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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Merit made some racing car kits.
  2. A lot of Hornby's cash flow problems are down to having to sell unsold stock at knock down prices, its no surprise therefore that they under supply. If your unlucky with this batch there will probably be more liveries in the pipeline.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. First off many happy returns to Chris and hope things are looking up Neil. He doesn't live in Railway Terrace, or is that East Cheam does he.
  4. Neil, I hope you don't intend to go through any airport security soon.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. My street is one of the few hereabouts without speed bumps and as the far end enters a main road that is the exit of choice. The council wrote to residents asking for comments before the speed bumps were installed and I was one of only three to reply and AFAIK the only one to suggest an alternative. The reason for the speed bumps was one turning used as a rat run. I did point out that making a right turn ban at the start of the rat run would solve the problem but to no avail. NHN, I hope you will be up on your feet again soon, I suffered a similar accident over 40 years ago, fortunately nothing was broken just torn ligaments but then I was in my early 20's, being older didn't help in your case.
  6. Having seen pictures of the real thing scratch building would be the best idea as it was very different from the 'standard' locomotive. About twice as long with an increased wheelbase and just a canopy over the cab and boiler.
  7. It says that treatment can be given orally, perhaps there is wild bird food that contains it. Alternatively as the condition is caused by mites is there something that keeps them away from the bird table.
  8. Yes, in Model Railway News late 50's early 60's.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The sun did arrive this morning but has decamped elseware. I still have the sore foot from a few weeks ago, it turned out to be an infection, probably from an insect bite or treading on something sharp but as I can recall neither it remains a mystery. Bob, what have you done with SWMBO? you don't have a new patio by any chance?
  10. My brother is an electrician and he had to take a colour blindness test before he started his apprenteship, and he celebrates his 70th birthday next month. At the time I don't think such a test was compulsory but as he was employed by the local council who laid down the conditions.
  11. My Allegro estate was pretty good on some very bumpy roads but not if driven too fast. I once witnessed a police panda car Allegro go haring across a flat field until it hit a dip. It nosed into the dip and as it did so I saw something falling off the bottom of the car. When I went over to inspect what it was it turned out to be the oil filter, followed by a trail of engine oil.
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I hate driving at weekends as all the cockwombles come out to play. When I went to Tesco's lunchtime I found a parking bay at the end of the car park where there are bays on one side only. Problem is that if all the bays are occupied people tend to park their cars opposite. When I went to reverse out of the space I waited for a woman with a loaded shopping trolley to pass only for her to park the trolley in the space I needed to manouver and then proceed to load the contents into her car parked opposite the bays as stated above. When it comes to parking I've put a film on my Facebook page thats funny but not to the poor guy in the film. He's returned to his parked car to find it blocked in by another (badly parked) car. He's tooing and froing to extracate his car and a woman arrives and assists him to get his car out. Then as he's getting ready to drive off the woman unlocked the badly parked car and got in and drove away.
  13. Don't forget that goods trains then very rarely would travel at any great speed. Even in the diesel era unbraked goods trains were limited to slow speeds as per rule book. I'm not certain now what the speed limit was but it wasn't all that fast. I once had the dubious pleasure of travelling in a Mk. I coach at speed when one of the bogies was 'hunting' as it was called, but this only occurred at speeds in excess of 50-60 mph.
  14. The Peco Roadrailer had been introduced by 1967 but as the prototype did not catch on neither did the model. It continued to be shown in the Peco catalogue long after production ceased. Some still turn up on E-bay and at swap meets however.
  15. Mal, you can get a spectacle repair kit in the £ shop that contains those nose pads and screws, and a mini screwdriver.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Ordered two new pairs of shoes by mail order today, normally with shoes I prefer to go into the shop and try them on but I haven't found any of the type I want locally and as I need broad fit as well I've opted for mail order. I have only obtained shoes by mail order once before and I found that they were unwearable so keeping fingers crossed. I wonder what he was on, I notice that there is a car in the hedgerow (to the left of the field entrance). The other vehicles appear to be police vehicles.
  17. Correction, we need a BIGGER GROAN button.
  18. Sorry to hear of your accident Neil.
  19. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Chris, as I have found many useful items in skips, I say grab whatever you can when you can. Amongst the items I have rescued from skips is a solid oak table and enough timber to frame a couple of baseboards. I was thinking of turning the table into a work bench but it was simply too good for that. Builders seem to be the worst offenders, probably because its not cost effective to return everything that is left over after work has finished. However I always ask permission before I remove something from a skip and have never been refused.
  20. I will buy Airfix wagons just for the couplings, smaller and neater than even Bachmann.
  21. If I can remember my geography Kochi is a long way from Delhi. I must admit I was quite taken by it but as I said its a long way from home'
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