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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Its difficult to see what make/sort of car it was but many modern cars not only have large pillars at the rear, many have thick windscreen pillars that can easily hide a motorcyclist or cyclist. My own car, a Hyundai i10 is a case in point, I have got into the habit of looking either side of the screen pillar when pulling out of a side road. All in the name of crash protection.
  2. About 12 years ago it was my usual practice to buy an old banger with a long MOT for the commute to work. About 2 weeks after purchasing an old Fiesta I was pulled up at a police checkpoint as their number plate reader had flagged my car up as being unregistered. I had taxed it straight away on purchase and my insurance etc. was all in order. Whilst they were checking my documents I spotted a car go past without any rear number plate which I pointed out to the officers, they just didn't seem interested!
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Making a start on clearing out the shed ready for repainting and found a couple of unopened tins of white emulsion that had been forgotten. Does paint have a shelf life? if not it will save me a trip to B&Q. Theres still a lot to clear out, a local charity shop is going to be quite happy, the bin men less so. I'd better get on now with it, be back later.
  4. Even if the car driver used his mirrors correctly at those sort of speeds he might not have seen the motorcyclist. If you look at the path he took round the roundabout then cut across his mate with the camera and then went wide he may well have been visible in the car drivers mirrors for only a fraction of a second.
  5. Warning, this film is of a fatal road accident. And it wasn't young or inexperienced riders either, both riders were in their 40's. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=b2f_1374272723
  6. The place were I spent most of my working life, the Dagenham Civic Centre is a Grade II* listed building. It was built c. 1935 in the Art Deco style. On one occassion it was used as a set for Poirot, the TV people taking over for about four days, to get about five minutes of broadcast time. What was amazing was how, in the days before CGI they disguised or hid more modern structures such as the 1960's tower block flats right in front of the building.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit grey and cooler this morning, not surprising perhaps with a bank holiday coming up. On the 'Driving standards' thread I seem to have got the cyclists and car drivers agreeing with each other, over cycle lanes. Not to worry though as I expect warfare to resume shortly.
  8. Fitted with Kaydees as well.
  9. There is a very good 1:43 scale model of one of those from a French partwork. There were also a few similar conversions of the Mk. III Escort van but they apparently are or were 'home made'.
  10. They were discussing the Sainsbury's truck v. a cyclist incident on the Jeremy Vine show today. Several people mentioned some ridiculous cycle lanes such as one that is no longer than a bicycle and others unusable due to obstructions and I know of a few other cycle lanes that are not fit for purpose. The one in the incident alluded to above should not really be there, as was shown it makes it more dangerous for the cyclist. The mind set it encourages in drivers is 'He's in his lane and I'm in mine so what could go wrong?' whereas if the cycle lane wasn't there it would should be 'There's another road user sharing the road with me so I'd better take care.'
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The refuse collection problems in Sutton alluded too on these pages made it on to the BBC local news this evening, p1ss up, brewery comes to mind. Thats where I get my tea from, I might even try the Scottish grown tea. At the moment my prefered tea is the breakfast blend which suits my palate. Their service is very good, usually within 24 hours of placing an order.
  12. He lives in Hornchurch, and he owns at least five CX's.
  13. I think that ABS brakes do encourage bad driving by encouraging drivers to use their brakes excessively, this can be seen by the number of times you see brake lights coming on when braking should not be neccessary. Using the brakes to often does nothing for the fuel consumption either.
  14. A similar incident happened right outside my front door several years ago. Similar in that the drunk driver had her young child in the car with her. Fortunately the speed was a lot lower as she collided with a house rather than a roundabout. My house is on the corner of a T junction, facing the end gable of the house on the other corner. The driver came up my turning (the upright of the T) and then tried to take the junction at too high a speed and lost control. She done a full 180 degree turn and slammed into the front of the house opposite mine.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Tea is grown in the UK, in Cornwall and Scotland and although I buy my tea from Scotland it is not Scottish grown tea. Churchill when he became prime minister in 1940 had the possibility of home grown tea investigated but as the bushes take five years before they are ready to produce the idea was dropped. Now off to enjoy my second mug of tea, made properly in a teapot with leaf tea, be back later.
  16. Most people don't know what a Cutty Sark is.
  17. I collected my supply of tea from the post office on Sunday, it came all the way from Scotland. I think there's plenty in stock so we won't have to rope in cycling wallabies to deliver emergency supplies.
  18. Probably because of consideration for her child, far more than she showed. What surprised me was only a three year ban, a life ban would be more suitable IMHO.
  19. The less frequent oil changes were possible because the large engines were not overstressed.
  20. Motorising a 00 scale model would not be a problem. The bogie wheelbase is 7 feet, 28 mm in 00 scale which is a 'standard' size for many motor bogies. Also in a smaller scale I can see difficulties in installing a motor in the body and concealing it without compromising the interior details.
  21. I read that as 'Mrs saw one cycling'.
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