere as bad as that but like Tony it was a real struggle but I came through in the end. A walk into town today as the one I planned for Tuesday was abandoned when I realised that I needed to get things from some stores that do not have a presence in the town itself. Add to that the car will be staying on the drive until after Christmas now when the c*ckwombles go back into hibernation though if anything is needed urgently the local Tescoes and Sainsburys are open 24 hours so I might try shopping about 2 a.m. Just had a call from my sister who has just had both knees replaced last month and still hobbling about on crutches. She informed me that one of her oldest friends died a few weeks ago from bowel cancer, he was only 63 years old.
  13. To give you an idea of how sick these people are, they dressed two little girls, 7 and 9, in suicide vests and sent them into a police station in Damascus where they were then exploded remotely. This was done by the childrens MOTHER!
  14. Bachmann will be introducing one next year.
  15. It worked for me this morning but now I'm getting the same. Try Googling 'Youtube Forward to first principles'. You should be able to view the film but not post it.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning, pity its not forecast to last for very long. Yesterday I had a leaflet through the door for a 'Special Christmas Pizza' no thank you. Only a bit of shopping to do today, bread and newspapers and thats about it. Congratulations and commiserations where neccessary, be back later.
  17. Nearly forgot to mention. The two pairs of jeans I ordered arrived yesterday, I heard something being pushed through the letterbox when I was upstairs. I came down to find a card from Hermes saying they were hidden behind a box which they were. A perfect fit but washing is recommended before wear as the dye (navy blue) isn't fast so I will have to be careful not to strink them.
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