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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I use Libre Office on my current lap-top so thats the way I'll go with any new one.
  2. Thanks to Andy I can see the battery now, its such a tight fit that you can hardly see where it ends and the computer casing starts, and its only about four inches long. I found the sliders and operated them but the battery still won't come out so its a call to the shop tomorrow. I daren't use a sharp/metalic object to remove the battery. I am running on the battery at the moment and it seems to be OK. When I was in Tesco's earlier I had a quick look in their electrics department, they had a very nice looking laptop in there at £179, I'm interested as its a light and compact 11" model whereas my current one is 14" and a bit bulky.
  3. Mine arrived this morning, excellent job. Now to find a suitable chassis or motor bogies.
  4. Thanks Andy, I have looked and it seems to access the battery I have to unscrew the back. The place I purchased it from has an advice line so I'll give them a call. EDIT I've found it, now to remove it.
  5. It started not long after I had the warning about overcharging the battery. As others have agreed with your advice that is what I will do. Only problem is that I'm not even sure where the battery is.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I seem to have a computer problem, it started a couple of days ago when I noticed that the tool bar was blank, that is except for the time/date, battery status, volume control and internet connection but these are 'frozen', the time and date I switched my computer on remains at the time I did so. For a while yesterday the other icons appeared as they did this morning before disappearing again but I still could not access them due to the toolbar being frozen. I am on windows 10 with AVG security.
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I've never had an actual blow out but I've had a few punctures in my time, the last was only a few weeks ago as I mentioned here on ER's. As far as I am concerned second hand or remoulds are a no-no, I always buy brand new. Many years ago there was a demonstration by the police of some of the horrors of second hand and remould tyres. One was a second hand tyre that had virtually disintegrated at speed throwing the car out of control, the reinforcing bands had split and taken the rest of the tyre with it. The remould had suddenly developed a massive blister on the corner of the tread and had flipped the car onto its roof, also at speed. The first tyre had been 'kerbed' breaking the steel reinforcing bands, the tyre fitter would have known that the tyre was dangerous as before it was fitted to the wheel the distortion would have been obvious. The remould was badly done, the original tyre was not prepared properly and the remould cover was not 'sealed' properly. A split in the original casing spread and burst but the air stayed within the remould casing instantly making the tyre 'balloon'. This was 40 years ago before the consumer protection acts and of course remould tyres are now vastly improved but I still replace with new tyres.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sun was shining this morning but now clouding over but according to the forecast it should stay dry. The weather forecast is about the only thing worth switching the box on for now, nine days to go and I'm fed up with all this election stuff, I've cast my vote already as I have a postal vote. Might even do a bit of gardening today, the poppies are coming on well but only a few buds yet. Thats it for now, be back later.
  9. On my first trip to the continent, more than 40 years ago we were a bit worried coming back as we were well over the duty free limits. Turned out to be no problem at all as in front of us was a Transit van full of hippies that attracted the attention of the custom officers. We were just waved through as they were taking the seats out of the Transit.
  10. The table that clips onto the parcel shelf gets me, those tea cups would be smaller than an egg cup.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Nice to hear from Debs again and I hope things are getting better. Dry at the moment but clouding over and more rain predicted for this afternoon so I'd expect an early return by the hoards heading for Southend. Seeing as gardening is out I will have to find something else to do. Thats it for now, be back later.
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Saw cockwomble of the week today, saw a car reversing out of a parking space at Tesco's today so I waited for him to clear so I could park in the space. Instead of clearing the space he then gets out of the car and opens the tailgate. Along comes henwomble with loaded shopping trolly and then they proceed to unload it into the car, not helped by the fact that they were in no hurry to load the car.
  13. The German and British V4's were entirely different engines, there was no parts commonality between them.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Had a warning on my laptop this morning, I was at risk of overcharging the battery. So I switched it off at the mains and its only taken an hour to drain a third of the battery. Now switched on again and will switch it off at the mains again when I switch the computer off, if its fully recharged. What with the goings on in Sarthe, do we have the makings of a soap opera here?
  15. There is another thread about this on RMweb, definitely a scam.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Dinner tonight was a (microwaved) baked potato with cheese and ham filling topped off with a bit of salad (NOT microwaved). As is a bulldog on my Facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1913055818980294&id=100008276824531&notif_t=like&notif_id=1495907234729098
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A small thunderstorm passed over about an hour ago but now the sun is shining, still muggy though. Unless you wanted to add to the camoflage. See above.
  18. But that's not the case here. The warning bells are ringing which means that you should wait until the train passes.
  19. Don't sit the kids in the back of a people carrier >>
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