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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit late on parade this morning but I've no idea where the time has gone. I tried one of those Lindt chocolate bars, this one had a sort of Japanese horseradish in it, not to my taste though. The mango lassi sounds good and while on the subject of food I have found that there is a delicasy local to Essex and Suffolk called Kitchel, the recipe makes my mouth water. Its basically a strudell made with almond paste instead of apple about the size of a sausage roll. I have the recipe and I'll post it here when I can find it again. EDIT. Thats the name I was trying to remember, wasabi.
  2. The principle differences is in the type of cab fitted, four at least to my knowledge. The earlier ones had wire mesh grills in the side panels of the hoods top and bottom, the later ones had louvres on the top only. The first ones were provided to the British army in North Africa, as well as the mesh side panels they originally had an American type of cab, basically box shaped without the chamfered sides. These followed the British army to Italy where the cabs were cut down and the roof edges chamfered to fit the loading gauge. More were produced in readiness for the D-Day landings, these had a cab similar to the 'cut down' cab and the louvred side panels. The next variation was with an even further lowered cab with the cab roof flush with the hoods. This was achieved by moving the air compressor from beneath the cab floor to a box on the running plate ahead of the cab. After the war the only ones to remain in the UK was the pair from the original batch used on the Longmore Military Railway, they were out of use by the mid 60's. A few went into industrial use in France one of which is preserved but the biggest user was the Italian Railways were the last ones were withdrawn only this century, although they had been re-engined twice, the second time with a single engine more powerful than the two Buda engines originally fitted.
  3. Thats why they have fog lights.
  4. I'd like a Whitcom diesel as well please.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Hit by my first bout of hay fever this morning but it seems to have settled down now. I have now decided to shelve my plans for the old coal shed and after a bit of tidying up and a lick of paint its going to revert to its original purpose as a storeroom. The main reason is that despite a 'cull' of the stuff that came out of there there I still have a lack of space to put it all. In the meantime while it is empty as well as the aformentioned paint I will add a few shelves and other extras. Thats it for now, be back later.
  6. I know aproximately where a very early Morgan 3-wheeler with a single cylinder JAP engine is buried. Problem is that it was buried in the 1930's and its unlikely that anything remains.
  7. By the looks of it the mattress 'rolled' under his front wheel and when he put his foot down to steady himself it landed squarely on the mattress.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Wall to wall sunshine first thing this morning but now a bit hazy but should stay dry. AndyB, why not offer the mattress to GDB so that he can place it below his stepladder? Here the item http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-39493099
  9. Alexanders and Northern Counties produced not only bus bodies.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Strange that the subject of Leah Betts has come up as just a few days ago on one of the Essex Facebook groups it was mentioned. This was in respect of the 'Range Rover' murders at Rettendon which took place only a few weeks after Leah's death. Apparently those murdered were responsible for supplying the drugs that killed Leah. The surprising thing was that it was over twenty years ago, I was thinking it was more recent.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit dull and overcast this morning and there is the occasional drizzle predicted. Andrew, I watched that item on the collapsed house. Apparently the planning application had just been put in and had not been cleared for work to start, even if they are insured I can't see the insurance paying out. Fortunately no one was hurt and there was no damage to neighbouring properties. Glad to see GDB back, so its not a ghost who was adding to the likes but he's keeping up tradition even on holiday. Thats it for now, be back later.
  12. Neil, I saw a lady in Tesco's today with her foot in one of those boot things which I imagine you have to wear on your ankle. She was getting around on what looked like a childs scooter with a raised pad on which her injured leg was kneeling, the 'scooter' had 5 wheels so was very stable. I asked the lady where they came from and she told me that they can be hired. They will even deliver one to your door, the only problem that I can see is that they might not include the Isle of Man http://www.kneescooterrentals.co.uk
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Quite foggy this morning but it has now disappeared. Strangely I have received a couple of 'likes' from GDB, one for a post from a week ago together with a few recently for older posts. I don't keep an exact count of the number of likes I receive so I can't tell if they've been added to my total, very strange. No e-mails this morning as Virgin Media seems to be down, dialed their contact number and got a recorded message so at least its not my end. Not surprised really as for the past few weeks when into my e-mails its been running slow a a flag kept popping up at the bottom of the screen 'Server not found'. Just checked and it appears something is happening. Bye for now, be back later. EDIT update on the e-mail front, still not getting any access.
  14. The local Tesco's had various bottles of beer on reduced to clear a couple of days ago so I thought I'd try one, Lagunitas IPA. Have'nt tried it yet but will report back when I do. Went to get some more the next day but now sold out.
  15. It was quite common for showmen and circus operators to transfer bodies from one vehicle to the next.
  16. I had the details of the diesel locomotive plus dozens of photographs and measurements I had taken of the locomotive on the K&ESR. Unfortunately the model project fell through and a lot of stuff wasn't returned to me. I'll be getting a copy of BRM first thing in the morning.
  17. The picture of the Tuc-Tuc reminds me. In one of those 'stupid drivers' compilations on Youtube you see a Tuc-Tuc slowly overturn, no damage to the vehicle or the 14 men who climbed out.
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