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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. A good day at the toy fair today, I picked up some more resin buildings at quite low prices. Apparently the 'ready-to-plant' resin buildings from Bachmann, Hornby and some others are now becoming collectable in their own right. Not surprising as they are made in limited runs that are not repeated.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. And a very cold morning it is, I got up early this morning fully expecting to have to scrape the ice off of the car windows but there seems to be very little if any ice. Muggatee awaits so bye for now, be back later.
  3. Glad to see you back Mal and thank Gabe for keeping us up to date.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I will be off out to spend some more modelling tokens tomorrow at Rayleigh. Last time there I bought a brewery, not a real one unfortunately but the Bachmann Scenecraft 00 scale one. Great to hear that Debs is making progress and please give her my best wishes (and the same to all other ailing ER's).
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Chris, sometimes my clock radio does the same thing but it is easily reset by switching on the radio for a few minutes. However mine is reset automatically by radio and I have no other means of reseting the time. Speaking of clocks I did have a couple of those cheap 'travel' alarm clocks, both of which stopped working after I had received the clock radio. The reason they stopped working was that I placed them in front of the speakers of the clock radio. Only then did I realise that the magnetic field of the speakers had virtually destroyed the magnets of the 'make and break' motors powering the clocks.
  6. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Condolences to Jamie on the loss of his FiL. I get e-mails from something called the Big Deal offering to save money on my energy bills. Needless to say they go straight to the spam folder. One thing that annoys me is at the bottom there is an 'unsubscribe here' button, I never subscribed in the first place. I'm certainly not going to click on anything on these e-mails.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. When I looked out last night before going to bed the car was covered in frost but this morning despite being colder some of it had gone. Forecast is that its going to get a lot colder, down to zero during the day by the middle of next week. Apart from a few snow flurries its going to be dry fortunately with clear skies. I was going to post a news item that I thought was funny but I now cant find it. A chap in Newport Gwent had managed to get a ring spanner attached to his manhood and then found that he couldn't remove it. He went to the local hospital who then called the fire brigade to remove the spanner. Perhaps he was trying to tighten his nuts.
  8. The real thing is often as bad as that especially some of the north American short lines.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Hope the news keeps getting better for Debs, and Simon and Mal of course. Sad news that one of our club members who I was informed was very poorly on Sunday has since passed away. Not sure how old he was but certainly in his eighties. We had a prospective new member in last night, a young chap in his 30's. Whats more he is a carpenter by trade so he's going to be in demand. Thats it for now, be back later.
  10. I hope someone remembers to change the batteries:>> http://www.10000yearclock.net
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. My cholesterol is very low, so low in fact that it once failed to register on the meter that didn't go below 3 and since then it has never registered above 3.8, as long as it stays that way I'm happy.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sun was shining this morning but a bit of high cloud arrived before things warmed up. Forecast is for a cold but dry weekend and continuing into next week with the possibility of snow, winter isn't finished with us yet. Best wishes to Debs, Mal and Andy and all other ailing ER's, be back later.
  13. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Baz, no food on Cathay? it wasn't supplied by KFC by any chance? My next door neighbours have put their house up for sale. The two kids are growing and with another on the way the house is just too small. I hope that they find a private buyer and not a buy to let landlord as often happens around here.
  14. This is what is now thought to have led to the loss of the USS Cyclops.
  15. If you want American vehicles suitable for 00 scale Tomica produced several American cars from the 70's era using a scale of 1/77. Best one was the Chevrolet pick-up that was good enough to be used straight from the box.
  16. I'll have the Standard 10 Companion please.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday Chris and you reminded me that I will reach the same landmark age in a few months time, in fact on the first day of our annual exhibition. Unlike Chris however I have avoided using chemical warfare and will try to do so for as long as I can but having said that I resorted to paracetamol last night as Arfur Itis was giving some of his wet weather warnings. Nice to hear that Debs is on the up and please pass on my good wishes. Muggertee calls so I'll be back later.
  18. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Still looking into suitable sheds, I've seen a metal one that looks as if its suitable, five feet by five feet and about two feet deep. A closer examination of the old shed revealed that moisture had gotten underneath the felt near the eaves and started rotting the timber and the snow we had recently had been blown inside. A new shed was needed soon as the old one had been there for nigh on thirty years with only a new coat of preservative every few years.
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