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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. IIRC there never was a third rail, power was supplied through the running rails exactly the same as a model railway DC system. Undoubtedly as they operated at a greater voltage than a model railways 12 volts battery operation is a necessity for health and safety.
  2. Fifteen years ago I went on Holiday to Malta where I hired a small car that happened to have power steering, which felt weird at first until I got used to it. The problem arose when I got home and got back into my own car, a larger and heavier model without power steering, I nearly put it through the brick wall opposite when driving off of my drive.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I'll sort out a couple of those whistles for you Tony. I can drop them off next Saturday morning as I'm picking up a friend and his young son from Benfleet to take them to the Brentwood toy fair then on to the Chelmsford show. Last year the two events coincided as well and it took less than half an hour to get from one to the other. Thats it for now, be back later.
  4. I got one wrong, the limit on a single carriageway. I always thought it was 50 not 60.
  5. It made it on to the 6 o'clock news, apparently its a member of staff who was sacked making a protest.
  6. Thanks for the advice, the bulk of the rolling stock is still in kit form so the couplings will be added during construction. The locomotive I purchased ready built from a white metal kit and is fitted for 3-link couplings only and the provision of any other sort of coupling will be difficult. Even with the S&W I will have to dispense with the hook. The reason is were you would expect to fit the couplings the chassis is thick (about 6-7mm) white metal with a curved profile, difficult to drill the holes even for a wire loop. I've been going through my stash of bits and pieces and came across some steam locomotive whistles. I do recall that someone (GDB?) was looking for the same to replace some from the Hornby Peckett which are liable to damage.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Looks as if the weather will be fine into next week but make the most of it as its not predicted to last. Sorting out the plans for my intended micro layout. Problem is the one locomotive I have is set up for three link couplings only and because of its construction fitting of any other type of coupling would be problematical. This is because on the model (solid white metal) the buffer beams go down almost to track level and at the same time curve inwards to the wheels. Added to that the layout baseboard is only operable from the front so some form of automatic coupling/uncoupling is not just desirable but essential. I found the answer last night when looking through some modelling 'stuff' I found a couple of unopened packets of Spratt & Winkle couplings. Does anyone use these couplings anymore? its several years since I last saw them in use.
  8. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I forgot to mention but yesterday I espied a squirrel on the patio. Theres quite a colony of them hearabouts but it must be the first one I've seen in my garden for many years. I stick to green bananas as this time last year my BG was getting very near to danger level so I have cut right back on sugar (ripe bananas have as much sugar as a Mars bar), its working because my BG now sticks to between 5 and 6.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Slug on the carpet is no more, I happened to wake up at gawd-knows-what-time this morning and so decided to check for slugs. So I crept downstairs and lo and behold there he/she* was galloping across the living room floor. After a struggle he/she was secured in a piece of kitchen paper in preparation for a flight across the garden. As I was locking up afterwards a fox appeared out of the shadows and found a tasty morsel where the slug had landed. Q, I suffered badly from cramps up until a little while ago until someone suggested eating a green banana shortly before going to bed. Too early to say if it works yet but I have had very few if any cramps since I started doing so. Thats it for now, be back later. *Apparently some species change sex halfway through their life cycle.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Didn't Tazzie Tex have serious internet problems? But that was well over a year ago, maybe even two years or more. There is evidence that there was more than one slug getting into the house, more slime trails on the carpet. They seem to be entering somewhere near the patio doors or the vent alongside them. Only thing is the patio doors are double glazed UPVC and the vent is closed off with a shutter that is tight, no sign of any holes either.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Baz, if looking for a suitable clubroom at a reasonable cost in Yorkshire is difficult just imagine what it is like in the south east. Our present clubroom was a lucky chance find, it belongs to the local council and was due to be demolished but somehow it wasn't, when we made enquiries they were surprised to know it was still standing. Oh and by the way if you have a wood burning stove or know someone who has I would snaffle some (or all?) of that pear tree, wood from fruit trees gives off the appropriate scent when burnt. By for now, be back later.
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Pete, as Tony has shown the State cinema is still there, IIRC it is now listed so it cant be knocked down. I thought it was a power station when I first saw it.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. GDB I have had similar problems with an organisation and I also had a 'Did we do well' questionare. I duly and truthfully told them that their customer service was carp. All I got back from them was an automatic apology and since then when I've raised queries, which I must say have been dealt with satisfactorily I've never received another questionare. A bit breezy out but dry with only the odd shower predicted so I'm thinking about doing something in the garden. Thats it for now, be back later.
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. But did you have the Haversack? It actually made it into today's Daily Mirror.
  15. Often a case of having to due to the idiot car drivers who park in bus laybys.
  16. Oooo they do semolina as well, one of my favourites 60 years ago. (I hated tapioca, frogs spawn.)
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The sun is actually trying to break through at the moment but the forecast is pretty much dry for the next few days. I was thinking about going to the Peterborough show on Sunday but I've got too much to do but hopefully next year. Thats it for now, be back later.
  18. Something I forgot to mention, at the bus rally today the was a young woman seeking out a matching pair of Oxford Diecast N scale classic minis, to turn them into a pair of earrings.
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