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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Heard the lesser spotted bin lorry this morning, two days early. However the bin bags are still where I left them last Thursday as are a few others down the road. I managed to catch a glimpse of it as it departed looking somewhat empty. My sister and her husband have a Ford Transit, with a caravan on the back.
  2. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The predicted rain didn't arrive this afternoon instead there was a fair ammount of sunshine. My grandmother had one of those invalid cars way back in the 60's, and got caught speeding in it a couple of times. She was one of the few women of her generation (born 1895) to hold a drivers licence though she never took a driving test.
  3. In one of those documentaries from the 50's and 60's where they try to predict the future one predicted that city gents would move to live in Victorian terraces in the East End. But not commuting in his own one man helicopter though.
  4. The UK is quite a fair way north. Edinburgh is further north than Moscow and if it wasn't for the Gulf Stream we would all be under several feet of snow and ice.
  5. Might be a bit wet though according to the long range forecast.
  6. In some modern cars the windscreen is part of the body structure. I once had a Nissan Prairie that had thin pillars all round and in fact had no 'B' pillar. It was written off when I was rear ended by a truck when it rolled over at least three times. The only injury I sustained was a cut finger on the broken glass. Even after the accident all the doors, including the sliding rear side doors operated and shut as normal.
  7. I am well aware of the blind spots on my car and I set my mirrors accordingly. Indeed, my car has very thick windscreen pillars that can easily hide a cyclist or motorcyclist. For that reason when at many road junctions I lean forward to check that the road is clear. The rear vision is even worse, from the interior mirror only a small area of the back window is visible, no more than about 20% and coupled with thick rear quarter panels leaves a blind spot thats wider than a motorcycle and rider, right where a motorcyclist would position himself to overtake. I wonder sometimes if drivers and motorcyclists take this into account.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not a lot to report this moan-day, will be off to do some shopping before the rain falls.
  9. One thing I find is that many motorcyclists weave in an out of traffic. On several occasions I have spotted a motorbike that then disappears only to reappear again where least expected. Some motorcyclists also seem to be unaware that on many vehicles that the area covered by the mirrors is very limited.
  10. Just read a few of the comments on Facebook, I couldn't find any complimentary ones. That reminds me of a boss I once had. He had just passed his test and bought himself a Mk. III Escort (FWD). He came into the office and coplained that he couldn't get the back wheels to spin. I was tempted to tell him to take it back to the dealer and complain but I didn't think I'd be able to keep a straight face. His next three cars were BMW's, say no more. (He probably thought they were front wheel drive.)
  11. Some people should not be given a pop rivet gun.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Warming up quite well here, the central heating is no longer trying to reach escape velocity. Speaking of which, I have an evaporation boiler but the condensation drain pipe goes straight into a convenient waste pipe from the bathroom and all inside the house so no problems with freezing. ChrisF, I too intend to visit the East Anglian show, I will be accompanied by my friend and his young son who will be 10 years old on the day so if you see a young lad with a badge proclaiming that he is 10 years old the wizzened old git with him will be me.
  13. I found some veggie fritters in the reduced items at Tesco's today so I thought I'll give them a try and they're quite good. However its been a windy evening and it looks like its going to be a windy night. :stinker: Goodnight all.
  14. I spotted a hen blackbird a couple of days ago looking for food in the snow.
  15. Wasn't it in one of the James Bond movies that one of the villains skied into a rotary snow plough resulting in pink snow?
  16. Morning yet again from Estuary-Land. Now bathed and breakfasted and muggatee # 2 awaits. Dom, as I discovered many years ago when I visited Germany the German school day was different from that in the UK. It usually started and finished earlier than in the UK, typically from 8 until 2 and included Saturdays for the older pupils. Mind you that was over forty years ago and things might have changed since. The snow and ice is disappearing rapidly and if the forecast is to be trusted should be gone by tomorrow. Just as well as next Saturday is my friends sons 10th birthday so as a birthday treat we are taking him to the Huntingdon show, I have a large badge proclaiming that the wearer is 10 for him to wear and no doubt he will be wearing his favourite Spiderman outfit. So if you attend the show and see a young lad so adorned the crabby old git with a beard and walking stick with him will be me.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. No snow overnight and the coating of snow that was on the car last night has disappeared. When I looked out earlier there was a bit of fatchy pog about but that has now gone. Not much else to report, be back later.
  18. One of my neighbours has a SiL who will park in the 4 metres or so between my drive and the corner and its a right PITA reversing onto my drive when he does so. Later this afternoon he was parked there. This is where the van bounced off of the kerb and I can't help thinking it would have been better if he had parked there this morning.
  19. The fastest coach I've ridden on was an AEC Reliance with an AH760 and a ZF 6 speed gearbox. It was at least third hand with a local coach operator. It was hired for a trip to Germany and it was able to reach in excess of 90 mph on the Autobahns, possibly it achieved the ton at some point. This was when the Autobahns were unlimited.
  20. Automatic and semi automatic buses have been around for a long time, almost 80 years.
  21. Cockwomble of the day week month year this morning. I live on the corner of a T junction, I was sitting in my car, on my drive waiting for the car to warm up. I saw this Connect van approaching the junction, a bit fast for the icy conditions. He then suddenly turned left into my road, got into a four wheel skid and headed straight for me. It was only the fact that his rear wheel hit and bounced off the kerb that he didn't hit me.
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