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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I was feeling a bit dizzy last night despite not having touched a drop even though it was my birthday. The ear infection came back and was affecting both ears but it seems to have cleared this morning and I'm no longer feeling dizzy. A bit grey this morning but should clear up according to the forecast. Thats it for now, be back later.
  2. East Mayne Basildon. Its the one off the Wickford turn off of the A127. (Basildon side).
  3. That photograph was taken at Bicester and both are awaiting work at the wagon repair shops. Note the poor condition of the wooden decking of both wagons. Both types had wooden decks for ease of repair as they carried tracked vehicles.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. As well as my usual daily trip to Tesco's I also visited Sainsbury's today. I'm glad I did as I also decided to treat myself for my birthday. I discovered that the bakery in Sainsbury's now has a Patisserie Valerie counter where I took possession of a vanilla cheesecake, absolutely delicious. The lady behind the counter told me that this is a 'try out' and if successful will become a permanent fixture, I hope it does. I did forget to ask though if it was just the one store, a few selected stores or every store. Belated birthday greetings to Pete.
  5. You forgot the 'GROAN' button.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Today's my birthday, thanks for all the good wishes on Farcebook. I noticed the 'Firewood for sale' sign outside your former cottage 45156, it looks as though a few trees have been removed as well. My former home was a cottage in Burnham-on-Crouch, built in 1862. When I owned it the walls were an ivory colour and the porch painted white/cornflower blue. The current owners have now painted it salmon pink with the porch a deep green colour, yeuck!
  7. The first is SWMBO giving instructions the second is a beer.
  8. We do most certainly need a GROAN button.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Congratulations Jemma on attaining your captaincy and glad to hear that Tony is getting better. Had a visit from my brother last night, he announced that at the age of 70 he is taking up a new hobby, railway modelling! He proudly showed off his oval of Setrack, well we all have to start somewhere but knowing my brother it won't progress much further than a 'train set' straight out of the boxes but at least if it makes him happy. In fact I know of some railway modellers who are happy to do exactly the same thing, including some on RMweb.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Was sunny this morning but now overcast and getting muggy. I did hear a rumble in the far disance about half an hour ago but thats all so far. I had one of those whirly twirly things in the bathroom. Biggest problem was it was attractive to moths and in the sort of weather we have at the moment the bathroom was full of moths so that was soon replaced by a LED bulb. The reason they attract moths is that they emit ultra-violet light which is irresistable to moths. EDIT Typo.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Warm and sticky night tonight and thunder and lightning predicted for the early hours. It must be years since I rode a bike but like GDB I have no intention of taking up cycling again. The roads are bad enough from inside a car let alone from on a bike. I think that if I did I would probably need a trike.
  12. There are multiple anniversaries of both world wars coming up between now and 2020, and a few beyond. The Warwell though has the virtue of being long lived in service, there's not many items of rolling stock that have seen 75+ years of service.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Club night tonight, which will be taken up by a post mortem of the show. A bit early for a detailed picture of how well the show went but the exhibition manager, who is also the club treasurer was in a good mood throughout the show so it seems that things went very well. C & C's to all, be back later.
  14. Not surprising perhaps as the professional cycling world has been hit with several scandals over the last few years such as drug taking and they now want to present a 'clean' image. Having said that Peter Sagan's actions were dangerous in the extreme.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Congratulations Andy, I hope you will be happy in your new job. Rick, I hope your friends daughter isn't too badly affected by what she's seen, time will tell of course. They still have a few of those triple voltage cool boxes in Tesco's so I grabbed one while I could. It will come in handy as I need to defrost the fridge freezer sooner rather than later.
  16. Indeed there was one such accident. IIRC the unit went through a signal at danger and collided with another train. The motormans body was found laying in the six foot a few miles before the collision. Fortunately there was no further loss of life.
  17. And no decompression lever, wouldn't like to hand crank that.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not a lot to report this morning, a bit grey outside but more than warm enough. That makes two of us.
  19. If it grows too much how is he going to get his helmet on.
  20. Evening all from Estuary-Land. First of all congrats to Debs and Passepartout, hope you had a wonderful day. Still feeling a bit worn out after the exertions of the weekend, not that I exerted myself very much yesterday. As I mentioned I spent most of the day as doorkeeper, rather boring at times but I had a nice chat with a retired London Underground driver (East London Line) that helped while away the time. Next year the exhibition coincides with my 70th birthday, I've got a few things in the initial planning stage at the moment but I've still got just over a year to get things sorted.
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