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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Dry but a bit breezy here this morning, but at least its dry. My flowing locks were wavy, most of them have waved goodbye.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I don't normally wear T shirts but I do have some. One is emblazoned with "Original grumpy old man", when I wear it I keep getting asked were I got it from, not by men of a certain age but their wives. Unfortunately I got it in a closing down sale and it was the last one left. Weather forecast is not that great, rain and yet more rain. So long for now, be back later.
  3. And those that did got VERY hot, often requiring a call from the fire brigade. (IIRC including FRM1)
  4. Baz, that is appauling re. your pension. You are entitled to that on day one of your retirement or on whatever day you have been told you are due for it. I had a similar problem with the payment of my retirement lump sum. It should have been paid into my account on the first day of my retirement (which was a Friday), come Friday morning there was no sign of it. A phone call to the pensions department revealed that the person responsible for putting the sum into my account had taken a few days holiday and 'will deal with it when she comes back'. Having been a union rep with a reputation for not suffering fools gladly I immediately contacted a few senior managers and appraised them of the situation resulted in the sum being deposited in my account later that same Friday and a rocket being deposited in another place where the sun dont shine.
  5. Many of these trolleys had the headlight above the windscreen and just below the roof.
  6. Good afternoon from Estuary-Land. I thought you said doggy wi-fi not dodgy wi-fi John. Meaning perhaps the dogs were stopping at every post and tree to check their wee-mail, hat, coat and gone...................................
  7. Breaking news from Washington DC. Revolving doors are going to be installed in the West Wing of the White House.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. There is a rumour that a revolving door is going to be installed in the West Wing of the White House. I passed my driving test at the third attempt though the second doesn't count as the car broke down and the test had to be abandoned. Not a lot to do today so I'm considering doing some gardening, only considering doing so so I might not.
  9. K's did produce some continental models, the Victorian Spanish coaches for example. It looks very much like a typical K's kit, i.e. basic, just sides ends, roof and wheels. I've decided to place a bid on it.
  10. There are at least two in existance. IIRC both have had the wheelbase extended by a foot or so and one at least has a B series 1800cc engine.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny here this morning, faint possibility of the odd shower but thats it. Might spray a bit of weed-killer around but that will be the extent of my gardening today. Thats it for now, be back later. EDIT Best wishes on your retirement Brian and to Ian on his 35th wedding anniversary.
  12. In all fairness to the vendor it did start at £7.99.
  13. Afternoon from Estuary-Land. Returned from the toy fair and after a bit of lunch and an eyelid inspection inspected the goodies. Bargain of the day has to be a Skaledale modern telephone booth in unopened packaging for £1 and a Bachmann Scenecraft block of flats for £44, about £10 below the box shifters price. Some of the stuff on display though was a lot of tat but not often priced as such.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A quick hello this morning as I'm off out to a toy fair. There was indeed quite heavy rain last night and it woke me a couple of times but I was soon back in the world of nod. Bye for now, be back later.
  15. At the beginning in the scrapyard I espied an Austin A40 *Dorset, now very rare, only 7 left. *2 door version of the Devon.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sun brightly shining but according to the weather guru's its not going to last. They are still available, just Google 'wind up radios', not expensive either at about £15 a shot. I wonder if there's a market for wind up lap-tops?
  17. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I finally finished the 16X16 suduko yesterday, its taken four days and I must have spent at least an hour a day on it. Sad news about baby Charlie, the inevitable happened this afternoon. As much as I sympathise with his parents sometimes its better to let go. As has been said you need no qualifications to handle a boat and cockwombles abound on the water. A long time ago, 1969 we hired a cruiser for a holiday on the Norfolk Broads. We were coming down the River Wensum through Great Yarmouth on a falling tide. Despite the engine only ticking over enough for us to steer the boat we were moving with the tidal flow at about 5 mph. We came around the bend into GY to be confronted with a 40 foot cruiser trying to turn his boat around because he had spotted a moring. A collision was inevitable, fortunately no damage was done to the cruisers but the clincher built dingy we were pulling astern got trapped between the larger boats and was 'sprung' and started filling with water. We managed to haul it partially out of the water so that it wouldn't sink. We'd managed to get the details of the other cruiser and when we returned the boats we informed the boatyard who were quite OK about it as word had got back about this particular cockwombles activities, our incident wasn't the first or last.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. An item on BBC breakfast this morning on the Post Office railway that is being reopened as a tourist attraction, one on my bucket list. Another item was the cockwomble who managed to write off his £200.000 Ferrari within an hour of collecting it (wet road, too fast + dry stone wall) luckily he got out with minor injuries.
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