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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I did venture out earlier than usual and just as well that I did as the front edge of storm Emma was arriving about 11 o'clock. This was in the form of drizzley sleet that froze as soon as it touched the windows of the car. As I waited for the car to warm up I encountered the cockwomble of the day week month year. I live on a T junction and as I was about to move off I observed a Transit Connect van approaching the junction so I waited. Just as well as he attempted to do a left turn into my road. He was going far too fast to make the turn under normal conditions let alone the prevailing conditions. He ended up in a four wheel slide coming straight towards me! Fortunately he encountered the kerb and the van bounced off, he then regained control and just drove away.
  2. I remember the RMA 'airport' coaches on the 175 route when LT had such a severe shortage of buses that they went into service still in their BEA orange/white livery. One thing that struck me was that the seats were identical to those of the Greenline RCL coaches with the deep cushions and grey/maroon moquette.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Still a touch windy here but not as bad as it was. Strangely the snow on the road in front of the house instead of forming a solid icy mass as usual in the current conditions is disintegrating under the traffic instead which means my car can get a grip so that I can reverse onto my drive. If the forecast is anything to go by it will be prudent to shop a bit earlier today as Emma is forecast to dump some more snow on Estuary-Land this afternoon. Happy birthday Ian A and I'm glad to hear that Sherry's OK and fingers crossed for Debs.
  4. I've posted this on my Facebook page so Debs should be able to see it. And with that, goodnight all.
  5. You have to be a member to see it.
  6. I intend to be there with a young man celebrating his 10th birthday (and his dad, who is a bit older). The birthday boy will be wearing a badge telling everyone that he is 10, the wizzened old boy with him will be me so pop over and say hello.
  7. There were still some ship repair yards operating well into the 70's. A friend of mine was first mate on the Hoveringham IV, a suction gravel dredger that had been damaged in a storm. Whilst it was moored on the Thames awaiting its turn in the yard my friend invited me and some others for a tour of the vessel. This was about 1974/75.
  8. Having once owned a Reliant Kitten van I can attest to that.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I ventured out today to get the newspapers and a few extras such as porridge oats and some soups. The roads were not quite as good as they were yesterday, a bit more slush about on the main roads. A few more cockwombles about including one who forced me to brake, just as well my car has ABS but it was a near thing. I was going to suggest to Rick that perhaps the funeral could be delayed but the undertaker pre-empted me. Hope to hear from Debs here on ER's soon then we will know that she's certainly on the mend.
  10. Morning yet again from Estuary-Land. After this mornings missive I went back to bed for a while, upstairs is as warm as toast but downstairs the heating is struggling to get above 21 degrees C. despite all the radiators being hot. I know the reason, the local council in there wisdom decided to severely prune the vegetation to the side of the house and in doing do left a 'channel' for the wind to blast through between the end wall of the house and whats left of the shrubbery. The snow has just stopped falling here so if if it doesn't start again I might get out again. Nice to hear from Pete again, he obviously hasn't seen any of Ian A's snow reports.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit windy this morning, so windy in fact I at first thought it was more snow falling but its only being blown about by the wind. Fortunately the fences I had installed a couple of years ago have the effect of stopping the drifts from covering the path. Bin day today but at the moment mine are the only bin bags out for collection, nothing on the local council website re. cancellations. The heating has been running 24/7 and seems to be struggling to keep the temperature up to the one set on the thermometer. Great to hear from Debs and best wishes to her and other ailing ER's. Thats it for now, be back later.
  12. And they will be in pairs as well.
  13. They must have made quite a bit as I counted at least a dozen houses in my street showing their handiwork.
  14. The gas board shop in the fourth picture is also still there but all the surrounding buildings have gone.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I did manage to get out today, thanks to three enterprising young lads of about 11-12 years old. They were clearing paths including the public footpath in front of the houses and gritted/salted as well for £5 per time. Well worth the money as it enabled me to get out for newspapers and some milk as my usual delivery this morning unsurprisingly didn't arrive. When I did go out the main roads were pretty clear but almost empty and I only encountered one cockwomble, driving a Teutonic penile extention, coming in the opposite way and doing at least 45 mph (in a 30mph zone) and spattering slush everywhere including on my windscreen.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I will be staying indoors today, I doubt very much if anyone will turn up for the club tonight. At least six inches of snow outside now and if I want to go out I will have to dig the car out. Now time for a muggatee, be back later.
  17. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a bit of heavy snow at lunchtime but it was predicted by Arfur Itis exactly six hours previously. As soon as it finished I popped down to Tesco's to get the newspapers and a loaf of bread. As I entered the store I was 'caught short' and popped into the gents where I soon realised that my hands were colder than I thought. Note to self, use hand driers to warm hands first. I see it every day, as soon as I draw the curtains, 'cos I live there.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A slight dusting of snow here last night and so far thats just about it. Looks as if we will have to arrange emergency supplies of buttered toast and rice krispies for Debs, any volunteers? Remember anyone mentioning modelling is automatically volunteering. Just because I just mentioned the snow it has just started decending from the sky so I'd better shut up. I had a Facebook friend request from an attractive young lady this morning, most of her photographs were of her in a state of undress it took me some time to refuse her request but in the meantime Facebook had cancelled her account.
  19. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Commiserations to Ian for his loss. Great to hear that Debs and Mal are improving and I hope it keeps up. It must be snowing outside as even though I haven't looked out the hallway which has frosted glass windows is getting brighter as light is reflected by the snow. I noticed that my road had been gritted today, the first time I can remember it ever being done so, now all they have to do is repair the several potholes that have appeared recently, unless of course the grit is intended to fill them.
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