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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. First of all congrats to Debs and Passepartout, hope you had a wonderful day. Still feeling a bit worn out after the exertions of the weekend, not that I exerted myself very much yesterday. As I mentioned I spent most of the day as doorkeeper, rather boring at times but I had a nice chat with a retired London Underground driver (East London Line) that helped while away the time. Next year the exhibition coincides with my 70th birthday, I've got a few things in the initial planning stage at the moment but I've still got just over a year to get things sorted.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I was given Voltarol tablets to treat my arthritis but I had to stop taking them when I was diagnosed as they reacted against the BP medication. When I had that minor fall last year it seemed to kick off all those forgotten minor sprains and injuries.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. By all accounts the show was a success but today I was tasked with sitting in a shady corner by a door with the sun shining through directing the attendees to the show to the pay desk. I had a good look round yesterday and this morning before opening time. I also purchased a scratchbuilt tamper from one of the guys on the Fenwick TMD layout with DCC for £40, quite a bargain.
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Off out again for show duties, be back later.
  5. In fact they did, but not very successfully and it was quite by accident when they discovered that it was still intact.
  6. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The show went very well today, no serious upsets and AFAIK not even any minor ones. We have a visiting layout from our 'twin' town in France and they 'borrowed' an English language student from one of their education institutes for the trip, a good idea as they have a translator and the student benefits from the contact with the native English speakers. A delightful incident, I pointed a dad with a 3 year old in tow to the Thomas layout. It only took a few minutes for the little one to get the hang of the controls and he was enthralled, so much so that he spent almost the whole of the afternoon playing on the Thomas layout, hopefully a future railway modeller.
  7. Works on the same principle as a model aircraft glow-plug engine.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A quick hello and goodbye, busy weekend with the show.
  9. A very old member of my model railway club was bought up on a farm in Norfolk. He said that to start a Field Marshall tractor in the winter they used a blowtorch to heat a special plug in the cylinder head until it was red hot and the hit the cartridge with a hammer.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Saw a cockwomble get his comeuppance today. I popped down to Tesco's for a few things before heading to the clubhouse. I found a parking place in one of several bays opposite the store each bay having about 7-8 parking places each side. As I was getting out of my car I noticed a Mercedes parked at the end of the bay using two parking spaces by straddling the white line. Just then another driver pulled in looking for a space and I told him that there were no more spaces and the two at the end were occupied by a single car. The other driver said "No problem mate." and then proceeded to park his car a few inches from the bumper of the Mercedes and at right angles to it.
  11. On another thread there is an item about someone who collects milk bottles.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I was going to say that GDB should have a fantastic layout by now but Andy B got in first. anyway congratulations on giving up the weed. Busy weekend this weekend as its our exhibition, got to be at the clubhouse at 3 this afternoon to check tables etc. Sounds as if your getting better Tony, no word from Rick yet?
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Overslept again this morning, I did wake up at about 6, decided that was too early and then didn't wake up again until 08:15. Interesting item Tony posted on Facebook about 'Fatbergs' being turned into biofuel and while I'm here hope your a lot better Tony. Is the lady in green saying to the lady in white. "Don't worry dear whe'll find you a new golf ball." or "It might not be the right ball you played, but the left one will do just as well."
  14. It looks as though the whole vehicle is on fire. Usually in accidental fires the fire would be confined to a small section of the bus such as the engine compartment, looks very suspicious.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I'm a tea drinker myself, gallons of the stuff. Despite being only 'tea for one' I still make tea in a pot, and I have gone back to using leaf tea instead of bags. I use a filter teapot one of the advantages of which is that the tea takes a long time to stew and by which time it would be cold anyway. I do have the occasional coffee but as I cannot drink it without sugar I drink it very rarely and as others have said the taste very rarely matches the smell when being prepared. Glad to hear that Rick and Tony are getting better. Thats it for now, be back later.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Belated anniverery greatings to GDB & SWMBO and Tony great to hear that things are getting better. Not much to report today, busy getting stuff ready for our exhibition this coming weekend. We had booked two rooms, the same as the last couple of years but the exhibition manager was only told last week that one of the rooms was unavailable and that we would have to use a sports hall instead. We of course had to accept this but the programs including floorplan has been printed, also the alternative hall is on the opposite side of the schools complex and involves a trek to get to. Thats it for now, be back later.
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