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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Waiting for the rain to arrive, had only a few spots yesterday. I remember back in my courting days when I was living in Romford and my girlfriend lived in Brentwood. I was often driving home of an evening when I ended up behind one of the Greenline Routemaster buses, usually behind as they were faster and could out accelerate my car (Ford 100E). Not surprising really as they had a 12 litre diesel, the AV760. They and the airport buses were the most powerful Routemasters but the airport buses had to tow a trailer. GDB, glad to hear that Steve is improving, a slow process but heading in the right direction.
  2. Just a thought, the Oxford Warwell contains more plastic than the Hattons one. Would this affect the running if they were mixed together in a rake?
  3. I don't know whats worse, being attacked by a drop bear or walking about the bush with Vegemite behind your ears.
  4. Evening all From Estuary-Land. The van in front of the garage has been resolved. It belongs to a neighbour to whom I gave permission to park there. Normally he parks there for no more than a day or two but he had been called away for a few days. The van will be removed first thing tomorrow. I have a Hyundai i10 that is now 9 years old, basically a Kia Picanta with all the flutes and whistles. It has been ultra reliable, the only replacements needed so far is a new clutch and tyres, it still has the original brake pads.
  5. There is a couple of second hand boats listed, one an electric powered Frolic 21 and the other a steam powered Mayfly 16 complete with trailer. The first is priced at £18,000 and the second at £18,750. Now where did I put that lottery ticket?
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Yesterday afternoon I found my garage blocked by a van parked up against the door. The van itself has evidently been in an accident as the drivers side is a bit battered and by markings on the windscreen has recently been auctioned. If I can't locate the owner its going to get towed away. It has been there since the weekend and I've noticed that the grill badge has disappeared (its a VW Caddy) and someones attempted to remove the number plates. I have asked around but today I'm going to report it to the council as I rent the garage from them.
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Roundhouse, I once worked with a pillock who's conversation was riddled with the business speak cliches. On one occassion he was heard speaking on his mobile whilst in one of the toilet cubicles. Another one of my colleagues then stood outside the cubicle and produced one of the longest and loudest f@rts I had ever heard. There was an immediate silence from within the cubicle but what happened next I couldn't say as I had to leave the room as I was laughing so much.
  8. October 8th to November 1st, 24 days, the first summons must have only just hit the doormat.
  9. I had to fillet the football pages from the centre of last Sunday's paper so its not far off.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I nearly bought a Fiat about 35 years ago, it was a camper van based on one of those small rear engined forward control vans based on the 600/Multipla's successor. The only reason for rejecting it was when I sat in the drivers seat my head was up against the roof. The camper/caravan bit was OK for travelling in and stopping for a brew up but as for spending a holiday in one no way, it was so cramped. Tony, be thankful that Robbie doesn't like rhubarb considering its usual effect on the digestive system. By the way, rhubarb is a vegetable not a fruit (and a tomato is a fruit not a vegetable). The difference is a fruit contains the seeds within the fleshy part that gets eaten but a vegetable is the seeds. leaves, stalks and roots of the food plant. Another point is rhubarb leaves are highly poisonous and Robbie is probably aware of this. Apple pips contain arsenic and cherry stones contain cyanide so don't bite on them. Bye for now, be back later.
  11. I would like to visit but I live too far from the museum.
  12. Apparently a Vauxhall Nova engine/transaxle will fit into a Mini but it has to have a Clubman front end or the radiator hung outside the grill.
  13. There's a couple of A35's and 100E's with Susuki jeep underpinnings running about.
  14. The Germans used a lot of captured British (and Allied) equipment. A lot of that captured at Dunkirk remained in use by the Germans until the end of the war. I have seen photographs of Austin ambulances that were recaptured from the Germans 1944/45. The only thing neccessary would be to repaint it into German cammoflage and markings.
  15. Me too, theres still a lot of stuff in use at home that came from my grandparents.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A quick look at Facebook this morning, not much change apparently in Johns condition, thoughts are with him and Debs. Also my nephew was showing off his new lady so there may be a wedding coming up soon in the family. That will mean getting a suit, I haven't worn my suit for at least 15 years so I very much doubt I'll be able to get into it now, its been in and out of fashion twice to my certain knowledge. These sort of drivers abound over here, too scared to drive. I had a colleague who once she had passed her driving test never drove again, perhaps just as well as she couldn't manage a manual gearbox and only passed on an automatic.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Suns still shining but a bit hazy now but no sign of any showers (yet). Must have been a bit chilly this morning as the heating kicked off at 7, but at least I had some nice warm towels when I had my bath this morning. Looks as if you've had an attack of predictive textitis.
  18. But if GDB goes out in the rain wearing it? I would use any extra money to clear such things as credit cards. That is what I did with my lump sum starting with those with the highest interest rate. I now have only two credit cards, a Mastercard and a Visa both of which are 'clear'.
  19. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny but still a bit windy this morning, ideal weather for doing a bit of gardening. Following Debs on Facebook and keeping fingers crossed for John who is undergoing the operation about now.
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