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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Best wishes Rick and hope everything goes well in your new job. The weather forecast is for wet and windy mid-week followed by a strong icy blast straight from the north pole for the weekend, time to break the thermal underwear out.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit cloudy but at least its dry, will check out the weeks weather later this morning, I noticed from the TV schedule that the news that contains the report has been brought forward to 12.15 from 1 to make room for the FA cup draw, just as well I checked. Thats it for now, be back later.
  3. Road rage, over a parking spot! http://abc7.la/2gRVdBM
  4. An argument over a parking space. http://abc7.la/2gRVdBM
  5. What make of car is that behind the A7 special? I think its may be a Rolls but I'm not sure.
  6. Evening all from Estuary-Land. As I mentioned I will be spending Christmas day at my sisters so its almost certainly going to be turkey for Christmas. I don't care much for turkey myself, when I've had to prepare Christmas dinner for myself its usually been a grilled fillet of salmon (caught not farmed), baked veg (tatties and parsnips) cooked in the dry fryer* and green veg in the microwave. It all takes about 15 minutes to cook. Christmas pud is being microwaved whilst I am eating the above. *The term dry fryer is a misnomer, though it looks like a deep fryer it is in fact more of a small fan oven. If anything requiring frying such as chips will come out bone dry unless they are coated in cooking oil, I use oven chips.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bit late on parade this morning, spent a bit longer soaking in the bath. I should imagine that GDB is watching the rugby from Australia right now, we'll find out later. EDIT, GDB posted as I was writing the above.
  8. Evening all from Estuary-Land. NHN pointing out that the 30 metre contour line passes through his garden reminded me that the 40 metre contour line passes through both my front and back gardens as it does my 3 neighbours.
  9. Teresa May, Donald Trump, the Pope and a schoolboy are in a plane thats about to crash but they find that there is only three parachutes. Teresa May declares that she should have one as she is needed for the Brexit negotiations so she donned a parachute and jumped. Donald Trump declared "I'm the smartest POTUS theres ever been so I should have a parachute." so he donned one and jumped. The Pope then turned to the schoolboy and said "I am old and you have your life ahead of you so you take the last parachute." to which the schoolboy replied. "Its OK holy father theres two parachutes left as the smartest president theres ever been grabbed my school bag instead."
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday GDB and many more of 'em. No sign of any white stuff here this morning but a bit damp, not falling from the sky at the moment though. Got to go now, be back later.
  11. Its not so easy to squeeze in and out if you have mobility problems. Most supermarket parking bays are too small and the sizes have not been altered for many years.
  12. I recently compared the Locomotion model with 00 scale drawings of the same, I can confirm that it is actually H0 scale. Also the reason for choosing H0 scale becomes obvious, to fit a 00 scale model onto 16.5mm track would involve making cutaways in the sides of the boiler to take the wheels.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright but very chilly this morning but snow is predicted for later. About this time of year I take the ferry from Tilbury to do a bit of C*******s shopping in Gravesend but the weather being like it is it might not happen this year. The usual Thors day dawn chorus of the bin lorries this morning has been and gone, well the bin bags have gone from the front of the house. Not a lot else to report, be back later.
  14. It says that it can survive being wet, parachuted from an aircraft and can go 5 miles. What they haven't told us is can it survive the baggage handlers at ThiefHeathrow?
  15. Thats an idea, make the layout in such a way that the viewers can only see the trains through gaps in the buildings. Only short sections will need to be embedded in the road surface and no scenic breaks (and the giant hand decending from the sky can be hidden as well).
  16. The swastika is banned in many European countries but appropiate transfers are available here in the UK. They are allowed in certain cases such as certain films but not for modelling.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A mite cold this morning but tomorrow is predicted to be even colder, we might even get some sleet or snow. Last night I found a pool of water in the fridge part of my fridge freezer, fortunately it turned out to be a blocked drain hole so panic over. Not a lot else to report so bye for now, be back later.
  18. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Ivan, has it got a rear screen demister? The only other thing I can think of is that it is somehow part of the air-con controls. Try looking at what it says in the manual about the a/c and heating controls and see if there is a button or control that is on your dashboard but not mentioned. If you want moss (not of the Kate variety GDB) I have plenty to spare, the front of the house faces due north and it grows in abundance on the front path.
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