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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. By strange coincidence trump is British slang for a fart and johnson is American slang for a prick.
  2. It took him a long time so his average speed was not that high.
  3. The station I was thinking of was St. Mary's, Whitechapel Road. In fact one of the platforms still exists but it is walled off from the running lines when it was used as an air raid shelter. The street level buildings were bombed during the war and subsequently demolished.
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Thoughts are with Debs and Neil at this time. I have now come off the BP drugs because of some of the side effects, one of which is severe eczema particularily around the lower legs. This is now gradually fading but last night the itching was driving me mad. I managed to resist the temptation to scratch and found that the best relief was by wiping the affected area with a damp flannel. The only thing now is my black shoes/socks appear to be covered in dandruff. I now have to keep a careful watch on my BP but I'm managing to keep it at or below the 140/90 mark though its still a bit higher than I would like.
  5. There's also the elderly male driver who got lost on the M25, he made nearly two circuits before he ran out of petrol.
  6. Yes, I meant west, east of the current station was another station the name of which escapes me at the moment. IIRC the current Aldgate East replaced both stations.
  7. That is not the original Aldgate East station either. The first station was to the east of the present station and a few feet lower. When they built the present station they raised the track level to about platform height of the old station. Parts of the old station are still there and are visible from passing trains, if you are quick enough and know where to look.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Had a good day out yesterday, I managed to avoid the roadworks that Tony mentioned and turned right at the next traffic lights which was more convenient as it bought me out very near to where my friend lives. There was other roadworks however en route to Brentwood and there was no suitable avoiding route which made us about quarter of an hour late. It only took about 25 minutes to travel from Brentwood to Chelmsford where fortunately there were no more roadworks. My friends 9 year old thoroughly enjoyed himself especially as we called into John Dutfields on the way home.
  9. Thats nothing, we have a former Prime Minister famed for doing things with a dead pig.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. A productive day purchase wise, but it meant going through quite a few modelling tokens. The bulk of the purchases were of diecast vehicles but many were railway related including some of the new road/rail Landrovers from Oxford. I took my friend and his young son with me, the lad enjoyed himself and managed to get to operate a couple of the layouts, under supervision of course.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Another mug of tea and then I'm off out to first the Brentwood swap meet and then the Chelmsford exhibition. Tony, I might not have enough time to deliver the whistle for your Peckett so I'll pop a couple in the post. Got to go now, be back later.
  12. "Go and stick your head in a pig." David Cameron couldn't even get that right.
  13. Many British Fords were assembled in Australia, alongside some exclusively Australian versions. The sit-up-and-beg Prefect is a good example, apart from the Utes the Australian version had an extended boot which unlike the contemporary Anglia was smoothed into the bodywork instead of being added on the back as an afterthought. They also had a steel roof in place of the fabric covered one of the British model. Other exclusive models were the four door Anglia and now very rare Prefect van. Prewar Australian Fords included coupe versions of both the model Y and my favourite the CX.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. O the joys of commuting, I'm glad that I don't have to commute any more. At least I didn't have to rely on public transport too often. At times the A13 could be worse hen/cockwombles abounded at rush hours. I think that I could beat both of you on all counts, after all have either of you mistaken an old elastic band for a slug?
  15. Actually a Ford 8 would probably do better in Australian conditions than many of its contemporaries. Up until 1950 all Fords used the 'buggy' suspension that was used on the model T with its traverse springs front and rear. This in turn was developed from the American farm buggy that was developed to cope with unmade roads in the American 'wild west'.
  16. Rick, there was an item in todays Daily Mirror entitled 'First class farce'. Apparently on some services first class can be cheaper than cattle standard class.
  17. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I should really cook more than I do, but as I live on my own and especially before I retired my diet was a 'ping' diet. I'm gradually getting out of the habit now and I use a conventional oven and grill more than I used too. The micro still has its uses, if I suspect or find an item is not cooked through properly thirty seconds in the micro soon sorts it out. I also use it to steam vegetables, in a suitable container with a splash of water. I am using less pre-prepared food, mainly because it usually contains too much salt and sugar. One cooking device I find very useful is a dry fryer, you can not only cook chips but cook pies at the same time.
  18. The ones I have spare might be old Hornby Dublo items. Many years ago my club acquired the stock of someone who specialised in repairing Hornby Dublo 3-rail. This was disposed of to a specialist dealer but afterwards the whistles were found in the bottom of one of the boxes that the parts had come in (in their own plastic bag).
  19. IIRC any train capable of exceeding 100mph.
  20. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bit late this morning, spent rather longer than usual soaking in the bath. They're not the only ones selling tat this time of year. Lets see who can find the biggest/most ridiculous/most tasteless bit of tat and post it here for all to enjoy laugh and poke fun at.
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