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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I thought that blue lights were illegal except on emergency vehicles.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit grey here this morning but it might get sunny later. Your mum's paintings are a fantastic find Rick and I hope that they can be put on display permanently. Certainly we all have hidden talents but mine are so well hidden that even I can't find them. Muggertee 2 awaits so be back later.
  3. It has to be religion, politicians can't get their tiny minds around finescale.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Apologies for my last post, I should have said Simon not Mal. Thanks for that information re. the power supply Jamie, I'll take it down to the club Wednesday to have it checked out. The TV picture looks a lot sharper now the new wireless box has been installed and I've been watching some of the National Geographic programs, quite interesting program about Port Royal, Jamaica that was destroyed in an earthquake in 1692 and now lies underwater.
  5. Many birds do a 'spring clean' of the nest sight even when they use the same one every year.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit dull and overcast but fairly dry and Arfur Itis is not forecasting any rain. GDB get the back pain checked out, I suffered back pain for years and it turned out to be a kidney stone. I didn't discover it until it decided to leave of its own accord, very painful. After the engineer had left yesterday I spotted a loose connector under the table that holds my computer, tracing it back it was to an unplugged transformer/plug for the old hub, the engineer had forgotten to collect it, its marked clearly only to be used on that particular hub. Glad to hear that everything went well Rick and things are going well for Mal now we just have to wait for news from Debs. Thats it for now, be back later.
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a phone call this lunchtime from the engineer from Virgin. I was due to have an upgraded wireless hub and wireless TV box fitted Monday morning and he asked if it was OK to do it this afternoon to which I agreed. All installed in just over an hour and everything working perfectly, and broadband seems to be a bit faster.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Looks as if the weather will be OK today but the forecast for tomorrow isn't that great. Nothing planned for the weekend, I would like to go to Ally Pally but the idea of driving or using public transport is off putting somewhat. Perhaps he was taking the horse to see some of his relatives?
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Great to hear news from Debs and I'm sure she enjoys the 'black' humour of the paramedics. Bin day today so the usual bin lorry dawn chorus this morning including one that sounds like unlubricated flanges on a tight curve. A couple of extra bags for them this morning as I was on cleaning rota at the club last night. Thats it for now, be back later.
  10. Another source of 00 figures is the Airfix LCT (Landing Craft Tank). Two figures with the kit are wearing sou'westers and what looks like naval duffle coats. What I believe to be the remains of the petrol railcar may still exist. When the line was closed this was transported to IIRC Bicester where it was stripped down for use as a crane runner. It was offered up for auction within the last 5 or 6 years but I don't know if it was sold or scrapped.
  11. I haven't peeked, honest but the answer to the first question is Norway.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny but a tad cold this morning but the frost now has all but disappeared. As I thought its not possible to get a refund on the tickets for the steam trip to Bath next Tuesday so I'll have to offer them to members at tonights club meeting. I'd rather give them away than let them go to waste. Hope to hear some more news of Debs soon, bye for now, be back later.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny here this morning with just the odd bit of passing cloud. I will have to find out later today if I can cancel the tickets without any great loss but with only a week to go I very much doubt it. On the up side I can offer them to my fellow MRC members at the club meeting tomorrow night, I'd rather give them away than not use them at all. Thats it for now, hope to hear from Debs soon, be back later.
  14. Why do you think that the Invacars have all but disappeared. Wasn't a de-tuned version used in the Haflinger? In my local Tesco's they display 'Highways maintainence' or 'Paving contractor' instead.
  15. The van next to the gun would be the special magazine van for the gun. Not very clear in the photographs but it was mounted on two six wheel bogies. It was open at the end nearest the gun to facilitate transfer of shells. German rail guns had a similar arrangement, one even had its own built in narrow gauge track and wagons for moving the shells. I'm not sure if the magazine van would accompany the gun unless it was being relocated, it would probably remain on site if the gun was being repaired or replaced.
  16. Evening again from Estuary-Land. I have a problem, I booked four seats for the rail trip to Bath next Tuesday the 27th, and the people who said that they would like to take the other three seats have all dropped out. So I have three spare seats and only a week in which to fill them. The pick ups are Southend East, Upminster, Barking, Stratford and Slough if anyone is interested please PM me.
  17. Evening all from Estuary-Land. An interesting snip of film on Facebook, a transporter loaded with Transit vans tried to go under a low bridge. The inevitable happened and a van on the top struck the bridge. To make matters worse it was a skew bridge that twisted the van until it came in contact with one of the uprights of the transporter resulting in one very bent (banana shaped) Transit. Sorry I can't post it here, I still haven't got the hang of posting Facebook items. EDIT. FYI the road markings showed directions for A40(W) and A468 and there was a large direction sign in the distance showing a roundabout but too distant to read.
  18. More from ignorance and stupidity. The sub-humans are the ones who do such things for 'fun'.
  19. The coaches used would probably be quite old and likely to have been scrapped if not for the war. There might possibly a separate coach, first or second class for the officers but other ranks would have to settle for a none corridor compartment third if they were lucky.
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