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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny here this morning but a bit muggy. I made a mistake about the lightening strike yesterday, I'm sure they said Southend on the news but it was Stanstead not Southend. Mal, I fully concur with what others have suggested about the daughters (now hopefully ex) bf. I knew of another young lady who was similarily treated, but she had two rugby playing big brothers. The bf was found dumped in the middle of nowhere not only without any means of getting home and without any clothes as well!
  2. Are they scrapping railway enthusiasts now?
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Made it to Railex only about half an hour later than expected, largely due to my needing a couple of stops to keep my bladder from protesting. I didn't knowingly meet up with any ER's, then the only one of those there who I had met previously was Chris. We returned home by the same A414 route and between the M11 and Chelmsford we found ourselves following a vintage 1950's Bedford SB/Duple coach that despite being 60+ years old was batting along nicely at 50 mph. When I got home I looked up the company whose name was on the coach, Lodge Coaches of High Easter to discover they have two other vintage coaches for hire. Spent quite a few modelling tokens at the show, on some low relief buildings and a baseboard extension for my planned micro layout. As I said this morning the storms last night seems to have passed me by, also passing my friends home in South Benfleet. However it was reported that the aircraft refuelling system at Southend Airport had been put out of action after being struck by lightning! This is only about 6 miles from me and even closer to my friends abode.
  4. Travelling home from Railex via the A414 we were pleasantly surprised to find ourselves behind a vintage Bedford SB/Duple coach. It is operated by this company. http://www.lodgecoaches.co.uk/index.php click on the site and then click on 'vintage fleet'.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. If there were any thunderstorms hereabouts last night I must have slept right through them. Very muggy here this morning so it might be that the storms missed us. Getting ready for Railex, might chance the M25 but will have to check the traffic news. Got to get ready so best wishes to those that require them, be back after Railex.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit of hazy sun this morning and somewhat muggy, thunderstorms predicted but where they will happen is in the lap of the gods. Getting ready for Railex, just need to go down to the ATM for some modelling tokens. As I said I am avoiding the M25 and using the A414 instead even though it might add a bit extra time to the journey. My friend who is going with me lives not far from Tony in South Benfleet so to pick him up I will have to negotiate the dreaded Sadlers Farm roundabout which will be chocker this weekend. I'll be checking on Facebook shortly and will send my good wishes to Debs. Best wishes to all here that require them, be back later.
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Congrats to Geoff and his missus for 50 years entwined. I do admit to owning a suit but its older than Geoff has been married! In fact it was purchased for my first job on leaving school 54 years ago. Mind you it was mandatory back then working within the City of London. My first job was with Kearley & Tongue in Mitre Square where Jack the Ripper murdered one of his victims 130 years ago. A fascinating place back then as it was mostly unchanged from the days of the Ripper. The office I worked in though we had modern desks had around the walls high desks with wooden stools. In the cupboards were ledgers from Victorian times written in immaculate copperplate handwriting. I don't know what became of them as the buildings around the square were demolished many years ago. If you wash it it will only get dirty again so why bother?
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit of dampness this morning but none of it falling from the sky. When it comes to satorial elegance the best description of myself is scruffy, and it has always been so. Even in school photographs from 60 or so years ago you could always pick me out as the one with the uncombed hair and shirt tails hanging out, nothing much has changed since except there is less hair (not) to comb.
  9. So it was you back in 2005.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The bin wagons dawn chorus has been and gone, including the fortnightly glass and bottle which has the ability to waken the dead. Chris, I should be at Railex on Sunday but I don't know at what time. I'm planning to go via the A414, the M25 is not appealing at any time and on a sunny bank holiday weekend, forget it. On the subject of second homes one thing that annoys me is that the owners only pay half council tax. If you can afford a second home you can afford to pay the full council tax, after all you don't get only half the street lighting or half the roads repaired. (For that matter that only occurs where there are few if any second homes.)
  11. I didn't see any mention of period. Many MK's were de-mobbed from the late 80's onward following the end of the cold war.
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. A quick look in as I'm off to the club shortly, be back later.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A tad nippy last night, so nippy that the heating kicked in first thing this morning. However tonight is predicted to be a lot warmer and with a few thunder storms for good measure. Now to compile a shopping list and dispose of those Tesco vouchers that arrived at the weekend. Bye for now, be back later.
  14. Thank you. The French wagons that were out of gauge are probably those that ended up at Bicester and Longmoor.
  15. Is there a definitive list of continental rolling stock that was in the UK at the time of Dunkirk? I am aware of some French stock that was used on some military railways but was there any other stock put to use elseware. Also apart from the French stock was stock from other countries trapped in the UK.
  16. They did use some French ferry vans trapped on this side of the Channel after the fall of France.
  17. Evening all from Estuary-Land. As I popped out this moring I spoke to my neighbour and I mentioned that this hot and sunny weather is due to last right through the bank holiday. He then informed me that he had heard that it will last much longer and it might even beat 1976, phew! More commonly known as 'The gut'.
  18. Mine arrived last week.
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