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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I'm sure there's a limerick about a bankers daughter, or maybe just a banker. Plenty of rhyming possibilities there but better not go there. Dull and grey this morning but should stay dry. I have banked with Nationwide for over 30 years now with few if any problems though in the past I had an account with the Woolwich and they were terrible to deal with, not cancelling a standing order when requested and then making charges when the account went overdrawn. Thats it for now, be back later.
  2. Bleach and Harpic is another mixture to be avoided.
  3. Wasn't there some structural problems at Smithdown Road that forced them to close the premises?
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny earllier this morning but now a bit cloudy. Up rather late last night, discovered a family history group on Facebook covering an unusual surname that happens to be in my ancestory. It can all be traced back to one individual born in 1516 who changed his name and 'invented' a new surname, all very interesting. Not a lot more to report, congratulations and commiserations where neccessary, be back later.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Glad to hear that Sherry's back home, now she can show Ian how to cook broccoli. Alan, sorry to hear of your BiL and your friend passing away. Thats it for now, be back later.
  6. There is a funeral director who specialises in burials at sea. You can't just drop the deceased over the side, the undertaker has to have a special licence and can only use a designated area. The Royal Navy used to bury deceased ex sailors at sea and may still do so but in recent years it has been restricted to scattering of ashes. IIRC the last RN sailor to have his ashes scattered by the RN was the last survivor of HMS Hood where they were scattered over the wreck site.
  7. Burial at sea (in a suitably weighted coffin) everything has gone within 6 months. Thats why many people will not eat certain fish or shellfish.
  8. Basildon, other newsagents in the area seem to have a good stock as well.
  9. The 'green' burials do not have embalming either. Wicker coffin, a week at least to arrange the funeral and warm weather?
  10. That would be the 'green' burial ground, wicker coffins and all that. Apparently its more expensive than a normal burial.
  11. They can send me to the *glue factory as far as I'm concerned, so the recycling is best. The best way to save on funeral costs is to leave your remains to medical science, they will then pay for a cremation. I popped into the local co-op funeral directors and they had an ad for turnng your loved ones ashes into jewelry, your ashes can be made into an artificial diamomd. *Glue used to be made by boiling down animal bones.
  12. German MoT failures go east and when they fail in Poland they go even further east.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit overcast and rain predicted for this corner of the country. I realised that I hadn't got a 2017 calender so I kept my eye open for any bargains and fortunately found some in Pitsea Tesco's at 19p. each so I grabbed a couple. Not much else to report, be back later.
  14. And they could be seen working alongside N7's in East London.
  15. They seem to be plentiful here in south Essex.
  16. I grew broccoli once and I can assure you its very good at insecting itself. Meanwhile Mrs Stationmaster intends to insect her broccoli crop today and see if the deer have left any for us.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright sunny and breezy here this morning but the forecast is for rain this afternoon, and more wind. A couple of times in recent months I've had cockwombles cut me up on roundabouts, both times cutting across from the left turn lane to go right. Methinks it might be a good idea to go back to buying an old banger with a long MOT as I did when commuting on the A13.
  18. Its not only the jokes page that needs a groan button. On the subject of seat belts on coaches, when I went on a coach trip a few years ago the driver told us that we should all use the seatbelts as the coach company/driver would not be liable if there was an accident for any injuries to anyone not belted up. A former colleague was at one time a hearse driver for the co-op. He got pulled for speeding in the hearse, fortunately it was empty for if it was 'occupied' he would have got the sack.
  19. Apparently they often bite, and I don't blame them being woken from a nice winters slumber to be asked about the weather. If it happened to me I'd be grumpy too.
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