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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I have seen the GER blue described as 'Prussian Blue' in print. It might be because that the blue pigment used became unobtainable during WW1 as it came from Prussia, hence the grey livery.
  2. There is a system that uses DCC and an infra red zapper like a TV remote control. Not suitable for road vehicles however as it has no facility for steering being designed for model railways.
  3. To put it simply he's a bully. I had to deal with similar people as a union rep, the best way I found to deal with such people was to present them with a copy of our employers anti bullying policy highlighting the part about instant dismissal. In most cases it worked, one manager though just moved on to his next victim, that turned out to be his last as that manager was hauled before the bosses and was sacked. I would suggest re-joining your union and taking your case to them.
  4. Didn't take Liberty long did it.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning but cold, when I went to take the milk in this morning I put it in the fridge to warm up. Smiffy, please keep posting, we want to know what the welkmen are up too. There was a thread re. Trump, Brexit et al that went on for quite some time as most people were polite but it degenerated into the (inevitable?) 'whose got the biggest willy match' and it was shut down by the mods. As with my car accident last year the insurance companies just hand things over to the specialist all-in-one companies that do the repairs, car hire and in my case collected and delivered my car and the hire car. Seeing as most if not all of these companies are household names there shouldn't be any problems. Chris, I would suggest asking if your own car could be returned to your door, in my case they took my car to Enfield on the back of a lorry and returned it the same way.
  6. Probably grey or black, IIRC only the first one received the Prussian Blue livery.
  7. Hornby and Bachmann prices are likely to rise soon anyway. Taff warned that prices are likely to rise just after the Brexit vote.
  8. That was never a tram depot, in fact it was an electricity sub station serving the tram service.
  9. I hope thats a spelling error.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I thought the sun was burning the fog off nicely earlier this morning but the fog staged a rearguard action and has now fought it off. When I had to get my car repaired last year after another driver pulled out into the side the insurance company handed it over to a specialist company that collected my car, repaired it and returned it as well as delivering and collecting the hire car. I found on reading the paperwork that the company was part of the Hertz organisation. Its surprising what you can find when buying/modifying a house. Bye for now, be back later.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Glad to see Smiffy posting again. Chris, sorry to hear of your hitting the deer, fortunately the largest thing I've ever hit was a pheasant which done no damage to the car. I have also hit a rabbit and a pigeon, both of which seem to have survived the encounter. Got to go now, heading out for a swap meet, be back later.
  12. The brake ends were laterly painted red, the same red as the normal Underground stock. A distinctive feature of almost all Metropolitan (and District) compartment stock was the curved door tops. Has anyone tried to replicate this by fixing plasticard semicircles to the tops of the doors?
  13. Time for a GROAN button yet again.
  14. The next model in the series is a MAN tanker truck used at Southend Airport.
  15. Its not an Oxford Diecast model. IXO, Hongwell and Real-X have all produced models for Atlas as have other manufacturers. The Doosan is quite common and can be found on E-bay quite cheaply.
  16. I have a couple of these kits. The rear body appears to be a bit on the narrow side so it might be an idea to scratchbuild a wider body out of plasticard.
  17. Adolf Hitler was legally and democratically elected to the post of German Chancellor. This shows that all democracies have to be vigilant and make sure that checks and balances are in place. Donald Trump will come up against those checks and balances sooner rather than later and although in the Senate and Congress his fellow Republicans hold sway he can't expect a rubber stamp to all of his policies.
  18. There's several 'Hitler bunker' ones going on about the Trump victory.
  19. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bit late on parade this morning due to not getting to bed until 01:30 this morning, all down to Facebook. I am a member of about 40-50 groups on Facebook so when I have a session I run through them all to check postings etc. To enable this I like to keep them in a specific order to make sure that I don't miss anything. Lately Facebook has started re-arranging them in sh!t order making it very difficult to keep track. Normally a session takes about an hour or so but now takes twice as long.
  20. I rated that as funny, the lunatics are indeed taking over the asylum. Though isn't he a bit too liberal for Fox news?
  21. Paris Hilton has hinted that she would like to run for president. Another 'celeb' who has been suggested is George Clooney so its not all bad.
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