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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. The EFE car transporter represents a late 60's/1970's model. As regulations were relaxed from the late 70's the transporters began to change, firstly to a larger version of the EFE model, usually with two axles and then to the adjustable decks that we have today. Cararama produced a car carrier that was representative of the early adjustable deck type, ostensibly 1/72 scale but with their Scania cab which was 1/76. This was a toy and was a bit tall and was meant to hold 8 model vehicles but by carefully 'tweaking' the adjustable decks I was able to place 13 vehicles on it.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Weather as reported by Tony, only the car being parked in the shade is still frosted. Not to worry as by the time I need it the frost should have gone. My friend (with the little boy) who I am taking to exhibitions keeps asking me if I want a contribution towards costs. He is a single parent with three children two of whom are special needs. As he cannot work he's on a limited income but he feels embarrased about my not asking for any payment. What do ER's think I should do? I am considering asking him if he'll pay my entrance fee at shows but your looking at £10 just for him and his boy to get into some shows, perhaps where accompanied children have free entry I could ask him then. Name and shame the company!
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The usual bin lorry chorus this morning but at least the (noisiest) bottle collection one is only fortnightly and not this week as I've come to the conclusion that some of my neighbours are dipsomaniacs. I have been lucky when dealing with officialdom, I've had very few if any problems, perhaps being involved with officialdom most of my working life has helped.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Commiserations to Rick at the loss of his aunt and I'm sorry to hear about your brother Simon. My second expected parcel arrived this a.m. A selection of diecasts being sold off by the Stobart shop very cheaply. I didn't make use of the time RMweb was down, I just seem to have spent more time on Facebook. I will have to get my hair cut soon, the sign that it needs cutting is the back of my neck is still damp half an hour after washing my hair.
  5. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The first of the expected parcels arrived this afternoon, the 4Ground laser cut building kit. On the box it says skill level 5!!! I hope I'm up to it. On the way home from the Romford exhibition on Saturday we popped into Tesco's, me, my friend and his lad. My friend espied some damaged multipacks of Dorito's and some other items with large reductions (90%) to clear. When he got to the till he was pleasantly surprised to get a further deduction under the price comparison, in fact the rebate was for more than the cost of the branded goods.
  6. I've had a couple already, but fortunately they've gone straight to my spam folder.
  7. Like human beings animals can come in all shapes and sizes. You can always 'adjust' any out of scale figures by careful placing on the layout. You can also do the same with buildings and vehicles but if you get it wrong it can be glaringly obvious. To my eye it seems to be that a slightly underscale model is less obvious than an overscale one.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Good luck Duncan and I hope everything turns out OK Steve. As I have mentioned I take my friend and his young son to exhibitions. The lad although he is 9 years old he is rather small and looks not much older than 7, whats more he has a mental age of 5. Despite that, or possibly because I quite like playing grandad to him, all his natural grandparents had gone before he was born. The cause of his problem is genetic, his older sister has the same condition but fortunately his eldest sister who is 17 is perfectly normal.
  9. When at an exhibition this last weekend I purchased a copy of 'Branch lines to Longmoor' by Vic Mitchell and Keith Smith (Middleton Press). When I got home I realised that I already had a copy. If anyone wants it please PM me.
  10. An abandoned wagon on its own piece of disconnected track would make a great diorama.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright, sunny but cold this morning but it looks as if its not going to last. Like Rick I am expecting a couple of parcels, one might arrive today or tomorrow and the other in a couple of days time. The first parcel is a laser cut model building kit by 4Ground models. The second parcel should contain some extra models from the Atlas World of Stobart set. The Stobart shop is selling off some surplus items from the range, at £12 each! I intended to watch 'The War Horse' yesterday but managed to forget, never mind it will come around again soon. Bye for now, be back later.
  12. Now were did I put those kippers that I found on the reduced to clear counter a few hours ago?
  13. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a good day at the swapmeet today, purchased some Oxford lorries for code 3's very cheaply. I'm getting used to being a surrogate granddad, the lad enjoyed himself and is no trouble. Southend show next weekend, looking forward to it.
  14. The idea is that you call up a driverless car (on an app?) only when you need to make a journey. I can see a fortune being made for returning lost property.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A quick look in as I will be going out to spend more modelling tokens shortly. Taking my friend and his 9-year-old son with me, the lad doesn't have any grandparents and I'm getting to like the idea of being a surrogate granddad. Luckily the lad is well behaved and polite and no problem. I too am not familiar with LB&SC thongs please tell me more. Heads up for those who want to watch it the film 'Warhorse' is on BBC1 at 2:05 this afternoon.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a good day at Romford today, though I was well supplied with modelling tokens today I didn't spend that many but tomorrow there's a swapmeet at Rayleigh. A bit risky doing both at the same time. I want one!
  17. I'm going to a swapmeet tomorrow and another on the 9th December. The going rate seems to be about £65, I'll look out for any changes. The Atlas order system is a mess and they seem too be sending out extra models marked as paid for. I received an extra free airport crash tender that way, one lucky devil got an extra double deck coach for free.
  18. I was speaking to a trader at today's Romford exhibition and he said that Atlas dispose of any extra models through wholesalers once a series is finished but anything with the Stobart name goes to Stobarts shop. (Probably part of the permit to use the Stobart name.) Incidently the double deck coach has sold out, not to anyones surprise I guess.
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