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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. New Zealand and Spain are exactly opposite each other on the globe. There is a tiny island south of New Zealand that is the only piece of dry land opposite the British Isles, called Antipode Island. Australia is opposite the Sahara and the USA would be opposite the southern Indian Ocean. There is an Island in the South Pacific that is exactly opposite Mecca so a Muslim on there can face in any direction to pray to mecca. It comes as a surprise to some as to how far north the UK actually is, Edinburgh is further north than Moscow and the only part of the UK that is south of Canada is The Lizard in Cornwall.
  2. I find myself keeping to the middle lane because vehicles in the inner lane are often to close together to safely move into that lane.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Pleasant surprise in this mornings post, the next 'World of Stobart' model has arrived. A nice little Komatsu bulldozer, a pretty good model, I'll give it 8 out of 10. We never did metalwork at school although the school had a fully equiped workshop/classroom but no teacher. Our woodwork master was an 'old school' craftsman who went into teaching in later life. A strict disciplarian but very fair and woe betide any boy who mis-used any tools. My woodworking skills though are minimal, in woodworking class I made the best firewood, though I have made myself a couple of baseboards that have stood the test of time.
  4. Just received this months model, a Komatsu bulldozer, a nice little model. Its modelled with road-rail wheels at the back but nothing on the front, I assume these are removed to fit the dozer blade which is adjustable from side to side. One of the better models in the Atlas series.
  5. I received this model last month, not bad but there is something not quite right about the cab.
  6. I too use the two second rule, problem today is that when you leave sufficient braking distance some d1ckhead is likely to shoot into it. Especially so if they have just overtaken you on a motorway despite there being plenty of room to pull in safely. I also watch out for cars close behind slower vehicles such as lorries as they have a tendancy to pull out right in front of you.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. No rain here, an advantage of living on the 'dry side', in fact at the moment the sun is just about pushing through the haze. As traffic density increases so it demands more concentration and awareness of drivers but less seems to be the case. I've lost count of the times I've been following a car where the driver has turned their head to talk to a passenger. One of my credit cards was replaced last month as the credit card company were concerned about a payment, so a replacement card was sent (with a new number) but with the same expiry date 03/17 so the replacement card is only valid for one month! I have not misused the card and the balance is cleared each month so why couldn't they have made the replacement card for the usual five year period? I saw no sign of anything unusual but as it turned out a regular payment was cancelled by the credit card company, after I had confirmed that the payments were valid.
  8. Exactly as produced by Kingsway models.
  9. I'm not sure that that would be completely legal, by 'hands free' I think they mean something like Bluetooth. Not that the tougher penalties seem to be making much difference. I saw at least five people using phones while driving today, and that was on a shopping trip of less than 5 miles. The only way to stop people using mobiles whilst driving would be to have even stiffer penalties, including an automatic ban. On the subject of selfish drivers the item in the news today about the number of fines for car drivers using bus lanes amused me. Most reports followed a 'hard done by drivers' line, tough, if you break the law you should expect the consequences.
  10. Harold Hill was built by the LCC just after the war, as was the vast Becontree estate and another in Wanstead/Southwark IIRC but they were all built between the wars but most to the same style. East Ham also had a small estate in Dagenham near the Crown pub that consisted of the steel framed houses mentioned above.
  11. I used to watch daytime TV when I first retired, but not for long. The problem was finding the wheat among the chaff there are some good daytime programs, its finding them. You could always do as I did and become a 'silver surfer'.
  12. Their 1970's semi's look very typical of 'New Town' public housing as seen in Basildon, Harlow and Milton Keynes and many other housing developements throughout the country.
  13. What about a dictator class? do you mean naming a locomotive after Stalin or Mussolini?
  14. As a matter of fact the NSL is 30 mph except on Motorways. The maximum permitted speed is 70 mph but varies according to the type of road, built up areas and local conditions. This is why you never see 'repeat' signs where there is a 30 mph limit as drivers should know that in the absence of speed limit signs the NSL applies.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Woke up this morning with a cold so still feeling lousy despite a good nights sleep. Not a word AFAIK in the British media about the tornados in the Mid West despite them being unusual this time of year, global warming deniers please take note. I would have liked to be at Ally Pally but the pins are not as good as they used to be.
  16. http://www.ceoemail.com Only thing is that it might be under a name other than Hush Puppy.
  17. Isn't it an offence to interfere with road signs?
  18. Now watch the next one on the playlist.
  19. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I see its Ians birthday today, many happy returns Ian. Not all Cold & Flu tablets are a no-no if you are taking blood pressure medication, only those containing aspirin. Those with paracetamol are perfectly safe to use. The reason is that blood pressure medicines work by thickening the blood, aspirin as is well known thins the blood. Before my hypertension was diagnosed I was taking anti-inflamatories for my arthritis, I had to stop taking them as they consisted largely of aspirin. A good substitute I can use however is co-codamol.
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