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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny here this morning if still a bit breezy. Took a look at Facebook this morning but its full of politics so I gave up. I did see the English grammar test posted by Sherry and had a go and was quite pleasantly surprised to also get 100% seeing as my teachers said my taking of English GCE would be a waste of time. Thanks for the advice re. BP all, FYI the device just straps to your wrist like a watch which it resembles and are quite cheap at £12-£20 each depending on make/model. Thats it for now, be back later.
  2. I don't have any problems with sat navs, I don't have one and I don't want one.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Met up with Tony in Tesco's this afternoon and had a little chat. Tony mentioned the monitering device that I mentioned that arrived a couple of days ago. Still got to get it charged up, it charges from the USB socket on the lap top, I'd plugged it in last night, then switched the lap top off at the mains. Reading the instructions nowhere does it say what a healthy BP or heart rate should be, my GP looks at the reading and just says "Thats OK" and then removes the arm band. I did receive a letter this morning saying I had an appointment for a medical check up. It turned out to be from a private medical firm and they were going to charge me £129 for the priviledge so I saved myself £129 by throwing it in the bin.
  4. I have swapped the chassis of the Mk.I over to the body of a Base Toys one. Thats if you can find a Base Toys Cortina where the boot/rear end casting hasn't moved during production. All that is required is removal of the raised turrets of the Oxford chassis together with a small trimming of the rear corners. The Base Toys casting is by far the most accurate, and it is of the more common 4 door version but let down by the crude interior and poor wheels, the best part of the Oxford model.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. It looks as if the rain is here for the day, thats put paid to doing anything outside, flaming June? At least I can do a bit more inside the shed, after I've re-arranged things in the utility room to make space to set up the workmate. Found the remains of a bird yesterday near the front door, species indeterminate but possibly a starling or a young blackbird, victim of the local feline population. Thats it for now, be back later.
  6. When it comes to Morris Minors the Classix ones a far superior IMHO. Unfortunately they are becoming hard to find since the company ceased production.
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The device that I ordered to keep track of my BP arrived this afternoon and is now on charge. Not only does it measure BP and heart rate it can measure sleep activity amongst other things and it all can be downloaded.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny first thing this morning but now clouding over as predicted. Must have been a cool night as the central heating was on this morning when I woke up, at least the towels on the heated towel rail were nice and warm. Not a lot done over the weekend, not that there was nothing to do I was just feeling lazy. Chris, if you want somewhere to go for breakfast I would suggest some of the 24 hour supermarkets, the only problem might be opening times. So long for now, be back later.
  9. Evening from Estuary-Land. Andy, I wish you well in your future career and I hope your decision was the right one. I was in the fortunate position of having the option of early retirement, which I grabbed with both hands. Its time for dinner now, be back later.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. No words can express how I feel about last nights events in London, thoughts are with those murdered and injured.
  11. Your (late) Irish client?
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Hard to believe its a year since Jocks passing, he is sorely missed. At least its a bit cooler now so I can get on with a bit more work on the shed, haven't done much for the last couple of weeks. Have a good weekend all, be back later.
  13. The Oxford 00 scale buildings. http://www.oxfordrail.com/76/structures.htm
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday BR and happy anniversary Beth and Jamie. Tony, it is a national scheme I had the scan about 3 years ago and got the all clear. Only bugbear was that there was about six of us to be scanned and we were all given the same appointment time so some of us had to wait to be called in. The poppies are coming on well but no sign of any flowers yet, and speaking of poppies there was a newspaper item a few days ago where a chap failed a random drugs test at work and was about to be sacked when he proved that the morphine found in his body was from the poppy seeds on the bread he ate that morning. Thats it for now, have a good POETS day, be back later.
  15. Oxford also announced a 'ready to plant' range of buildings in 00 scale including a water tower. Admin note: see here http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/123202-oxford-2017-announce-oxford-structures/
  16. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I found a voucher when I was preparing to do a bit of shopping this afternoon, £20 off electricals at Tesco, one of those that is generated at the till if you spend over a certain amount. As I was considering getting one of those Acer laptops I mentioned earlier I decided why not. I've now got myself a job over the weekend of setting it up. I still haven't sorted out the battery problem with the current computer but it appears that it may need replacing. When I use it it is on mains power but when I switch off as the battery indicator is showing 'full' I disconnect the power. However when I switch on again the battery indicator shows low. Saw a pair of cockwombles today, the first was a 'hot hatch' with blacked out windows. As I wanted to turn right at the next roundabout I was in the outside lane, I was travelling at the permitted speed limit when the hot hatch shot past on my nearside and weaving in and out of the traffic. He apparently wanted to turn left (no signals of course) but came up against the queue of traffic also turning left, pillock! The other was a henwomble in a Chelsea tractor. Near the local station there is a short one way system, cars have to turn left and go under the railway bridge. There are two lanes, one straight ahead and one turning right. There is also traffic lights were the roads divide. Henwomble is waiting at the traffic lights in the lane going straight ahead, as they change she puts her right turn indicator on and goes right, luckily for her no one was turning right just then.
  17. Sorry I am not able to supply any photographs but the product is very good with little if any of the rough finish that you get with some 3D printing. The one thing that is less than perfect is that the roof detail which IMHO looks a bit basic. The exhaust is OK but I would have prefered it as a separate item. The radiator top tank looks rather small as does the clerestory above the engine but these can be built up with plasticard. The footboards either side of the roof are a bit basic. On the main part of the body the only thing that needs doing is the radiator, on the prototype this is inset about three inches, on the model it is flush and does not have a great deal of mesh detail. I intended to add some photo-etched mesh to this anyway and that would have involved cutting out the panel anyway and mounting the PE mesh inside. In all a good basic model but I would have prefered the roof details as separate parts to be added on which would be an aid to painting and if they could be printed inside the void of the body could give a slight reduction in production costs. I would have prefered it without buffers, perhaps this could be an option in future?
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. There is, or was a 1/72 scale model of the Nimitz, I calculated that it would be about 16 feet long! Not only that, I understand that it carries over 100 aircraft, thats a lot of model kits to build. There's some pictures on the net but I'm not sure if I am allowed to post them here. I'm now awaiting a couple of parcels from Groupon, one is a monitoring wristband that registers things like heart rate and blood pressure, very useful and quite amazing discounts of 60-70%, highly recommended. Thats it for now, be back later.
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