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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. In the news, Liverpool Lime Street is cut off due to a landslide. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-39124787 The Edge Hill cutting has collapsed apparently due to some heavy containers in a yard above the cutting. These will have to be removed before repair work starts.
  2. The one I used was form a circle with thumb and forefinger and perform a downward movement from forehead.
  3. Oops, I think I've turned something off as I can no longer rate anything. EDIT. I can rate things after all so ignore the above.
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I too got that warning message, I simply deleted it and had no trouble. One thing though, it switched on the 'Bold' and this might be causing a problem as the only posts I cannot rate are those that use bold, italics or a different font size. Great to hear that the little 'n is back home Smiffy and I hope you will soon be back on your feet Neil (or should I say foot).
  5. I remember driving down the M6 from Manchester in a blizzard about 25 years ago. Only the centre lane was completely clear and most drivers were using that and keeping to 30-40 mph and a good distance as well. I was surprised when two cars shot past me at at least twice my speed racing each other, both cars were white, a fancy sports job and a BMW. Inevitably I came across them a few miles further on piled up together on the central barrier with the drivers standing shivering alongside them. I didn't bother to stop and offer them a lift.
  6. I imagine that the two are not entirely unconnected.
  7. Everyone's assuming its a he, isn't that sexist?
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny here at the moment but not expected to last. Andy, last time I travelled on C2C I was in the quiet carriage where there was a youth talking loudly on his mobile much to the annoyance of the other passengers, until a fellow passenger threatened to put his mobile where the sun doesn't shine. Typically the idiot refused to stop at which point I thought the guy was going to carry out his threat when he grabbed him by the belt. Instead though he also grabbed him by the collar and frogmarched him into the next carriage. When the youth threatened to report him to the police he got the reply 'I am the police'.
  9. Even worse, she could have said "I knew I'd seen your face somewhere before."
  10. Try grated onion between the toast and the cheese, yummy. But watch out the onion can get very hot.
  11. 459 years, thats one heck of a shift.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Things might get a bit sticky in Chez Baz if SWMBO is also making a list of things for Baz to do. AndyB, I've never known a union do anything for none members, but most have signed up if they need union assistance. And there is no need to back date membership even if you had been a member before. Though some people seem to think that unions are compelled to help even if they have never joined a union. I remember one instance where I received a phone call from one chap asking for union assistance as he was on a disciplinary, first I asked him if he was a member of my union and on being told no I then asked him what union he was a member of to which he answered he wasn't in any union so I told him that he'd have to join a union to get any assistance and I'd send him the application form. He then revealed that the disciplinary was about to start and ranted on about how useless the unions where at doing their job. I just put the phone down, he ended up being sacked, for inappropriate behaviour to a female member of staff so I'm glad that I didn't have to defend him.
  13. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Sorry to hear about the little one Dick but from your pic he's making the most of it. Neil, hope things are getting better ankle wise. On Countryfile this evening thhey had a feature on Fraggle Rock including the horse tramway, hope you watched it. Despite that Fraggle Rock was not mentioned in the forecast, talking of which, hurricane Ewan was named as such by the Irish and had reduced considerably by the time it reached the UK but having dumped a fair bit of snow on Ireland.
  14. Having been trained to assess health and safety, by my union. I'm surprised that many employers allocate health and safety matters to managers that have had little or more often no health and safety training. Its no wonder that we then get these 'health and safety gone mad' stories.
  15. Its highly unlikely that the coach used in the film will be modelled, IIRC there was only about 5 or 6 vehicles with that chassis/body combination.
  16. At the moment the largest construction project in the country is Crossrail and you hear very little if anythng about accidents. This means that they are either few and far between or so common that they are not worth reporting, hopefully the former.
  17. The big Humbers had a hemi-head straight six of 3 litres. I think they may have increased the capacity on the later models.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. What's this storm Ewan that everyones talking of? As far as I can recall I haven't seen any mention of it on the forecasts. Its a bit wet and windy outside but nothing exceptional. The local Tesco's still has piles of 2017 calenders, they are now selling them off at 10p each. Not much else to report, be back later.
  19. BW models was a 'one man band' and the owner retired (at about 70 years of age). I understand many of the moulds (but not all) have been passed on to another company.
  20. As I said all sorts of nasties can be underfoot that you are not aware of, not just oil and petrol but things like anti-freeze and brake fluid. Brake fluid in particular is nasty stuff on paint, some people even use it as paint stripper.
  21. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit overcast and windy this morning but at least its dry, for the moment. Not a lot to do today after a bit of shopping and renewing my subscription to Railway Bylines magazine. That was forced upon me when the local W H Smiths stopped stocking it and as there are two other magazines I can only get from them I am considering taking out subscriptions on them as well. At one time WHS were the store to go to but now they seem to be trying to race to the bottom in which by all reports they are succeeding. Andy you might find this useful http://www.gov.uk/workplace-bullying-and-harassment As Smiffy said things can't be allowed to carry on as they will only get worse. Fortunately not where I was union rep but I heard of another situation where a bullying victim ended up committing suicide and the bully was actually proud of his 'achievement', until the inquest that is, when it came out that he was a serial bully. Even then the most severe punishment possible was the sack, which he duly got. As a result the victims husband sued the employer which almost bankrupted them.
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