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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Even early Hyundais are getting rare nowadays, partly because like many 80's cars they were caught up in the scrappage scheme. A few months ago I espied a Hyundai Pony pick-up on E-bay, the asking price was £20,000! Mind you that had been restored better than new and it was being sold by a dealer.
  2. They like well tilled aeriated soil,* with mine once the plants had died off I pulled them up by the roots and dug the remains in. If you give the places where you scattered the seeds a good digging you might be surprised by them coming up. *This is how the poppy came to symbolise remembrance, after WW1 the battlefields became covered with poppies as the soil had been churned up by the shells exploding. (Not that I'm suggesting that you use high explosives to turn your garden over.)
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Turned out to be quite sunny today once the overcast had burnt off. Just as well as I had a few self sown poppies last year in the front garden, I allowed them to go to seed and now there is a mass of them so I'm looking towards a massive display in a few weeks time.
  4. I understand the problem with the Waterloo and City 1940 stock was asbestos, they were full of the stuff. The one surviving car housed in the LTM's Acton depot is covered with warning signs about the asbestos.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit grey this morning but dry and forecast to stay that way. I was discussing with my friend going to the Chatham show today but as he had booked the roofer to recover a leaking flat roof today we had to drop the idea. The roof was re-felted only seven years ago so this time he's having it covered with some new material that I think is some sort of neoprene. I had my flat roof re-covered about 25 years ago with fibreglass, very expensive, about four times the cost of normal materials but as the roof is still watertight it was worth it. Unfortunately a fibreglass roof is beyond my friends means so he had to opt for the next best thing. I see the forum is carrying ads for diarrhoea treatment, is this Andy Y hinting that we suffer this of the verbal kind? Thats it for now, muggatee awaits, be back later.
  6. The locomotives converted to battery electric were the Schoma diesel hydraulics. Not all of them were converted, about four were not and if these are available they might prove suitable for hauling the 1938 stock if the latter was converted to hauled stock.
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Great to have Debs back, welcome back Debs. My Facebook is still acting strangely, still got everything in sh!t order but at least its putting everything in the same sh!t order. In fact I am now checking through the posts quicker than before as I only check those groups where posts have been made. Mugatee awaits so back later.
  8. I wonder if TfL have any battery locomotives going spare?
  9. Morning yet again from Estuary-Land. The problem with Facebook still persists so I think it might be an idea to remove some of the rarely active and moribund groups to make it easier to manage. The bin wagons dawn chorus is in full swing having been delayed by the bank holiday. Brightening up now after this mornings dull start but should (?) stay dry. Muggatee awaits so bye for now.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Earlier riser than usual this morning to try and sort out a problem with my Facebook page. When I went on to it last night I found my 80+ groups in sh!t order. Whats more instead of moving any read group to the top of the list it remains in the same position on the list. Now to try and sort it out, be back later.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Went into Tesco's today, they had tins of shortbread biscuits marked down to 75p so I grabbed one, something to do with some wedding or the other a couple of weeks ago. So first muggatee poured to help test them out.
  12. The same could be applied to light rail stock. Also if such stock was leased it could save a lot of the costs of replacement stock.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A few more bits for the micro layout arrived just a few minutes ago, banana couplings for coupling the boards and the electrics together at the same time. Ian, I think you've done the right thing for your health, and your sanity. Hopefully you have some leave saved up and you can get out of the rat race ASAP. When I retired they faffed and f@rted about so much (it was early retirement) that it was only agreed six weeks before my actual retirement date, and I had the same number of weeks leave entitlement left. In the end they begged me to work for the first two of those weeks which meant that for those two weeks I was paid double. Thats it for now, be back later.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Like Chris its taken me a day or two to recover from the exertions of Sunday, plus the effects of the curry I had for lunch in the cafeteria :stinker: that lasted until yesterday morning. As usual I took my friend with me, we have been discussing having him added to my car insurance so he can help with the driving. I telephoned my insurance broker to make enquiries about the cost, £14 a month! so thats knocked that on the head. Nothing from Debs recently, hope everythings going as it should and C & C's to all other ER's who need them.
  15. No, but it means that next year we all show our knees. For that matter if we did it would it help to identify fellow RMwebbers?
  16. At the show on Sunday I at first thought I had run over someones foot with the stroller but it turned out to be the cables to the layouts taped to the floor. I try to avoid running into people with the stroller but it seems to have a strange affinity for the ankles of people wearing rucksacks.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A small shower this morning with a bit of thunder in the distance but at least its cleared the air. Looking at the Railex 2018 thread this morning there was a pic of a group of RMWebbers with probably some ER's entwined with yours truly in the background, not that my ugly mug is visible. I'm the one with the stroller laden with bags of goodies hiding behind the chap with the red shirt (Bill?).
  18. I don't think it was me though I appear in that shot, hiding behind the chap in the red shirt (Bill Bishop?), with the well laden stroller.
  19. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Jamie mentioning school reports reminded me that I found my old secondary school report book the other day. The classes were formed into four streams, A, B, C and D. I was initially placed in form 1C, however at the end of the year I was top of the class and the following year was 'promoted' to 2B. where I remained in the B stream for the rest of my schooling, usually neither top nor bottom of the class. A bit like the football league, promoted to the championship but never made the premiership. I did manage to leave school with 4 O levels but I was never once asked to show proof of them during my working life.
  20. A great show, my personal favourite was Burtisland 1883, the attention to detail is amazing, and almost all scratch built, Hornsey Broadway is also a favourite. Also nice to have some decent catering. I will certainly be attending next years show. As an aside a 'bonus' on the way home. I went via the A414 and between the M11 and Chelmsford we found ourselves following a vintage Bedford SB/Duple coach, not that we were held up by it as it was batting along at about 50 mph.
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