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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. The ad quotes it as a 2600 but the spec says 1997 cc?
  2. Also in Tesco's but at £9 a pop I'll give it a miss.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Good to hear some better news of/from Debs. I haven't ventured onto Facebook today but I am about to do so.
  4. They were angled down and forward so that as they rotated the coal moved to the front. The coal space was at least 12 feet long (I'm sure others here can give the actual measurement) which meant that the fireman would be almost constantly shovelling the coal forward.
  5. Didn't Jones (and possibly Holden) get there before either of them?
  6. And a footplate big enough for two firemen (plus the driver of course).
  7. Morning yet again from Estuary-Land. As soon as I signed off earlier this morning the dawn chorus of the bin wagons started, begining with the glass/bottle wagon. My black bin bag had decided to join some of its fellows further down the street but all has been collected now. The sun is shining brightly but still windy atm.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Slept through all the (external) wind last night, problem is that our council does not provide bins other than for garden and some food waste, everything else goes in plastic bags which are now scattered down the street. Fortunately my bags are OK, the pink recycling bag is still were I placed it and the black bag has only moved a few feet until it came up against the fence. It seems that the binmen are out chasing errant bin bags as theres no sign of the bin wagons dawn chorus yet. Wishing Debs and other ailing ER's well, be back later.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The problem I spoke about this morning is sorted, as I suggested the item will be collected early on the outward journey. All those reduced to clear tools in Tesco's that I mentioned a few days ago have gone now unsurprisingly.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit windy and chilly at the moment but with a weak sun shining. Andrew has put into words what many of us are thinking about Debs but she is in the best place possible. A slight problem has arisen with the planned birthday treat for my friends son. As I said his birthday falls on a Saturday and we have pencilled in a show to take him too. However it is also the date of a local toy fair, this would not normally be a problem but my friend (the boys dad) had arranged to collect an item from one of the traders. The exhibition that will be the lads treat is some distance away and will require an early start but the toy fair is only open from ten till two. One solution would be as the toy fair premises is open from 7 am for setting up an arrangement could be made to collect it early but that will have to be sorted.
  11. The LB&SC scheme fell victim to the anti-German fellings following WW1, most of the equipment was German designed if not German made.
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Nice to hear some news about Debs even if it isn't as good as we would like. Best wishes to her and any other ailing ER's.
  13. One of the first if not the first electric railway designed as such. Some might mention the City and South London but that was initially intended to be cable hauled.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit late on parade but its still morning (just). The Q's post reminded me of the bit on the news this morning about the car in California that ended up in the upper floor of an office building and being in a built up area it was caught on CCTV. Same reason, tanked up driver, I did see pictures of it on Facebook yesterday.
  15. Thats exactly what I have done today, I hope he'll like wearing it despite it being as big as a teaplate, his birthday is still a few weeks away yet anyway.
  16. The boat was clearly taking on water even by the time that he tried to reconnect. Water and electrics don't mix and there lies the problem. I did wonder though why didn't they have a couple of people in a rowing boat just in case?
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit of a late riser this morning as I didn't wake until well gone half eight. For a brief spell this morning the sun actually broke through. Spent some time yesterday looking for a birthday card for a 10 year old, there doesn't seem to be a lot available of what I'm looking for, one that comes with a badge telling everyone that the wearer is 10 years old. His birthday fortunately falls on a Saturday and his dad and myself are planning a model railway exhibition visit as a birthday treat. Get well soon Debs and any other ailing ER's, be back later.
  18. Welcome back Andy and goodnight all.
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