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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. So theres another royal baby (yawn), not that I'm anti-royal its just the media circus that surrounds such an event. (A knighthood for me please for services to syncopathy.) As I said I am not a republican but what with the upcoming royal nuptials and the inevitable media frenzy I might seriously consider becoming one.
  2. No, he was as English as they come, my mother on the other hand was a confirmed royalist. As for myself, I'm no royalist but not a republican either.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sun is shining but not enough to bring out the pollen. Purchased a couple of books yesterday so there's a bit of reading to be done. My dad was a staunch republican, I can imagine his response, along the lines of "Another bl@@dy mouth for us to feed!"
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Set out in plenty of time for the exhibition, managed to avoid a lot of heavy traffic and arrived in Sudbury just about opening time to discover that the exhibition is in... Stowmarket! :banghead: I must be getting senile. Fortunately the route from Sudbury to Stowmarket was well signposted but took another hour to get there. Mitigated somewhat by the pleasant country road that was the route between the two towns and the bright sunny weather. It was a very good show and took far less time to get home. I was wrong about no rain last night, when I went to the car this morning the atmospheric dust had been deposited on the windscreen.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. No evidence here of any thunderstorms last night or this morning but feeling as if there should be. I was/am hoping for a short sharp one as it would clear the pollen though the hay fever is not that bad at the moment. C & C's to those ER's who require them especially Debs and Simon. Now for muggatee and then off to Sudbury.
  6. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Thanks for the heads up Tony about the traffic as I'm off to the Sudbury show tomorrow but first I have to collect my friend and his young son from Benfleet first. I hope that by making an early start I can avoid the worst of the traffic so it looks like I'll have to start half an hour earlier to make sure.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit cooler this morning, I heard the heating going for a short while early on which meant that when I had my bath the towels having been on the heated towel rail were nice and crisp. Andy, sorry to hear of your former colleague but surely those above your old boss must be aware of his bullying? Running a bit late so C & C's where neccessary and be back later.
  8. I'm not going to Google that one!
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I was an even earlier riser this morning, nearly an hour earlier than my usual time. However that extra hour seems to have evaporated I know not where. Making plans for the weekend, paying a visit to the Sudbury show on Sunday, got to think about the route but it seems there is no way of avoiding Braintree* without a large detour. The garden needs a lot of tidying but it does not take long for the hay fever to come into play so thats waiting until its a bit cooler. C & C's to all ER's, be back later.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I must have missed the bin lorries dawn chorus this morning due to the accidently extended eyelid inspection. I had a colleague who had previously worked for the Co-op funeral service as a driver. He was sacked from that job when he was fined for speeding in a hearse. He had been sent to collect an (empty) coffin and got caught doing 88 mph on the A11. The hearse was a then brand new Daimler, basically a stretched Jaguar Mk. X. The police had assumed it was stolen thats why he was stopped.
  11. I have cotton buds that come in a plastic box. Once the cotton buds are finished I have plenty of uses for the plastic box. (the cotton buds are bio-degradable)
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit late this morning as after my bath this morning I decided to have a few minutes eyelid inspection, that few minutes turned into a couple of hours so I've just started on brunch, now got to rush a bit so its be back later.
  13. Not forgetting the Sin, the Wail and the Excess.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The sunshine is nice but with it comes hay fever, just as well the car has pollen filters. When it comes to idiots using mobiles whilst driving I think the same penalties should apply as drink driving. Generic c&c's to all, be back later.
  15. The LNER used the entire alphabet for classification except for the letter 'I' because it might be confused with the number 1. The letter 'Z' was originally allocated to 'odd' wheel arrangements but in the end only covered 0-4-2 types. Classes U, V and W did not exist on the LNER at grouping but were added when such types came into use. The V class (2-6-2) included four types of locomotives but class U (Beyer-Garrett) and W (4-6-4) were one offs. The only class to have two different wheel arrangements was the 'X' class which was for single drivers which had both 4-2-2 and 2-2-4T types. At the grouping the Letters U, V and W were vacant but were eventually used.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny with the odd cloud this morning. I forgot yesterday about my driving licence application so I'll have to make a point of doing it today. I spoke to my sister last night, she and her husband have a motor caravan and although it is based on a Ford Transit, and not the biggest one either it tips the scales at nearly four tonnes so over the 3:5 tonnes so it looks as if keeping the 'extras' on your licence might be a good idea. I have to get the photograph taken as well but they might be able to tell me if my bus pass is acceptable as a 'travel document', although the photograph is nine years old I don't seem to have changed much.
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