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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Several makes had the headlamps so mounted in the mid 20's including Pergeot and an obscure short lived British maker Rhode.
  2. Morning all from a dull and drizzly Estuary-Land. The tool-bar on my computer has 'frozen' again, as far as I am aware there hasn't been a Windows 10 update as this apparently was the cause the last time it happened. Hopefully it will resolve itself at the next update as happened last time.
  3. The self same photographs appeared on Facebook a few weeks ago, I don't think there was any conclusive identification of the make.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Not been a bad day today weather-wise but its now raining, not that it matters very much as I have no intention of going out. More good news from Debs on Facebook it looks as if John will be home very soon.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Like Mick I too have an unused mains electric chainsaw still in the box. It was purchased to remove a large tree that has since been removed professionly. I agree with Chris that a good soak in the bath gets rid of a lot of aches and pains. I too use bath foam as it makes the job of cleaning the bath far easier. Thats it for now, be back later.
  6. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Disposed of a few modelling tokens at Brentwood this morning, mostly on Oxford diecasts but I did find an EFE Melbourne tram for the princely sum of £19.50 which I grabbed with both hands. Talking of matters Australian, this was on the news this morning. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-australia-40968860/venomous-snake-in-child-s-play-area-in-australia-s-gold-coast
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Condolences to Andy and Lorna. Bright and sunny today but no Gardening or DIY until later as I have to dispose of some modelling tokens first at the toy fair at Brentwood, thats where I'm off to now, be back later.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Congratulations BR and Mrs. BR on your anniversary and Mrs. BR's birthday and to Abbie on her exam results. I left school with four 'O' levels and throughout my working life I was never asked for proof, just as well really as I never actually received the physical certificates as I changed address shortly after leaving school and the school sent them to the old address despite being informed of the change. I thought the funniest one was the lost false teeth.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. My modelling mojo seems to have disappeared some time ago. In fact the modelling workspace seems to have disappeared beneath a pile of 'stuff'. In fact the modelling room is getting very cluttered and I suppose it could do with a good clearout, perhaps when (if) I finish the shed. Bye for now, be back later.
  10. I went to the club tonight and the events at Southend Airport was discussed. Someone said that the control tower has the ability to put the railway signals to red and to cut off the OHLE in an emergency.
  11. Its only one stop from Southend Victoria but the line is right next to the runway, a couple of aircraft have overshot and ended up on the railway.
  12. Further to the above. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-essex-40946850
  13. Reports coming in of an explosion and fire at Southend Airport. From the pics it doesn't seem to be anywhere near the passenger areas, more towards the hanger area.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. One advantage of doing all the cutting and preparing of timber outside is that there is no need to clean up the detritus that comes with it, other than sweeping it into a convenient flower bed. A bit cloudy but supposed to stay dry until this evening so I can get on with a bit more woodwork. Have a good HUMP day all, be back later.
  15. Seeing the Rover above registration 398 BUC reminded me of my first car 760 BUC. Not so luxurious though it was a Ford 100E Popular.
  16. You will soon find out that there's a lot more work to do at home than there ever was at work.
  17. Their accounts system hasn't been right since the beginning of the year. I checked my account only to find that my direct debit had been cancelled so I had to pay the outstanding payments and even then I couldn't even re-instate my direct debit until a month ago. Check your Atlas account to see if both payments are recorded. I would suggest setting up a direct debit then you will have no problem with payments as long as you keep an eye on it. Also they tend to deduct direct debits 4-6 weeks late but don't worry about that as long as it says 'direct debit' on your account.
  18. Fingers ready at the GROAN button please. A piece of string walked into a bar and asked for a pint. The barman said "Sorry but we don't serve string in here." So the piece of string went outside twisted himself up and roughened up his ends. He then went back into the bar where the barman asked "Haven't I seen you before?" to which he replyed "No, I'm a frayed knot."
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