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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Or place the third box the other way up and install a traverser with 3 tracks?
  2. If you can find a third box place it between the other two boxes with just plain track between them and use that as a fiddle yard for both of the layouts at the same time.
  3. It is and it was, the person concerned was sacked and prosecuted for sexual harrassment*. And the adverse publicity didn't do the company that employed him much good either. *And IIRC also charged under the data protection act for misuse of data, the victims mobile phone number.
  4. I was in exactly the same situation, with the same company. What really riled me was the attitude of the person I was dealing with when I asked them to sort out, they just couldn't be bothered and left me to sort it out. In retrospect I could have assumed that they had resolved the issue and that I was continuing with my usual supplier and got my gas and electric for free. I had plenty of proof that the low life who tried to transfer the supply had never lived at my address so any court orders etc. would be in their name. It is apparent that this particular energy company never bothered to check before transfering accounts with things such as electorial registers. I had received correspondance addressed to the person from the company which I sent back marked 'Not known at this address' which as it turned out was company policy to ignore.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Out today to purchase a new shed, nothing fancy, the ones I am looking at are not much more than a largish wardrobe. This time it will be a plastic or metal one and anyway valuable items such as power tools are kept in the house. Thats it for now, be back later.
  6. Oops, I knew it was something sticky. Goodnight all.
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The trip to the E&O went well today despite our late arrival at Ongar. First off there was a serious accident at the Treacle Mine junction (just down the road from Tony's abode). This resulted in traffic going towards the A130 being directed down past Tony's road and via Benfleet Station and Canvey Island. Having collected my friend and his son we decided to go via Raleigh Weir only for there to be roadworks on the way there with traffic lights controlling one way working. This meant that we were an hour later than intended but this was made up IMHO by the motive power, Metropolitan 'E' class No. 1. There was an interesting selection of buses, mostly London red buses and we managed to catch a ride on Volvo Ailsa V1 and a Greenway which is a rebuilt Leyland National. I would have liked to have had a ride on some of the other buses including FRM1, an RMA, RP and several other rare and unique types.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Up early this morning as I'm taking a little lad and his dad to the Epping and Ongar Railway today. The lad is looking forward to it as as well as the trains there will be a special vintage bus service and he's getting into buses, much to the disgust of his dad who is a diehard railway enthusiast. Thats all I have time for now, be back later.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny here this morning and fingers crossed that it will stay that way. Went down to the garden shed for the first time this year only to discover that the felt had been damaged and water had poured in and everything was soaked. Fortunately most of the damage is confined to items that can only be described as rubbish. The electric lawnmower has escaped the wetness and it hasn't affected things like spades and garden forks. I was contemplating a new shed only this time I'm thinking of a metal or plastic one, I have a suitable base a lot closer to the house though its only big enough for a small shed.
  10. What about a side gangway like the old low bridge buses?
  11. Condolences Tony and Aditi. Its been over forty years since we had to have our boxer put down, she was only seven years old, and I've never had a dog since.
  12. I have a couple of those boxes and I'm planning on joining them together to make a layout. I did enquire about any more boxes and apparently they were only stocked for Christmas. Another source of similar boxes, also near to Christmas is those special presentation boxes usually containing alcoholic drinks with cheese and biscuits. I've managed to scrounge a few, one is going to house a diorama and another is going to hold the controllers etc. for a layout.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning (if a bit frosty) but its predicted to last for most of the weekend. The Q's post made me realise why I wanted to retire as soon as possible, and that was very nearly ten years ago. I'm off to spend my Tesco vouchers later, I've waited until today because a few magazines that I regularily purchase have hit the shelves this week and there is also a double points voucher. Heres wishing Debs, Mal and any other ailing ER's the best and bye for now, be back later.
  14. My dad took part in that program and won the treasure chest, £50 which was a lot of money in 1958.
  15. Great to hear from Debs, and John please pass on our good wishes and with that its goodnight all.
  16. Do you expect to see Yogi Bear?
  17. They have speed limit signs in France showing two different speeds. IIRC the lower figure is for night-time/bad weather.
  18. All 13/60's used the Vitesse bonnet but with single headlamps. Unless it was the Indian Standard Herald which mounted the headlamps on the inner bezels and put the sidelights/indicators where the outer headlamps would be. (And they had four doors and no tailfins, and a solid rear axle.)
  19. Going to bus technology again you could eliminate the underframe altogether as in the Routemaster bus.
  20. Perhaps thats what they were waiting for, the letters to be produced and despatched for them to deliver.
  21. Morning all from Estuary-Land. My first car had only three gears with no syncromesh on first and very little on the other two gears either. I have on several occasions driven a Transit minibus, the vehicle in question was frequently changed for the newest model. One time I got a brand new one, only a few differences in the instruments/controls. I was happily driving along in fifth gear and was mystified by an upward pointed arrow on the dash, then someone asked if it had a six speed gearbox and lo so it did. One slight problem later arose, the sixth gear was where reverse is on my own (5-speed) car and I forgot it when I went to reverse and promptly stalled the engine.
  22. Thinking of Debs, Mal, Neil and any other ER's under the weather, goodnight all.
  23. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A little bit late this morning as I had to wait for some Windows 10 updates. A bit warmer than of late but still chilly. Hoping things go well for Debs, Mal and other ER's who may be under the weather and thoughts for the bereaved. Thats it for now, back later.
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