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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Rain seems to have stopped (for now) though earlier this evening there was a bit of thunder and lightning. The self sown poppies in the front garden are coming on in leaps and bounds since the rain though there will be a bit of weeding to be done now as well. Thats it for now, hope that those who wanted it had a POETS day, be back later.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday Sherry, and lots more of 'em. I've decided not to have the shed ceiling re-plastered, instead I'm going to add some battens to support the existing ceiling as the hardboard is still in good condition only warped, I have found sufficient battening to do the work. Found a few more 'forgotten' tools as I've continued to sort through the shed contents including a spirit level that I rescued from some wet cement, I quickly cleaned it off and there's now no evidence of its incarceration in cement. I hope to be able to visit the exhibition at Benfleet tomorrow, biggest problem will be parking. A friend of mine, Roy Emery will be there with his layout 'Shellhaven'. Have a good POETS day all who can, be back later.
  3. Driving tests did indeed cease for the duration and there are still a few drivers around who have never passed a test though they would all be in their 80's at least now. Someone who obtained a licence before the introduction of the test would be at least 98 years old now.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Popped into the orange DIY emporium for the materials to do the pointing on the shed, basically a couple of bags of ready-mixed sand and cement. Luckily its in plastic bags as the heavens opened as I was taking it to the car but if the forecast is anything to go by Sunday will be the best day for doing the work, dry but not too hot with a maximum of 20.C.
  5. My dad who was born in November 1919 said that he just missed out on getting a licence without a test.
  6. When I lived in Burnham-on-Crouch 30 years ago there were a lot of elderly drivers who because they obtained their licences before the driving test was introduced (1935 IIRC) had never taken a test. If they appeared before the local magistrates for a motoring offence (which many often did) their licences were suspended until they had passed the test, which very few of them could.
  7. I have had a postal vote for years, long before it became the norm, this was because I worked at most elections as a poll clerk. At one time you had to have a very good reason for getting a postal vote such as mine above or serving overseas in the armed forces. Now its a lot easier, I receive a postal vote despite not requiring one since I retired 9 years ago. Postal votes are now renewed automatically unless you wish to go back to voting at the polling station. I would recommend a postal vote to anyone who for any reason may be unable to vote in person.
  8. Contact your local registration office and ask their advice.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bin day today so the dawn chorus is the bin lorries manouvering in the narrow estate roads. At least four different varieties, land-fill, re-cycling, glass and garden/kitchen. I done a few bits on the shed yesterday and I will have to make a few minor adjustments, the two hooks on which I intended to hang the stepladder will have to be lowered a couple of inches for it to fit. Jamie, I have a half finished Billings Cutty Sark, when I purchased it the hull was finished but the masts and rigging were (and still are) to be done. The reason for purchase was that like many other models in the Billings range it was 1/75 scale, close enough to 00 scale not to matter too much. A visit required to the orange DIY emporium later for a few more bits and pieces that I thought I already had and will most likely find once I have purchased a replacement. Thats it for now, be back later.
  10. Make an ideal load for the Oxford low-loader.
  11. Great to hear from Debs and now its goodnight all.
  12. I didn't have to go through all the rigmarol that Jamie and Tony are going through to get their pensions. All I had to do was to sign a form to the effect that I was still breathing and the state pension started, and this was less than 4 years ago. This reminded me of the story of the Nigerian pensioner, there was a big to-do with government officials turning up when the records showed that he was 120 years old. The pension wasn't very large as the pensioner had worked in a very lowly position (gateman IIRC). As he was illiterate he signed for his pension each month with a thumbprint. When the officials turned up to congratulate him on achieving such a great age he was nowhere to be found, until a villager told them he was buried in the local cemetary. When they checked it turned out that he had been dead for 40 years but his family who had depended on his pension had cut off his thumb when he died, mummified it and continued to use it to sign for his pension.
  13. A bit out of context as it wasn't a roadside tramway but was very similar to the Ewing system. There was a monorail operated on Canvey Island that used the motive power (a horse) instead of a wheel to balance the vehicle. Type 'monorail' into the search for more pics. http://www.canveyisland.org/page/hesters_monorail
  14. In fact the majority of the locomotives and much of the rolling stock is American in origin not British.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Ian (OD's) mention of a broken tooth reminded me that I still have to get the tooth that I broke just before Christmas. The first dentist I went to wanted an arm and a leg to fix the tooth. Then someone suggested another dentist who was far cheaper, when he examined the tooth he told me that I should wait a few months as all of my front teeth had been loosened in the fall. I've checked and there is now no movement in the teeth so it looks as if a visit to the second dentist is in order now. Thats it for now, be back later.
  16. I've just joined the Flat Earth Society, they have members all over the globe.
  17. He was heading for Suffolk. As he couldn't see were he was going he probably didn't know exactly where he was.
  18. An elderly driver was stopped by the police on the A12 a good few years ago as his speed rarely topped 20 mph. As it turned out he was registered blind but thought that as he had some eyesight he thought he'd be OK.
  19. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I switched on my computer a couple of hours ago and found that I had no fewer than 48 likes/agrees/thankyous/funnies waiting. Its taken almost an hour to look at what you all think of my erudite pearls of wisdom dross. I did have my car washed last week as where I had my new tyre fitted there was also a carwash so as the car was filthy I decided to get it done. Happy birthday for tomorrow Rick, have a good one.
  20. The WCPR had no street running as such but the level crossing at Clevendon All Saints was at such an acute angle, almost parallel to the road that a short train would be between the gates when crossing,
  21. Another surviving Bristol LDL is the one provided to Eastern National. My late father drove it several times when he was a driver at Brentwood depot.
  22. I wonder if the girls do.
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