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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. The major fault with the Karrier/LMS system was its complication and poor ride on rails. Modern systems only use the (separate) rail wheels to guide the vehicles. EDIT spelling.
  2. The Oxford road/rail Land Rovers come with access ramps so they can get on to the track. Its quite possible that the rescue vehicle has similar equipment.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Fingers crossed for Debs and glad to hear your getting better Rick. A closer look at yesterdays bargain purchase revealed that the blob of solder is barely touching the fracture and whoever did the 'repair' didn't even try to remove any paint or dirt beforehand. The solder wont interfere with repairing the model so I have decided to leave it were it is and just glue the support back in place. Another bargain from yesterday was a Classix horse box, the horses were with it but the tailboard/ramp was missing so I only paid £1 for it. The vendor told me to rummage in the box as it might be in there, it wasn't but I did find some odds and ends from EFE lorry loads, barrels and churns, a packing case and a ladder for which I paid 50p for the lot.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Managed to spend a few modelling tokens at Brentwood today. Find of the day was a Britains model articulated lorry, it is one of the very last 00 scale models they produced. Normally such an item would be expected to cost something in the region of £70 but as the vendor pointed out it was suffering from metal fatigue on the trailer portion, one of the axle supports had snapped off. I must admit it looked like metal fatigue but when I got it home a closer examination showed that it was solder where someone had tried to repair the damage, there being no evidence of metal fatigue. Hopefully I will be able to remove the solder (which is ancient) and reaffix the damaged part with superglue. Not bad considering I only paid a fiver for it.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Still grey and dreary but a bit brighter than the last week. I need to find an exhibition or railway event on the 10th March within easy reach of Estuary-Land as its someone's tenth birthday, any suggestions welcome. Now off to spend some more modelling tokens after a couple of mugateas, be back later.
  6. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just a quick heads up, Tesco's are selling tools ideal for modelling at knock down prices. For example small needle nose pliers at a £1 each and various other items at £1-£2.
  7. I would like to get my hands on one of those FIAT 131's. Also the Spanish company Eko who produced HO plastic road vehicles for some reason made their Jeep station wagon in very near to 00 scale. Someone has upgraded one of these models using Oxford Land Rover wheels. He also converted a second to a pick up truck and used the spare body to produce a passable representation of one of the Land Rover 80 inch prototype estates by shortening it and fitting it to the Oxford 80 inch LR.
  8. Someone has motorised one already, it was on Facebook before Christmas.
  9. If you are going to reduce the width anyway wouldn't it not be easier to cut the floorpan just inside the body sides between the wheelarches?
  10. I've fitted the Base Toys Cortina Mk. I body to the Oxford Mk. I flooorpan. The modifications required to the Oxford floorpan is a bit of trimming at the rear sides and a reduction in the turrets around the screw fixings. I also used the Oxford interior. The B-T casting is far better as long as you can find one that has been cast properly without the rear half of the boot higher than the front.
  11. The breakfast show finishes at 09:15 and is not on I-player.
  12. I missed it too, I had assumed it was Saturday as nothing had appeared by 08:40. Regretably they don't put the breakfast show on I-player.
  13. Morning (again) from Estuary-Land. More news on the Nottingham station fire. Apparently it started in a toilet in the newly refurbished part of the station which seems rather odd. Smoke was first spotted at about 6 this morning by which it was deemed serious enough for the BTP to start an evacuation, the whole building was well ablaze by 07:30.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit grey this morning but dry so far. Breaking news this morning, the railway station at Nottingham is ablaze. Fortunately no casualties but all services are suspended through or to and from Nottingham. Better news depending on your point of view, Donald Trump has cancelled his pending visit to the UK. Best wishes to Andrew P, Amber and any other ailing ER's, be back later.
  15. There's another five programs to come yet.
  16. It was also intended to use steam in the coalfields of Patagonia, even to the extent of purchasing the last Sentinel steam waggons built. But then it was realised that the coalfield was in a very dry desert.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Didn't wake up this morning until gone 8:30 so a bit late on parade. I've looked in and added my fourpenniesworth to the 'Biggest little railway in the world' debate, I hope its not going to disturb the calm like some posts have. The current discussion is about a remark made on the program about model railways being the countrys second most popular hobby (the most popular is teaching a worm to swim). Best wishes and get well soon to Debs, Neil and Rick and to any other ailing ER's.
  18. I still take a couple of classic vehicle magazines as I once owned a 'classic' van. It ended up mouldering on the drive due to lack of facilities to restore it so I sold it on. But how many readers/purchasers of those magazines are active in the pastimes that the magazines promote? Many, including model railways require skills and abilities that very few of us have in total. We all have some skills but other skills are like a dark art. For example I am quite happy to build scenery but mention electrics and I am lost.
  19. I thought the most popular hobby was sitting on a riverbank in the cold pouring rain teaching a worm to swim.
  20. I take it you've hidden all the knives and other sharp objects.
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