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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Another rabbit joke, Watership Down, you've read the book, seen the film but have you tried the stew? and with that I bid you goodnight.
  2. That will please my friends young son who is 'in to' buses.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The dustbin lorry dawn chorus continued until lunchtime, not unexpected as they had two weeks worth to collect. There was no collection of course last week due to the snow, last week was also 'bottle fortnight' but some idiots still put their bottles out this week. Rabbits aren't native to the British Isles either. They were bought over by the Normans after 1066.
  4. Some have mentioned dirty hands after gardening, working on the car etc. I have had lever taps fitted to all sinks and washbasins. These can easily be turned on and off using your wrist or upper arm.
  5. As I'm getting older filling and emptying the washing machine is becoming more difficult. I intend to move it and when doing so raise it a couple of feet off of the floor. I cant raise it where it stands now as its under a window.
  6. And it is obvious in the video that the traffic is travelling far to close together. This is why I often use the outer lanes as it simply is not safe to move overtake me.back into the inside lanes as there just isn't the space. And if I am travelling at the posted speed limit there would be no need for anyone to a
  7. So do old sleepers, telegraph poles and the wooden blocks that were used to surface some roads.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The wind is blowing hard outside but its quite mild. Neil, wallabies are running wild in several places in the UK including here in Essex. Its quite amazing how well they have adapted to the cooler climate. Getting prepared for a visit to the East Anglian model railway exhibition this Saturday, trying to work out if I can fit the walker into the car with only one half of the back seat folded down.
  9. Theres also some Fairy Fulmars that rolled off of the Ark Royal as she sank lying at the bottom of the Med. They were discovered a few years ago laying some distance from the wreck. I don't recall any mention of a recovery attempt, probably because they would most likely disintegrate being of largly wood and canvas construction.
  10. Not a Morcambe and Wise fan then?
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Arrived home from the club this evening to see that the end of my road was blocked off. Not exactly surprising as notice boards warning of road works have been posted for a couple of weeks. No problem getting home as there is a quick detour through the car park behind the local shops. I saw the trucks and a mini-digger being set up as I went out just after seven this evening.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit damp here this morning but forecast to dry up later. Last night I discovered a much sought after diecast model on E-bay, one that I have been after for years and that I never expected to find. What is more it comes as part of a set that also includes another rare model. A quick look through the vendors catalogue revealed plenty of other rarities. Mind you it wasn't cheap, not far short of £60 when you take postage into account.
  13. Have you watched American television?
  14. There was an item in the paper a few days ago about a woman who as a NHS manager was supplying goods and services to the NHS from a company that she and her husband operated. They had bought goods and services from a legitimate supplier and added up to 30% mark up. They were eventually caught and imprisoned. Now it has been discovered she was back again working for the NHS through an agency using a false name.
  15. IIRC the casualties were removed before the vessel was scuttled.
  16. Normally I reverse in to a parking bay but sometimes in the supermarket car park I will park nose in if the cars either side are reversed in. Then I can leave space to open my door and ditto the car on the right by moving over slightly. I am surprised at the number of vans I see parked nose in, when they reverse out they can see didley squat of whats behind them.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Heard the lesser spotted bin lorry this morning, two days early. However the bin bags are still where I left them last Thursday as are a few others down the road. I managed to catch a glimpse of it as it departed looking somewhat empty. My sister and her husband have a Ford Transit, with a caravan on the back.
  18. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The predicted rain didn't arrive this afternoon instead there was a fair ammount of sunshine. My grandmother had one of those invalid cars way back in the 60's, and got caught speeding in it a couple of times. She was one of the few women of her generation (born 1895) to hold a drivers licence though she never took a driving test.
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