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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Whats the difference between a Hippo and a Zippo? One's very heavy and the others a little lighter. Hat, coat and I'm outa here!
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Dull but dry here this morning and the seaweed wranglers reckon there might even be a strange yellow orb in the sky this afternoon. Spring is definitely on its way, during the trip out last Saturday the mayflower was coming out and I even spotted a hen pheasant from the train.
  3. Sounds like the wheels aren't quartered properly.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Trying to sort out somewhere to go this weekend, there are several options so I will ask my friend for his opinion. The weather forecast is the bright and sunny weather predicted for the weekend will continue into next week.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit overcast here this morning but not much sign of rain. Sorry to hear the news about Roberts father and Andy's son and I hope Chris can keep the black dog in the kennel where it belongs. Apart from doing a bit of shopping not a lot else to do today. I will be testing my weekend purchase, the Oxford 'Janus' in BP livery to see that everything works properly. Next weekend according to the seaweed wranglers is going to be dry and sunny, temps up to 18 degrees so a check on events that weekend will be neccessary. Bye for now, be back later.
  6. Evening all from Estuary-Land. By coincidence I have exactly the same qualifications. In woodwork class at school I was told that I made the best firewood. My subsequent efforts though I say it myself are not to bad.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Overslept this morning, mostly due to yesterdays exertions. On our way back from Mangapps we called into Tesco's, as we pulled in I saw a pidgeon that had been run over in the bay I was about to use. Fortunately it was in the middle of the bay so by parking the car over it I avoided getting anything unpleasant on the tyres and anyone treading in the same. When we came back however someone had parked close to the passenger side of the car so my friend and his young son had to wait for me to reverse out of the bay before getting into the car. It was then that the lad spotted the dead bird and became upset at the sight. Being in the back seat meant that he didn't see it on the way in.
  8. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a great day today at Mangapps despite arriving more than an hour before opening time. Made good use of the time though by decamping to the nearby model railway emporium where I managed to free a quantity of modelling tokens. My mate managed to outdo me though by buying a complete train as well as some Thomas the Tank Engine items for his lad. Had a good look round the museum and then we decided to have a look round Burnham-on-Crouch where we partook of an excellent fish-and-chip lunch. Its quite a shock to see how much the town has changed since I lived there 1983-88. Took a look at what was my then home a small cottage. When I owned it the front was painted an ivory colour, now it is painted in a pastel mauve colour, the only good thing about it is it is an improvement on the bright salmon pink someone painted it in the interim. We returned via the same model railway emporium and disposed of a few more modelling tokens.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Weather forecast is only for a few odd showers so off out shortly. Not having a SWMBO I can spend what I like on modelling, fortunately I can afford it. Thats it for now, be back later.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Off to Mangapps tomorrow morning, haven't visited the place for about 12 years. Decided to visit Stowe Maries some other time when it is a 'flying day'. The reason is that it's rather expensive, £19 for the three of us, adult, senior citizen and child. Are you going to change your name to Robert?
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Pete, filling stations manned by attendants are now a thing of the past in the UK. Theres only two or three left in the whole country. One (in Wales) was shown in a Facebook group recently with a young lady filling up a vintage car. FYI the group it was in is called 'The Golden Days of the Great British Petrol Station' well worth a look and an inspiration for some modelling. Thinking of Tony and Aditi and a get well soon to Debs, Simon and any other ailing ER's.
  12. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Paid my usual lunchtime visit to Tesco's for newspapers and bread. On the way out I decided to fill up my tank in readiness for the weekend trip. As the filler on my car is on the left I usually pick a pump that is left handed. There was only one such pump vacant so I headed for that only having to brake sharply because of henwomble grabbing the pump before me. She then continued to drag the hose across the back of her car as her filler was on the right. Just as well filling the tank isn't urgent so I'll fill it tomorrow or even Saturday morning.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Glad to hear that the funeral went as well as could be expected. Every time I read that I seem to get something in my eye. I've taken note of that and would like it read at my own funeral. A nice sunny day outside so I'm off to enjoy it, after muggertee II.
  14. Tony and Aditi. I can add nothing to what has been said already. Thoughts are with both of you.
  15. Most cars with two doors had tilting seats that were unsecured before about 1970.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Thinking of Tony and Aditi today.
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