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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Listening to the normal Thursday morning dawn chorus of bin wagons. Its amazing some things that people put out to be collected but the bin men are pretty good at what they will accept but a three piece suite is a bit OTT. I've been getting the same lately, sadly the only way I could find to stop it was to reluctantly turn the Adblock on. I say reluctantly as RMweb is a 'free' service for which I normally disable Adblock. I not only find the jingles obstrusive but 99% of the ads are of no interest to me. FYI the noisy ads are at the bottom of the page. I did find that by clicking on the ad it opens in another page that you can then delete. Problem is that then the next ad will appear after a couple of minutes and you will have to go through the whole procedure over again. The only problem with Adblock is that it is not selective, all ads are blocked including those that I could be interested in.
  2. Triang-Hornby beat you to it with the inside frame 08, only the wheelbase and gauge were wrong. I know, hat, coat and gone.....
  3. Tony, the show at Romford is also on the 11th. I'll be collecting my friend and his young son from Benfleet but there will be a spare seat in the car if your interested.
  4. All of the money went to Railtrack who handed it over to their 'investors' instead of using it to improve the system.
  5. On another thread which discusses modelling preserved railways someone suggested modelling a preserved GWR broad gauge line. He also suggested for ECS and other non-passenger duties a broad gauge class 08 with the wheels outside the frames. I wonder if any more diesels and electrics could be so treated.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Overslept a little this morning, woke up at seven decided to lay in for half an hour that turned into an hour and a quarter, as I'm retired its no problem. No callers last night, just as well as I did not have any treats, it pays to be a miserable old git at times. That reminds me of the cricket commentry "The batsmans Holding, the bowlers Willey."
  7. There is a pic on Facebook of a 142 broken down in service being hauled by a class 47. If he had to make time up it must have been quite a ride for the passengers.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Thoughts are with Debs and I too seem to have something in my eye. As many of you know I am on Facebook as are a few other ER's. I had a quick look in earlier this morning and every other item was an advert and I seem to spend a lot of time telling them that the ads are totally irrelevent to me, I know one ER at least who may require the services of a horse dentist but it aint me. Another thing that annoys is I keep seeing the same ad but with a different company name, don't these people realise that I'm not interested.
  9. The early STL's together with the 'unfrozen' one's delivered in the early 40's were chosen for such conversions as they had crash gearboxes. The buses fitted with pre-select gearboxes were not suitable for towing.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. My body clock is still catching up with the clocks going back and will probably take a week or more to do so. My neice is complaining about one of her cats demanding food at 5 in the morning. A bit chilly out but bright sunshine. perfect Autumn weather.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Personally I think this annual ritual of putting the clocks back and forward should be done away with, and whats more so do two thirds of the population. Every time the clocks go back there is a spike in road accidents and burglaries so why not stick to summer time all year?
  12. They would probably have come out blurred anyway with the vibration from the engine ticking over.
  13. I took some pots of silver for myself and so did my friends 9-year-old son who is now in deep doo-dah for not covering the table with newspaper before he used it.
  14. As we now seem to be adopting the continental epoch system the term 'Modern Image' is redundant.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday Jamie and many more of them. My local council, which is officially hung but in fact was controlled by the largest party until recently. As the councillors from this party were virtually all from a certain area of the council that area got the cream if any was available. Not any more though, two other parties who you would not think would even talk to each other have formed a coalition and now run the council.
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