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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Further to my comments on DST http://www.bbc.co.uk/guides/z9rhn39 According to the map one American state (North Dakota?) doesn't have DST and part of Australia does and part doesn't. If the one American state is on a time zone it probably will cause very little problem but the Australian states that use DST appear to be concentrated in the bottom SE corner.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit dull earlier this morning but things appear to be brightening up, still a bit chilly though. Not a lot else to report though over the weekend I received a couple of e-mails from the 'High Court of Benin' telling me that $4.7 million dollars was waiting for me if I just send them my bank details. I didn't send them any bank details but instead I sent them a very rude reply starting Dear @rse-hole. Still not used to getting up an hour earlier, its going to take me a whole week to adjust. My own opinion is that the whole charade should be done away with, we live in a 24/7 world so why are we lumbered with something that was introduced 100 years ago to improve production of munitions? I'll get off of the soap-box now, be back later.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Luckily the only timepiece that does not automatically adjust in my household is my watch which I reset before going to bed. Strangely enough my bedside clock went from 12:59 to 2:00 wheras the kitchen clock was still showing GMT until a later hour, not that I waited up to watch it change. My own body clock is still set at GMT and takes about a week to adjust. I pre-book for some shows, the open days at the LT museum at Acton Town but only to avoid the long queues, sometimes it can take an hour to get in. Thats it for now, be back later.
  4. On the early railways the signalmen often had an open platform exposed to all weathers.
  5. Seven ER's found the above 'Informative/useful' ?????
  6. Thats what I meant, they are not allowed to move on the continent so any deliveries to the UK are arranged for the weekend but while they are here they have to overnight Friday/Saturday.
  7. Many continental countrys ban heavy lorries at weekends so many come over here at weekends were there is no such ban.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Smiffy, you don't know someone who has a metal cutting guillotine do you? I have seen one in action at an exhibition cutting brass sheet up to 1mm thick without distorting the metal. I have a device for bending etched metal components, basically it is a hinge but has worked perfectly the few times that I've used it. Sun is shining so I'm trying desperately not to look in the direction of the garden. Thats it for now, be back later.
  9. I've checked another couple of times and she is 100% female. That reminds me however, on a film of banned adverts there is one from Thailand for special panties for girls who don't want to be molested on a night out. They have some 'extras' fitted into the gusset.
  10. There is the excellent Vauxhall WW1 staff car from Rodin although 1/72 scale. Many of these cars became taxi's in the 20's and 30's. Problem is that they cost twice as much as Oxford for similar models, but the same applies to plastic kits like the one I mentioned above.
  11. As long as you remember to recharge it, guess how I know.
  12. As I may have mentioned I am moderater on a few Facebook groups concerning local history in Essex. I received an application to join a group from a young lady from Indo-China. I am searching her profile for a local connection without success so far but I shall persevere as she has a large number of photos to check out, most of them of said young lady very scantily clad if anything at all, it might take me some time.
  13. I sympathise AndyB, and its not the dogs fault. There used to be a member of my model railway club, a retired police officer who is sadly no longer with us who told us this story. When he was a rookie officer in London back in the fifties it was part of his duties to assist in the removal of badly parked cars. The problem was a Rolls Royce that was parked illegally in the same spot for several hours day after day. Inside the car was a very ferocious dog that would attack anyone who tried to enter the car. After a couple of days of this my friend consulted his sargeant who said 'Leave it to me son'. The sargeant turned up the next morning and from his pocket took a large bar of Ex-Lax chocolate and proceeded to feed it to the dog through the gap that had been left open. That Rolls Royce was never seen parked there again.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sympathies Dom, at least the 'accident' didn't happen. A few weeks ago at the end of my street I saw a toddler running towards the road and naturally I stopped. Fortunately she stopped at the kerb and turned round to look at her mother, well trained even at about two years old. Pleased in a way that my observation skills and reactions are still reliable. Still a bit dull and overcast here in the land of the estuary but forecast to brighten up later but that east wind will keep the temperatures down. Thats it for now, be back later.
  15. My preference would be the pre 1947 version with the seperate headlamps and the aligator bonnet. Shouldn't be difficult to produce both versions, virtually identical from the scuttle back.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Splendid example of cockwomblery this morning. Today is bin day, there is a short cul-de-sac leading off of my street and for safety reasons the bin lorries reverse into it. This morning the bin lorry stopped prior to reversing but couldn't back up due to said cockwomble pulling up close behind. Despite the reversing lights and audible warning she just sat there for several minutes until she realised that she had to back up, and then she backed up only a few feet to leave the bin lorry just enough room to reverse.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Congratulations to CB and missus. Jet lag has never really bothered me either but when I visited the States many years ago the time difference actually helped. I was on a fly-drive holiday and I was waking up at 3 in the morning local time, then the 3 S's, a cup of coffee and on my way an hour or so later. The big advantage of course was I had the roads to myself and I was able to put in a lot of miles before breakfast. The down side was that I was more than ready for the said breakfast which my body clock regarded as lunch and I was ready for bed by mid evening. Thats it for now, be back later.
  18. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Listening to the news from Westminster at the moment, not good. Despite being an 'office wallah' there were occasions when I had to drive a van or small lorry on behalf of my employers*. Then the council changed insurance providers and the new insurance company insisted on everyone who was likely to drive a council vehicle take a test, which I passed. *When there was more space required in our storeroom and as it was all confidential it had to be bagged up and taken to the incinerator.
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