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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Before I forget, happy birthday NHN.
  2. Weren't they based on the Discovery rather than the Range Rover? A moot point really as the Mk. 1 Discovery used the Range Rover chassis.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sun was shining this morning but its come over a bit cloudy now. Not a lot to do today apart from shopping but I'll have to sort out a replacement shed. The swelling of my legs has disappeared this morning but I'll watch things for the next few days. Thats it for now, be back later.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The swelling of my legs seems to have reduced somewhat. I have still booked a doctors appointment but its not until Thursday week, and I can always cancel if the problem disappears. Congrats to Neil on his anniversary.
  5. The AC engine, and likewise the Jowett flat twin date back to the Edwardian period and both engines had an extreamly long production period.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. There was a bit of thunder and lightening last night and the rain appears to have fallen all last night but now has stopped. I lost my mum over 30 years ago before mothers day became over commercialised, so it was just a card with which my mum was perfectly happy. That reminds me of when I was visiting a friend in Connecticut many years ago. It was October and the begining of the hunting season. I was advised not to venture into the woods as the hunters shot greater numbers of each other than they did the white tailed deer the intended target. The white tailed deer were one of the causes as the hunters followed the practice of the bears so the packing of camoflaged toilet paper was regarded as a neccessity after a few 'accidents'.
  7. The driver of the shuttle bus from the car park should also be complimented for his efforts. I found him to be helpful and friendly even under very trying circumstances. A thank you passed on to the coach company would not go amiss.
  8. Looks as if West London is the default answer if it hasn't got a clue. My accent is not even 'Estuary' as one might expect but Essex which is not that far away which comes to me from my mother and her mother who was born in Brentwood in the 1890's.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. My accent is also apparently West London but I and my anticedants have little if any connections to West London. The nearest I know of is a G-G-Grandfather who lived in Holbourne, and he harked from Devon.
  10. The car on the right is a Lancia Aprilia.
  11. And then you get a Cockwomble who drives onto a slip lane and stops at the end and then looks for a gap in the traffic. I followed one such onto the A14 yesterday and only just avoided hitting him by swerving into the line of traffic in the gap I was intending to enter by anyway.
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a good day at the East Anglian exhibition today despite a few trials and tribulations getting there. The A14 was horrendous, continuous roadworks from the M11 almost to Huntingdon. When we arrived there we were directed to the overflow car park 700 yards away. For various reasons we were not allowed to walk that distance and a hastily hired minibus was employed to ferry visitors to the venue which resulted in some having to queue for up to an hour until a full size coach was obtained. Once inside it was IMHO a very good show, very few layouts that I had seen before and all of high quality. I met ChrisF and had a short chat. I did spend a few modelling tokens as did my friend Richard and his young son John, he of the saucer sized badge proclaiming that he was 10 today thoroughly enjoyed his birthday treat.
  13. We arrived at 11.30 but could not get into the show until an hour later. This was of course due to having to use the overflow car park. Turning round and going home was not an option as we had spent over two hours getting there and the trip was a 10th birthday treat for the youngest of our group. I couldn't have walked 7 yards let alone 700 anyway. I thought the show was very good with excellent layouts and a good and varied selection of traders.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Got to be quick this morning as I'll be on my way to Huntingdon shortly. I will look out for Chris but I don't have a badge but I will be accompanied by a young man with a saucer sized badge proclaiming that he is 10 today. I will also be running over peoples toes with my wheeler. So bye for now, bbl.
  15. Up early in the morning to wend my way to the East Anglia exhibition so its goodnight all.
  16. Two Members of Parliament after a political meeting go into the saloon bar of a pub for a drink. One of the MP's has the family dog with them. While they were having their drink a man came in from the public bar and lifted the dogs tail, looked and went back into the public bar. A few minutes later another chap walks in and does the same thing followed by a third and a fourth. A fifth person walked in and one of the MP's asked what was going on. The man answered "They're saying that there's a dog in here with two @r$e holes."
  17. The one on the left is almost certainly an AEC (Mammoth?), it looks as if its a tanker. On the far right is a Guy (Vixen?) with a van body. The one in the centre is an RTL but you all know that.
  18. It was reported on the travel news on BBC2 that some trains had been damaged by ice and snow.
  19. Afternoon from Estuary-Land. The walker will fit in the car with only 2/3 of the back seat folded, result. The last few nights when getting ready for bed I've noticed that my left shin has been swollen, no pain whatsoever but it looked like Popeye the sailors forearm. I do get swollen ankles if I spend a lot of time on my feet hence the need for the walker for tomorrows exhibition. Everything is back to normal in the mornings and as there is no pain I'm not sure I should bother my GP over it.
  20. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Getting ready for a trip to the East Anglian exhibition tomorrow, drawn a few modelling tokens already. Its also my friends sons 10th birthday so they're coming with me. GDB, I bought my current car new but I had to wait an extra six weeks as the factory (in India) was on strike. Thats it for now, be back later.
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